


Part One

Essays from the Karmayogin (1909 – 1910)


The Ideal of the Karmayogin


Man — Slave or Free?

Yoga and Human Evolution

Yoga and Hypnotism

The Greatness of the Individual

The Process of Evolution

Stead and the Spirits

Stead and Maskelyne

Fate and Free-Will

The Three Purushas

The Strength of Stillness

The Principle of Evil

The Stress of the Hidden Spirit


Part Two

The Yoga and Its Objects (circa 1912)


The Yoga and Its Objects

Appendix: Explanations of Some Words and Phrases



Part Three

Writings from the Arya (1914 – 1921)


Notes on the Arya

The “Arya’s” Second Year

Appendix: Passages Omitted from “Our Ideal”

The "Arya's" Fourth Year


On Ideals and Progress

On Ideals

Yoga and Skill in Works

Conservation and Progress

The Conservative Mind and Eastern Progress

Our Ideal


The Superman

The Superman

All-Will and Free-Will

The Delight of Works




The Inconscient



Thoughts and Glimpses


Thoughts and Glimpses





The Problem of Rebirth

Section I: Rebirth and Karma


The Reincarnating Soul

Rebirth, Evolution, Heredity

Rebirth and Soul Evolution

The Significance of Rebirth

The Ascending Unity

Involution and Evolution


Karma and Freedom

Karma, Will and Consequence

Rebirth and Karma

Karma and Justice


Section II: The Lines of Karma

The Foundation

The Terrestrial Law

Mind Nature and Law of Karma

The Higher Lines of Karma

Appendix I: The Tangle of Karma

Appendix II: A Clarification


Other Writings from the Arya

The Question of the Month

The Needed Synthesis

“Arya” — Its Significance


Different Methods of Writing

Occult Knowledge and the Hindu Scriptures

The Universal Consciousness


The News of the Month

The News of the Month


South Indian Vaishnava Poetry

Andal: The Vaishnava Poetess

Nammalwar: The Supreme Vaishnava Saint and Poet


Arguments to The Life Divine

Arguments to The Life Divine


Part Four

From the Standard Bearer (1920)





Part Five

From the Bulletin of Physical Education (1949 – 1950)


The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth


Perfection of the Body

The Divine Body

Supermind and the Life Divine

Supermind and Humanity

Supermind in the Evolution

Mind of Light

Supermind and Mind of Light




Stead and the Spirits


CONSIDERABLE attention has been attracted and excitement created by the latest development of Mr W T Stead's agency for communicant spirits which he calls Julia's Bureau The supposed communications of Mr Gladstone, Lord Beaconsfield and other distinguished politicians on the question of the Budget have awakened much curiosity, ridicule and even indignation The ubiquitous eloquence of Lord Curzon has been set flowing by what he considers this unscrupulous method of pressing the august departed into the ranks of Liberal electioneering agents, and he has penned an indignant letter to the papers in which there is much ornate Curzonian twaddle about sacred mysteries and the sanctities of the grave If there is anything at all in the alleged communications from departed souls which have become of increasing interest to the European world, it ought to be fairly established that the grave is nothing but a hole in the earth containing a rotting piece of matter with which the spirit has no farther connection, and that the spirit is very much the same after death as before, takes much interest in small, trivial and mundane matters and is very far from regarding his new existence as a solemn, sacred and mysterious affair If so, we do not see why we either should approach the departed spirit with long and serious faces or with any more unusual feelings than curiosity, interest and eagerness to acquire knowledge of the other world and communication with those we knew and loved in this, in fact, the ordinary human and earthly feelings existing between souls sundered by time and space, but still capable of communication But Lord Curzon still seems to be labouring under the crude Christian conception of the blessed dead as angels harping in heaven whose spotless plumes ought not to be roughly disturbed by human breath and of spiritual communication as a sort of necromancy, the spirit of


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Mr Gladstone being summoned from his earthy bed and getting into it again and tucking himself up comfortably in his coffin after Julia and Mr Stead have done with him We should have thought that in the bold and innovating mind of India's only Viceroy these coarse European superstitions ought to have been destroyed long ago

