Prayers And Meditations


Enlarge Edition - 1948




Pre Contents



November 2

November 3

November 19



December 2

December 3

December 5

December 7

December 10

December 11




February 5

February 8

February 10

February 12

March 13

May 11

June 15

June 17

June 18

June 27

July 21

July 23

August 2

August 8

August 15

August 16

August 17

October 7

November 22

November 25

November 28

November 29

December 13

December 16



December 29






January 1

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 11

January 12

January 13

January 19

January 24

January 29

January 30

January 31





May 2

May 3

May 4

May 9

May 10

May 12

May 13

May 15

May 16

May 17

May 18

May 19

May 20

May 21

May 22

May 23

May 24

May 25

May 26

May 27

May 28

May 29

May 31








August 2

August 3

August 4

August 5

August 6

August 8

August 9

August 11

August 13

August 16

August 17

August 18

August 20

August 21

August 24

August 25

August 26

August 27

August 28

August 29

August 31






September 1

September 4

September 5

September 6

September 9

September 10

September 13

September 14

September 16

September 17

September 20

September 22


September 24

September 25

September 28

September 30




October 5

October 6

October 7

October 8

October 10

October 11

October 12

October 14

October 16

October 17

October 23

October 25



November 3

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 20

November 21






December 4

December 10

December 12

December 15

December 22




January 2

January 11

January 17

January 18

January 24

February 15

March 3

March 4

March 7

March 8

April 19

May 24

July 31

November 2

November 7

November 26





January 15

January 22

January 23

June 7

November 28

December 4

December 5

December 7

December 8

December 9

December 10

December 12

December 14

December 20

December 21

December 24

December 25

December 26

December 27

December 29

December 30






January 4

January 5

January 6

January 8

January 10

January 14

January 19

January 23

January 25

January 29

March 27

March 30

March 31

April 1

April 7

April 9

April 10

April 28

July 13

September 24

A few days later

October 15

November 25



1918 - 1937

July 12, 1918

October 10, 1918

September 3, 1919

June 22, 1920

May 6, 1927

December 28, 1928



November 24, 1931

October 23, 1937





August 2, 1914


WHAT are these powerful gods whose hour of manifestation upon earth has come, if not the modes, various and perfectly accomplished, of Thy infinite action, O Thou Master of all things, who art

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Being and Non-Being and That which is beyond them, Marvellous Unknowable, our Sovereign Lord.

What are all these brilliant and multiple intellectual activities, these innumerable rays of the sun illumining, conceiving and fashioning all forms, if not one of the modes of being of Thy infinite Will, one of the means of Thy manifestation, O Thou who art Master of our destiny. Sole Unthinkable Reality, Sovereign Lord of all that is and all that still is not.

And what are all these mental powers, and vital energies, and material elements, if not Thyself in Thy most external form. Thy ultimate modes of expression and realisation, O Thou whom we adore religiously and who escapest us on all sides even while penetrating, animating and directing us. Thou whom we cannot know, nor define, nor name. Thou whom we cannot seize, nor embrace, nor think, and who are yet realised in the least of our actions.

And all this enormous universe is but an atom of Thy Eternal Will.

In the immensity of Thy effective Presence, all unfolds.


August 3, 1914


THIS morning the whole being is a mute adoration — and the immensity of Thy love fills its soul. The preparation and the work, the work and the preparation alternate and interpenetrate to such an

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extent that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between them, and their combination constitutes Thy divine life upon earth. What we have to be, what we have to do: the perfectioning of Thy instrument and its utilisation go together; sometimes it is Thy will that it should enrich itself and grow, that it should -open all its doors upon infinite horizons, unite itself with the God it can manifest, develop its power of conscious relations with the various worlds, and sometimes that, losing, so to say, the consciousness of itself, it should be only Thy force in action. And in the two together is found the supreme law of communion with Thy will.

This morning the whole being is a mute adoration and the immensity of Thy love fills its soul.


August 4, 1914


LORD, eternal Master! Men, pushed by the conflict of forces, are making a sublime sacrifice, they are offering their lives in a sanguinary holocaust.

