







Interpretation of the Veda


Note on the Texts


The Eighth Hymn to Agni




[The Rishi having declared the continuity of the great effort and aspiration from the earliest times hymns divine Will harboured in us, inmate, priest of the sacrifice, master of this dwelling, who fulfils the universal impulse in all its multiplicity and both stimulates and leads it in act and knowledge.]




1. Will who art by force created in us, thee the pristine Power the pristine seekers of the Truth kindled entirely that they might grow in their being, the god in the sacrifice, who be cause he has the multitude of his delights establishes the all,1 domiciled in us, master of the dwelling, inmate supremely desirable.



2. Will, in thee the supreme2 guest and master of the house with his locks of light the peoples take their foundation because thou hast with thee vast vision and the multitude of thy forms and the extraction of our riches and the perfect peace and perfect being and the destruction of enemies.3


1 Or, fosters all.

2 "First", both original and supreme.

3 The hostile powers who try to break up the unity and completeness of our being and from whom the riches which rightly belong to us have to be rescued, not human enemies.  


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3. Will, thee the human peoples seek with their adoration who hast knowledge of the powers4 of the sacrifice and rightly discriminating holdest for us utterly the delight and thou art seated in our secret being, O perfect enjoyer, seeing with a universal vision, pouring the multitude of thy voices, doing aright the sacrifice, agleam with the glory of the clarity.



4. Will who sustainest the law of things in their universality, thee we approach with obeisance of submission and express thee by the words; so do thou, O puissant seer, approve and cleave to us, a godhead set high-blazing by the victory5 of the mortal, by his right illuminings.



5. Will multiply affirmed, thou takest many forms according to the man and establishest for each his wide manifestation even as of old; thou illuminest in thy force the many things that are thy food and none can do violence to that blaze of thy light when so thou blazest up.



6. Will, youngest vigour, thee the gods have kindled high and made their envoy to man and the bearer of his offerings; wide in thy rapidities, born from the clarity, receiver of the


4 Or, the process of the oblation.

5 Attainment, or the splendour or glory.  


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oblation, thee they have set in him as a keen and burning eye that urges his mentality.



7. Will, thee men who seek the bliss kindle high with an entire kindling, fed by their clarities in the front of heaven;6 so increasing, diffused by its growths that hold its heats, thou enterest widely into all the earth-life's speeding movements.


6 Heaven and earth, the pure mental being and the material consciousness.


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