Prayers And Meditations




Pre Contents


publisher's note



November 2

November 3

November 19

November 26

November 28

December 2

December 3

December 5

December 7

December 10

December 11




February 5

March 13

June 18

August 2

August 17

November 28

February 8

May 11

June 27

August 8

October 7

November 29

February 10

June 15

July 21

August 15

November 22

December 13

February 12

June 17

July 23

August 16

November 25

December 16


December 29




January 1

January 2

January 3

January 4

January 5

January 6

January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 11

January 12

January 13

January 19

January 24

January 29

January 30

January 31




February 1

February 8

February 12

 February 16

February 21

February 27

February 2

February 9

February 13

February 17

February 22


February 5

February 10

February 14

February 19

February 23


February 7

February 11

February 15

February 20

February 25







June 9

June 15

June 18

June 22

June 26

June 2

June 11

June 14

June 19

June 23

June 27

June 3

June 12

June 16

June 20

June 24

June 28

June 4

June 13

June 17

June 21

June 25

June 29



June 30




July 1

July 7

July 12

July 17

July 22

July 31

July 4

July 8

July 13

July 18

July 23


July 5

July 10

July 15

July 19

July 25


July 6

July 11

July 16

July 21

July 27




August 2

August 6

August 13

August 20

August 26

August 31

August 3

August 8

August 16

August 21

August 27


August 4

August 9

August 17

August 24

August 28


August 5

August 11

August 18

August 25

August 29




September 1

September 6

September 13

September 17

September 24

September 30

September 4

September 9

September 14

September 20

September 25


September 5

September 10

September 16

September 22

September 28




October 5

October 6

October 7

October 8

October 10

October 11

October 12

October 14

October 16

October 17

October 23

October 25




November 3

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 20

November 21





December 4

December 10

December 12

December 15

December 22



January 2

January 18

March 3

March 8

July 31

November 26

January 11

January 24

March 4

April 19

November 2


January 17

February 15

March 7

May 24

November 7




January 15

November 28

December 8

December 14

December 25

December 30

January 22

December 4

December 9

December 20

December 26


January 23

December 5

December 10

December 21

December 27


June 7

December 7

December 12

December 24

December 29




January 4

January 10

January 25

March 31

April 10

A few days later

January 5

January 14

January 29

April 1

April 28

October 15

January 6

January 19

March 27

April 7

July 13

November 25

January 8

January 23

March 30

April 9

September 24



1918 - 1937

July 12, 1918

October 10, 1918

June 22, 1920

December 28, 1928

October 23, 1937

October 10, 1918

September 3, 1919

May 6, 1927

November 24, 1931




Bibliographical Note

July 12, 1918  


     *Suddenly, before Thee, all my pride fell. I understood how futile it was in Thy Presence to wish to surmount oneself, and I wept, wept abundantly and without constraint the sweetest tears of my life….* Ah yes, how refreshing, how calm and sweet were those tears I shed before Thee without shame or constraint! Was it not like a child in its father's arms? But what a Father! What sublimity, what magnificence, what immensity of comprehension! And what a power and plenitude in the response! Yes, my tears were like holy dew. Was it because it was not for my own sorrow that I wept? *Tears sweet and beneficent, tears that opened my heart without constraint before Thee and melted in one miraculous moment all the remaining obstacles that could separate me from Thee!*

    Some days ago I had known it, I had heard: “If thou canst weep without restraint or disguise before Me, many things will change, a great victory will be won.” And that is why when the tears rose from my heart to my eyes, I came and sat before Thee to let them flow as an offering, devotedly. And how sweet and comforting was the offering!

    *And now, although I weep no longer, I feel so near, so near to Thee that my whole being quivers with joy.

    Let me stammer out my homage:

    I have cried too with the joy of a child, “O supreme and only Confidant, Thou who knowest beforehand all we can say to Thee because Thou art its source!

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    “O supreme and only Friend, Thou who acceptest, Thou who lovest, Thou who understandest us just as we are, because it is Thyself who hast so made us!

    “O supreme and only Guide, Thou who never gainsayest our highest will because it is Thou Thyself who willest in it!

    “It would be folly to seek elsewhere than in Thee for one who will listen, understand, love and guide, since always Thou art there ready to our call and never wilt Thou fail us!

    “Thou hast made me know the supreme, the sublime joy of a perfect confidence, an absolute serenity, a surrender total and without reserve or colouring, free from effort or constraint.

    Joyous like a child I have smiled and wept at once before Thee, O my Well-Beloved!”* 

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October 10, 1918  


      O my beloved Lord, how sweet it is to think that it is for Thee and Thee alone that I act! It is at Thy service that I am; it is Thou who dost decide and ordain and set in motion, guide and accomplish the action. What peace, what tranquillity, what supreme delight come with the feeling and perception of this! For it is enough to be docile, plastic, surrendered, attentive, in order to let Thee act freely; no longer then are any errors or faults, any lack or insufficiency possible, for what Thou hast willed Thou doest and Thou doest it even as Thou hast willed it....