Lord, eternal Master, grant that it may not be in vain, that the inexhaustible torrents of Thy divine force may spread over the earth, penetrating into the troubled atmosphere, the struggling energies, all the violent chaos of the battling elements, and that the

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pure Light of Thy Knowledge and the inexhaustible love of Thy Benediction may fill the hearts of men, penetrate into their souls, illumine their consciousness and make to pour forth out of this obscurity, this sombre, terrible and powerful darkness, the splendour of Thy majestic Presence!

My being is before Thee in an integral holocaust so that it may make their unconscious holocaust effective. Accept this offering, reply to our call: Cornel


August 5, 1914


ETERNAL Master, Thou art in all things as a vivifying breath, as a sweet peace, as a sun of luminous love, piercing all cloud and obscurity.

Grant that we may be Thy vivifying breath. Thy sweet peace. Thy luminous love upon the earth amongst our ignorant and sorrowful human brothers. O divine Master, accept the offering of my integral holocaust, so that Thy work may be done and the time may not pass in vain.

In a serene ecstasy I give myself to Thee that Thou mayst become again the Master of Thine own, the possessor of Thyself in each of the innumerable atoms and in the synthetic unity of the consciousness.

O divine Master, accept the offering of this integral holocaust so that the time may not have come in vain.

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The whole being is transformed into the ardent flame of a sacrifice of pure love.

Become again the king of Thy kingdom, deliver the earth from the heavy weight which crushes it, the weight of her inert, ignorant and obscure ill-will.

O my sweet Master, my being bums with the ardent flame of the sacrifice of love, accept my offering, so that the obstacle may be surmounted.


August 6, 1914


WHAT then are the defects and imperfections preventing the offering from being complete enough for Thee to welcome it or to find the holocaust worthy of Thy acceptance?...There are still limitations in this being, wilt Thou not break them?

O Lord, we know that it is a grave hour for the earth; those who can be Thy intermediaries with her to make arise out of the conflict a greater harmony, and out of the obscure ugliness a diviner beauty, must be ready to do it. O Lord, eternal Master, We implore Thee, respond to our endeavours, enlighten them, show us the way, give us the strength to break the inner resistances, to surmount all obstacles.

O my sweet Master, I prostrate myself at Thy feet and all my being cries to Thee in an ardent supplication...Deliver me from my personal impotence.

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August 8, 1914


MY pen is silent... This material world is so absorbing! Why let it hold so much place in our consciousness? Is it an impotence on our part, or is it Thy Will?

O my sweet Master, I would live only in Thee, but Thou hast said that I must live for Thee, and while I thus live for Thee, my consciousness turns towards the external domains and it seems to me as if I were going away far from Thee.

I know that this is not at all exact; but there is still a resistance in the being which does not want to give way, a door which remains closed, a door of luminous . intelligence which no effort has yet been able to open, and this terribly impoverishes Thy manifestation.

When wilt Thou decide that the hour has come for all this to disappear?

Monstrous forces have swept down upon the earth like a hurricane, they are dark and violent, powerful and blind. Give us the force, O Lord, to illumine them. Thy splendour must burst forth in them everywhere and transfigure their action: after their devastating passage they must leave behind them a divine seed.

O my divine Master, do not reject my offering- Make me worthy of being integrally Thine in the

plenitude of the giving and of the manifestation.

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August 9, 1914


LORD, we are before Thee that Thy will may be done. Remove from our thought all obstacles all doubts, all weaknesses and limitations, all that veils our knowledge and obscures our understanding.

I am athirst for Thy consciousness, I am athirst for an integral union with Thee, not in inaction and in a flight away from physical activity, but in a complete, in absolute, a perfect accomplishment of Thy will.

The splendour of Thy supreme light must surge out from all this darkness that has swooped down upon he earth.


August 11, 1914


O MY sweet Master, enter in among all these thoughts in confusion, all these anguished hearts; light in them the fire of Thy divine Presence. The shadow cast by the earth has fallen back on her and she has been utterly shaken by it; but her shadow hid Thy changeless sun and now that it has collapsed ¦upon this poor world making it tremble to its foundations and transforming it into a formidable chaos, wilt Thou not move once more upon the chaos with the will that there should be Light?