It is not, however, Lord Curzon but Mr Stead and the spirits with whom we have to deal We know Mr Stead as a pushing and original journalist, not always over-refined or delicate either in his actions or expressions, skilful in the advertisement of his views, excitable, earnest, declamatory, loud and even hysterical, if you will, in some of his methods, but certainly neither a liar nor a swindler He does and says what he believes and nothing else It is impossible to dismiss his Bureau as an imposture or mere journalistic réclame It is impossible to dismiss the phenomena of spirit communications, even with all the imposture that unscrupulous money-makers have imported into them, as unreal or a deception All that can reasonably be said is that their true nature has not yet been established beyond dispute There are two conceivable explanations, one that of actual spirit communication, the other that of vigorously dramatised imaginary conversations jointly composed with wonderful skill and consistency by the subconscious minds, whatever that may be, of the persons present, the medium being the chief dramaturge of this subconscious literary Committee This theory is so wildly improbable and so obviously opposed to the nature of the phenomena themselves, that only an obstinate unwillingness to admit new facts and ideas can explain its survival, although it was natural and justifiable in the first stages of investigation There remains the explanation of actual spirit communication But even when we have decided on this hypothesis as the base of our investigation, we have to be on our guard against a multitude of errors; for the communications are vitiated first by the errors and self-deceptions of the medium and the sitters, then by the errors and self-deceptions of the communicant spirits, and, worst of all, by deliberate deceit, lies and jugglery on the part of the visitants from the other world The element of deceit and  


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jugglery on the part of the medium and his helpers is not always small, but can easily be got rid of Cheap scepticism and cheaper ridicule in such matters is only useful for comforting small brains and weak imaginations with a sense of superiority to the larger minds who do not refuse to enquire into phenomena which are at least widespread and of a consistently regular character The true attitude is to examine carefully the nature of the phenomena, the conditions that now detract from their value and the possibility of removing them and providing perfect experimental conditions which would enable us to arrive at a satisfactory scientific result Until the value of the communications is scientifically established, any attempt to use them for utilitarian, theatrical or yet lighter purposes is to be deprecated, as such misuse may end in shutting a wide door to potential knowledge upon humanity

From this point of view Mr Stead's bizarre experiments are to be deprecated The one redeeming feature about them is that, as conducted, they seem to remove the first elementary difficulty in the way of investigation, the possibility of human deceit and imposture We presume that he has got rid of professional mediums and allows only earnest-minded and honourable investigators to be present But the other elements of error and confusion are encouraged rather than obviated by the spirit and methods of Mr Stead's Bureau First, there is the error and self-deception of the sitters The spirit does not express himself directly but has to give his thoughts at third hand; they come first to the intermediary spirit, Julia or another, by her they are conveyed to the human medium and through him conveyed by automatic or conscious speech or writing to the listeners It is obvious how largely the mind of the medium and, to a smaller but still great extent, the thought-impressions of the other sitters must interfere, and this without the least intention on their part, rather in spite of a strong wish in the opposite direction Few men really understand how the human mind works or are fitted to watch the processes of their own conscious and half-conscious thought even when the mind is disinterested, still less when it is active and interested in the subject of communication The sitters interfere, first, by putting in their own thoughts and expressions  


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suggested by the beginnings of the communication, so that what began as a spirit conversation ends in a tangle of the medium's or sitters' ideas with the little of his own that the spirit can get in now and then They interfere not only by suggesting what they themselves think or would say on the subject, but by suggesting what they think the spirit ought dramatically to think or say, so that Mr Gladstone is made to talk in interminable cloudy and circumambient periods which were certainly his oratorical style but can hardly have been the staple of his conversation, and Lord Beaconsfield is obliged to be cynical and immoral in the tone of his observations They interfere again by eagerness, which sometimes produces replies according to the sitters' wishes and sometimes others which are unpleasant or alarming, but in neither case reliable This is especially the case in answers to questions about the future, which ought never to be asked It is true that many astonishing predictions occur which are perfectly accurate, but these are far outweighed by the mass of false and random prediction These difficulties can only be avoided by rigidly excluding every question accompanied by or likely to raise eagerness or expectation and by cultivating entire mental passivity The last however is impossible to the medium unless he is a practised Yogin, or in a trance, or a medium who has attained the habit of passivity by an unconscious development due to long practice In the sitters we do not see how it is to be induced Still, without unemotional indifference to the nature of the answer and mental passivity the conditions for so difficult and delicate a process of communication cannot be perfect

Error and self-deception from the other side of the veil cannot be obviated by any effort on this side; all that we can do is to recognise that the spirits are limited in knowledge and cabined by character, so that we have to allow for the mental and moral equation in the communicant when judging the truth and value of the communication Absolute deception and falsehood can only be avoided by declining to communicate with spirits of a lower order and being on guard against their masquerading under familiar or distinguished names How far Mr Stead and his circle have guarded against these latter errors we cannot  


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say, but the spirit in which the sittings are conducted, does not encourage us to suppose that scrupulous care is taken in these respects It is quite possible that some playful spirit has been enacting Mr Gladstone to the too enthusiastic circle and has amused himself by elaborating those cloudy-luminous periods which he saw the sitters expected from the great deceased Opportunist But we incline to the view that what we have got in this now famous spirit interview, is a small quantity of Gladstone, a great deal of Stead and a fair measure of the disembodied Julia and the assistant psychics  


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