Letters of Sri Aurobindo
The Mother







Publisher's Note








The Mother


Q: Do you not refer to the Mother (our Mother) in your book "The Mother"?


A: Yes.



Q: Is She not the "Individual" Divine Mother who has embodied "the power of these two vaster ways of existence" - Transcendent and Universal?


A: Yes.



Q: Has She not descended here (amongst us) into Darkness and Falsehood and Error and Death in her deep and great love for us?


A: Yes.



The Mother's Divinity


Q: There are many who hold the view that She was human but now embodies the Divine Mother and Her prayers, they hold, explain this view. But, to my mental conception, to my psychic feeling, She is the Divine Mother who has consented to put on her the cloak of obscurity and suffering and ignorance so that She can effectively lead us - human beings - to Knowledge and Bliss and Ananda and to Him. I also conceive that Her prayers are meant to show us - the aspiring psychic - how to pray to the Divine?


A: Yes. The Divine puts on an appearance of humanity, assumes the outward human nature in order to tread the path and show it to human beings, but does not cease to be the "Divine". It is a manifestation that takes place, a manifestation of a growing Divine consciousness, not human turning into divine. The Mother was inwardly above the human even in childhood. So the view held by "many" is erroneous.





The Mother's Embodiment of Transcendent Grace


Q: Why does the Mother in her universal action act according to the law of things, but in her embodied physical by constant Grace?


A: It is the work of the Cosmic Power to maintain the cosmos and the law of the cosmos. The greater transformation comes from the Transcendent above the universal and it is that transcendent Grace which the embodiment of the Mother is there to bring to action.





Purpose of the Mother's Embodiment


Q: Am I right in thinking that She as an Individual embodies all the Divine Powers and brings down the Grace more and more to the physical plane? And her embodiment is a chance for the entire physical to change and transform?


A: Yes. Her embodiment is a chance for the earth-consciousness to receive the Supramental into it and to undergo first the transformation necessary for that to be possible. Afterwards there will be a further transformation by the Supramental, but the whole consciousness will not be supramentalised - there will be first a new race representing the Supermind, as man represents the mind.





Purpose of the Mother's Descent


The Mother comes in order to bring down the Supramental and it is the descent which makes full manifestation here possible.





As The Divine Shakti


There is one divine Force which acts in the universe and in the individual and is also beyond the individual and the universe. The Mother stands for all these, but she is working here in the body to bring down something not yet expressed in this material world so as to transform life here - it is so that you should regard her as the Divine Shakti working here for that purpose. She is that in the body, but in her whole consciousness she is also identified with all the other aspects of the Divine.



Omnipresence of the Mother




Q: You have said: "Always behave as if the Mother was looking at you; because she is indeed, always present." - does Mother know all our insignificant thoughts always or only when she concentrates?


A: It is said that the Mother is always present and looking at you. This does not mean that in her physical mind she is thinking of you always and seeing your thoughts. There is no need of that, since she is everywhere and acts everywhere out of her universal knowledge.






Q: In what sense is the Mother everywhere - does Mother know all happenings in the physical plane?


A: Including what Lloyd George had for breakfast today or what Roosevelt said to his wife about the servants? Why should the Mother "know" in the human way all happenings in the physical plane? Her business in her embodiment is to know the workings of the universal forces and use them for her works; for the rest she knows what she needs to know sometimes with her inner self, sometimes with her physical mind. All knowledge is available in her universal self, but she brings forward only what is needed to be brought forward so that the working is done.





Utility of Physical Approach to the Mother


There is the utility of the physical approach to the Mother - the approach of the embodied mind and vital to her embodied Power. In her universal action the Mother acts according to the law of things - in her embodied physical action is the opportunity of a constant Grace - it is for that that the embodiment takes place.





Many Appearances and Personalities of the Mother


The Mother has not only one appearance, but many at different times. Behind the physical body there are many forms and powers and personalities of the Mother.





Identity of Sri Aurobindo's and the Mother's Consciousness


The Mother's consciousness and mine are the same, the one Divine Consciousness in two, because that is necessary for the play. Nothing can be done without Her knowledge and force, without Her consciousness. If anybody really feels her consciousness he should know that I am there behind it and if he feels me, it is the same with Hers.



Mother's Leaning Down to Lower Consciousness




CERTAINLY. If we had lived physically in the Supermind from the beginning nobody could have been able to approach us nor could any sadhana have been done. There could have been no hope of contact between ourselves and the earth and the men. Even as it is, Mother has to lean down towards the lower consciousness of the sadhaks instead of keeping always in her own, otherwise they begin to say "How far away, how severe you



were; you do not love me, I get no help from you, etc. etc." The Divine has to veil himself in order to meet the human.




You consider that the Mother can be of no help to you.... If you cannot profit by her help, you would find still less profit in mine. But, in any case, I have no intention of altering the arrangement I have made for all the disciples without exception that they should receive the light and force from her and not directly from me and be guided by her in their spiritual progress. I have made the arrangement not for any temporary purpose but because it is the one way, provided always the disciple is open and receives, that is true and effective (considering what she is and her power).