O Thou wonderful Unknown, Thou who hast not yet manifested Thyself, Thou who awaitest the auspicious

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hour and who hast sent us on earth to prepare Thy ways, all the elements of this being cry to Thee, "May

Thy will be done", and give themselves to Thee in a supreme and unconquerable elan.

Enfold this sorrowful earth with Thy puissant arms of mercy, impregnate her with the beneficent outflowing of Thy infinite love.

I am Thy puissant arms of mercy. I am the vast bosom of Thy limitless love... The arms have enfolded the sorrowful earth and tenderly press it to the generous heart: and slowly a kiss of supreme benediction

settles on this atom in conflict: the kiss of the Mother that consoles and heals.


August 13, 1914


THE being stands before Thee, its arms lifted, its palms open in an ardent aspiration.

O Sweet Master, it is a Love more wonderful and formidable than any that has manifested up till this day, of which the earth has need; it is for this Love that she implores... Who will be able or worthy to be its intermediary with her? Who? It matters little;

but it must be done. O Lord, answer my call, accept this being as an offering, however modest its worth and whatever its limitations: Come.

More, always more; let the regenerating floods roll over the earth in beneficent waves. Transform and

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illumine. Accomplish this supreme miracle, so long looked for, of breaking these ignorant egoisms; awaken Thy sublime flame in each heart. Let us not become inert in a tranquil serenity. We must not take any rest till Thy new and sovereign Love is manifested. Listen to our prayer; answer our call: Come!


August 16, 1914


FOR three days I waited with an ardent prayer, hoping to see new things... and all the obstacles surged up to veil, retard and deform Thy manifestation. And now we seem to be no nearer our goal than before.

O my sweet Master, why hast Thou asked me to leave my blessed place in Thy heart and return to the earth to attempt a realisation which everything seems to prove impossible ?...What dost Thou expect from me that Thou hast torn me away from ,,my divine and marvellous contemplation and plunged me again into this dark world in conflict?

When Thy force descends towards the earth to manifest itself, each of the great Asuric beings who have resolved to be Thy servitors, but preserved the dominant and exclusive characteristic of their nature, wishes to draw it to himself alone so that he may distribute it to others afterwards; he always thinks that he should be the only or in any case, the

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supreme intermediary, and that the relation of all the others with Thy Power cannot and should not be made except through his mediation. This melancholy meanness is more or less conscious, but it is always there, indefinitely retarding things. If, even for the greatest, it is impossible in the integral manifestation to escape from these lamentable limitations, why, O Lord, dost Thou impose on me the calvary of this narrowness?

If it is Thy will that it should be so. Thou must rend the last veil and Thy splendour in all its purity :must come to transfigure the world!

Accomplish this miracle or let me retire in Thee.


August 17, 1914


A LL errors, all prejudices, all misunderstandings must disappear in this whirlwind of destruction which is sweeping away the past...The light must become perfectly pure, free from all limitation, so that Thou canst manifest fully in it. Lord, Thou hast the power and Thou wilt realise this supreme miracle.

Into this consciousness. Thou hast put the certitude of victory.

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August 18,1914


LET me turn towards Thee in a profound and silent contemplation; let me put this integral being and its multiple activities at Thy feet as an offering; let me stop all the play of these forces, unify all these consciousnesses, so that one alone may persist, that which is capable of hearing Thy command and understanding it; let me plunge again into Thee as into a sovereignly beneficent sea, the sea which purifies from all ignorance. It seems to me that I have descended very low into an unfathomable abyss of doubt and darkness, that I am exiled from Thy eternal splendours; but I know that in this descent lies the possibility of a higher ascension which will enable me to embrace a vaster horizon and touch from a little closer range Thy infinite heavens. Thy light is there, stable and directing, shining without intermission in the depths of the abyss even as in the luminous splendours; and a serene confidence, a calm indifference, a tranquil certitude dwell in my consciousness in a way that is permanent...I am like a boat which has for a long time tasted the pleasures of the port and now unfurls its sails inspite of the dark clouds charged with storm and hiding the sun, to launch out into the great unknown, towards unknown shores and new countries.

