Works of Sri Aurobindo

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-20_Certitude-the-Divine Grace.htm



We must march on with the quiet certitude that what has to be done will be done.

 6 July 1954  

Certitude: assured and calm it never argues.  


Certitude of victory: it is not noisy but it is sure.  



The Supreme has sent his Grace into the world to save it.  


It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it.  


Justice is the strict logical determinism of the movements of Universal Nature. Illnesses are this determinism applied to the material body. The medical mind, basing itself upon this ineluctable Justice, strives to bring about conditions that should lead logically to good health. The moral consciousness acts in  

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the same way in the social body and tapasya in the spiritual domain.

The Divine Grace alone has the power to intervene and change the course of Universal Justice. The great work of the Avatar is to manifest the Divine Grace upon earth. To be a disciple of the Avatar is to become an instrument of the Divine Grace. The Mother is the great dispensatrix through identity of the Divine Grace, with a perfect knowledge through identity of the absolute mechanism of Universal Justice.

And through her mediation each movement of sincere and confident aspiration towards the Divine calls down in response the intervention of the Grace.

            Who can stand before Thee, Lord, and say in all sincerity, “I have never made a mistake”? How many times in a day we commit faults against Thy work, and always Thy Grace comes to efface them!

Without the intervention of Thy Grace, who would not often times have come under the merciless blade of the Law of Universal Justice?

Each one here represents an impossibility to be solved, but as for Thy Divine Grace all is possible. Thy Work will be, in the detail as in the whole, the accomplishment of all these impossibilities transformed into divine realisations.

 15 January 1933  

Divine Grace, Thy goodness is infinite. We bow before Thee in gratitude.



What is the rationale of Divine Grace? Is not the Supreme Mother always ready with Her Grace for those who can call it down?



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      Is it not true that even most of the seekers after God cannot call it down? And yet they can receive it if someone, a guru or avatar, has once called it down within him. Is it so?




So can we conclude that Divine Grace works best when it is established in the earth consciousness? Is it the aim of your endeavour to establish it permanently?




Please explain to me the whole principle.


The Divine Grace cannot be explained through words and mental formulas.

 7 April 1939  

It is only the Divine’s Grace that can give peace, happiness, power, light, knowledge, beatitude and love in their essence and their truth.

 30 November 1954  

Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace?

All are children of the one and the same Mother.

Her love is equally spread over all of them.

But to each one She gives according to his nature and receptivity.  

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Say “I have received his Grace: I must be worthy of it”, and then all will be well.  


Let us give ourselves without reserve to the Divine, so best shall we receive the Divine Grace.  


The Grace is equally for all. But each one receives it according to his sincerity. It does not depend on outward circumstances but on a sincere aspiration and openness.


Right use of the granted Grace: no deformation, no diminution, no exaggeration a clear sincerity.


Call of the Divine Grace: not noisy but persistent and very perceptible to those who know how to listen.




Whenever there is sincerity and goodwill, the Divine’s help also is there.

 19 April 1954  

Be ever one-pointed in your surrender and sincere in your aspiration and you will constantly feel the presence of the Divine’s help and guidance. 

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With the Divine’s help nothing is impossible.

 7 June 1954 

For nobody would sadhana be possible without the Divine’s help. But the help is always there.  


The help is always there.

It is you who must keep your receptivity living.

The Divine help is much vaster than what any human being is able to receive.

                 28 December 1972  

Those who will be able to become receptive by the mastery of the psychic upon the ego, will know what this help is and will have the full benefit of it.


Everyone is given his chance and the help is there for all but for each the benefit is proportionate to his sincerity.


Divine help: modest in appearance, powerful in action.  

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