    Accept the ardent flame of my gratitude and my joyous and fully confident adherence.

    My father has smiled and taken me in his powerful arms. What could I fear? I have melted into Him and it is He who acts and lives in this body which He himself has formed for His manifestation.  

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Oiwaké: September 3, 1919 *


      Since the man refused the meal I had prepared with so much love and care, I invoked the God to take it.

    My God, Thou hast accepted my invitation, Thou hast come to sit at my table, and in exchange for my poor and humble offering Thou hast granted to me the last liberation. My heart, even this morning so heavy with anguish and care, my head surcharged with responsibility, are delivered of their burden. Now are they light and joyful as my inner being has been for a long time past. My body smiles to Thee with happiness as before my soul smiled to Thee. And surely hereafter Thou wilt withdraw no more from me this joy, O my God! for this time, I think, the lesson has been sufficient, I have mounted the Calvary of successive disillusionments high enough to attain to the Resurrection. Nothing remains of the past but a potent love which gives me the pure heart of a child and the lightness and freedom of thought of a god.


(End of The First Part

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Pondicherry June 22, 1920 *


      After granting me the joy which surpasses all expression, Thou hast sent me, O my beloved Lord, the struggle, the ordeal and on this too I have smiled as on one of Thy precious messengers. Before, I dreaded the conflict, for it hurt in me the love of harmony and peace. But now, O my God, I welcome it with gladness: it is one among the forms of Thy action, one of the best means for bringing back to light some elements of the work which might otherwise have been forgotten, and it carries with it a sense of amplitude, of complexity, of power. And even as I have seen Thee, resplendent, exciting the conflict, so also it is Thou whom I see unravelling the entanglement of events and jarring tendencies and winning in the end the victory over all that strives to veil Thy light and Thy power: for out of the struggle it is a more perfect realisation of Thyself that must arise.  

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May 6, 1927  


      One must know how to give one's life and also one's death, give one's happiness and also one's suffering, to depend for everything and in all things upon the Divine Dispenser of all our possibilities of realisation, who alone can and will decide whether we shall be happy or not, whether we shall live or not, whether we shall participate or not in the realisation.

    In the integrality and absoluteness of this love, this self-giving, lies the essential condition for perfect peace, the indispensable foundation of constant beatitude.  

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December 28, 1928  


      There is a Power that no ruler can command; there is a Happiness that no earthly success can bring; there is a Light that no wisdom can possess; there is a Knowledge that no philosophy and no science can master; there is a Bliss of which no satisfaction of desire can give the enjoyment; there is a thirst for Love that no human relation can appease; there is a Peace that one finds nowhere, not even in death.

    It is the Power, the Happiness, the Light, the Knowledge, the Bliss, the Love, the Peace that flow from the Divine Grace.  

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November 24, 1931 *


      O my Lord, my sweet Master, for the accomplishment of Thy work I have sunk down into the unfathomable depths of Matter, I have touched with my finger the horror of the falsehood and the inconscience, I have reached the seat of oblivion and a supreme obscurity. But in my heart was the Remembrance, from my heart there leaped the call which could arrive to Thee: “Lord, Lord, everywhere Thy enemies appear triumphant; falsehood is the monarch of the world; life without Thee is a death, a perpetual hell; doubt has usurped the place of Hope and revolt has pushed out Submission; Faith is spent, Gratitude is not born; blind passions and murderous instincts and a guilty weakness have covered and stifled Thy sweet law of love. Lord, wilt Thou permit Thy enemies to prevail, falsehood and ugliness and suffering to triumph? Lord, give the command to conquer and victory will be there. I know we are unworthy, I know the world is not yet ready. But I cry to Thee with an absolute faith in Thy Grace and I know that Thy Grace will save.”     Thus, my prayer rushed up towards Thee; and, from the depths of the abyss, I beheld Thee in Thy radiant splendour; Thou didst appear and Thou saidst to me: “Lose not courage, be firm, be confident, – I COME.”  

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October 23, 1937 *

(A prayer for those who wish to serve the Divine)


    Glory to Thee, O Lord, who triumphest over every obstacle.

    Grant that nothing in us shall be an obstacle in Thy work.

    Grant that nothing may retard Thy manifestation.

    Grant that Thy will may be done in all things and at every moment.

    We stand here before Thee that Thy will may be fulfilled in us,

     in every element, in every activity of our being,

     from our supreme heights to the smallest cells of the body.

    Grant that we may be faithful to Thee utterly and for ever.

    We would be completely under Thy influence to the exclusion of every other.

    Grant that we may never forget to own towards Thee a deep, an intense gratitude.

    Grant that we may never squander any of the marvellous things that are Thy gifts to us at every instant.

    Grant that everything in us may collaborate in Thy work and all be ready for Thy realisation.

    Glory to Thee, O Lord, Supreme Master of all realisation.

    Give us a faith active and ardent, absolute and unshakable in Thy Victory.  

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