I am Thine, O Lord, without restrictions and Preferences; may Thy will be done in all its rigorous

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plentitude, all my being adheres to it which a joyful acceptance and a calm serenity.

I have no longer idea on the future: it is Thou who wilt gave birth to a new  and more adequate conception of Thy law.

In a most perfect surrender and a most entire confidence I wait: Thy voice showing me Thy way.


August 20, 1914


TO see the goal, from a new angle which can usefully enlighten the others, we must constantly renew the experience of the inner discovery and rise to the extreme limit of. our consciousness, without ever postulating in advance what will be the term of our journey.

But instinctively the mind remembers the impression it has received from one or more of the preceding contacts of its consciousness with the ultimate centre and it says to itself: "It is this which is found at the end of the path," without taking into account the fact that the "This" of which he is thinking is only one of the innumerable ways of translating or even travestying that goal, and that intellectual conception should follow experience and not precede it.

To resume the way in a complete innocence as if we had never yet travelled upon it, that is the true purity and perfect sincerity, which permits of

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an uninterrupted progress, a growth and a perfectioning which is integral. In spite of myself, in the silence of all thought,

that is to say of all conscious formula, something in my being, deeper than words, turns towards Thee, O ineffable Lord, in an ardent aspiration, making Thee an offering of all these activities, all these elements, all these modes of being and imploring for it all the supreme illumination.

O Thou whom I cannot think but whom I know with certitude!


August 21, 1914


O LORD, Lord, the whole earth is convulsed; she groans and suffers, she is in anguish... It must not be that all this suffering has fallen upon her in vain; grant that all this blood which has been poured out may produce a more rapid germination of all the seeds of beauty, light and love which have to flower and cover the earth with their rich harvest. From the depth of this abyss of darkness, the integral terrestrial being cries to Thee that Thou mayst give it air and light, it stifles, wilt Thou not come to its aid? O Lord, what must we do to triumph? Listen to us, for we must conquer at any cost. Break down all resistance: appear!

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August 24, 1914


LORD, it is with a deeply moved gratitude that I approach Thee. Thou hast given me the .first words of the knowledge so much longed for, and with this knowledge has come effectivity, real power an every domain of realisation.

It is only a beginning, it is not an accomplishment; but the path opens visible and straight, I have only to follow it; the veil has been rent in response to the modest but all-powerful effort of the days of obscurity. Grant that the route may be lit up in the same way for all, and that after we have seen clear in ourselves, there may not be any new difficulties for the knowledge to become conscious in others. In spite of au, the human being, however great he may be, is limited and must be so at least for a long time, by the very fact of his humanity; and even if he is in relation with the immensity, it is through the angle of his own personality that this immensity manifests itself to his external consciousness. It is very difficult for him not to have the perspective in some sort obliterated partially by his own point of view. But these last obstacles must be surmounted, definitely overthrown, so that they may not again rise. The way must be completely free, the knowledge that has been glimpsed firmly established. Thy grace is with us. Lord, and it never leaves us even when the appearances are dark; there is sometimes need of night to prepare a greater dawn. But perhaps this time Thou hast

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put us in front of a Dawn that does not cease!

Receive the offerings of our ardent gratitude and of our total surrender.

I knew that this book would end with the closing of a phase of the spiritual existence. That indeed is what is actually happening.

The light has come, the way has opened, with a grateful salutation to the laborious past, we shall push forward on the new way widely opened by Thee before us.

On the entrance of this new field of a vaster and more conscious realisation, we bow before Thee, Lord, in a total surrender and adoration. We give ourselves to Thee without reserve.

Once again it is Thou who livest in us and Thou alone. Thou hast become again the king of Thy kingdom, but a kingdom larger and more complete, a kingdom more worthy of Thy government.


August 25, 1914


LORD, may Thy will be done, may Thy work be accomplished. Fortify our devotion, increase Our surrender and enlighten us on the path. We establish Thee as the supreme Master within us so that Thou mayst become the supreme Master of the whole earth.

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Our words are still ignorant: illumine them. Our aspiration is still imperfect: purify it. Our action is still powerless: make it effective.

O Lord, this earth groans and suffers; chaos has made this world its abode.

The Darkness is so great that Thou alone canst dispel it. Come, manifest Thyself, that Thy work may be accomplished.


August 26, 1914


O MY sweet Master, Lord of Bliss, all these worlds of bliss interpenetrating and completing one another are an immensity difficult to see in its ensemble. Give us the knowledge of these laws and the power of awakening the earth to the understanding and perception of this goal pursued so blindly.

In all things Thou art the unalloyed happiness, the blissful felicity...but this felicity is perfect only when. it is integral from the most external manifestation O the most unfathomable depths.

O Lord, Thou hast placed me on the threshold of wonder, confirm me in this knowledge. Establish me in that centre of consciousness from which the actions will be nothing but an unmixed expression of Thy law.

In a powerful and mute adoration I wait.

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August 27, 1914


TO be the divine love, love powerful, infinite, unfathomable, in every activity, in all the worlds of being—it is for this I cry to Thee, O Lord. Let me be consumed with this love divine, love powerful, infinite, unfathomable, in every activity, in all the worlds of being! Transmute me into that burning brazier so that all the atmosphere of earth may be purified with its flame.

O, to be Thy Love infinitely.


August 28, 1914


LORD, eternal Master, my thought lies mute and powerless before Thee, but my heart calls Thee, awaken all my being that it may wholly be for Thee the necessary instrument, the perfect servitor.

O to be Thou, infinitely, in everything, everywhere and always, absolute silence and absolute movement.

To be only the one containing all, contained in from all limit and all blindness.

Bringer of Supreme Triumph, triumph over all obstacles.

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August 29, 1914


OF what use would be man if he was not made to throw a bridge between That which eternally is, but is not manifested, and that which is manifested, between all the transcendences, all the splendours of the divine life and all the obscure and sorrowful ignorance of the material world? Man is the intermediary between That which has to be and that which is, he is a bridge thrown over the abyss, he is the great X as the cross, the quaternary link. His true abode, the effective seat of his consciousness, should be in the intermediate world at the Joining point of the four arms of the cross, where all the infinity of the Unknowable comes to take precise form for being projected into the multitudinous manifestation.

This centre is the seat of supreme love and perfect consciousness, of pure and total knowledge. Establish there, O Lord, those who can, who must and who will to serve Thee truly, so that Thy work may be done, the bridge may be definitively established and Thy forces may spread untiringly in the world.


August 31, 1914


IN this formidable disorder and terrible destruction can be seen a great working, a necessary toil

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preparing the earth for a new sowing which will rise in marvellous spikes of grain and give to the world the shining harvest of a new race...The vision is clear and precise, the plan of Thy divine law so plainly traced that peace has come back and installed itself as a sovereign in the hearts of the workers. There are no more doubts and hesitations, no longer any anguish or impatience. There is only the grand straight line of the work eternally accomplishing itself in spite of all, against all, despite all contrary appearances and illusory detours. These physical personalities, moments unseizable in the infinite Becoming, know that they will have made humanity take one further step, infallibly and without care for the inevitable results, whatever be the apparent momentary consequences: they unite themselves with Thee, O Master eternal, they unite themselves with Thee, O Mother universal, and in this double identity with That which is beyond and That which is all the manifestation, they taste the infinite joy of the perfect Certitude.

Peace, peace in all the world

War is an appearance,

Turmoil is an illusion,

Peace is there, immutable peace.

Mother, sweet Mother who I am. Thou art at once the destroyer and the builder.

The whole universe lives in Thy breast with all its life innumerable and Thou livest in Thy immensity n the least of its atoms.

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And the aspiration of Thy infinitude turns towards That which is not manifested to cry to it for a manifestation ever more complete and more perfect.

All Is, in one time, in a triple and clairvoyant total Consciousness, the Individual, the Universal, the Infinite.

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