Vol. 1



Topographical Note
February 1951
Undated 1951
March 14, 1952
August 2, 1952 .htm"
Undated 195(?)

April 1954
August 1954
August 25, 1954
March 26, 1955
April 4, 1955
June 9, 1955
June 11, 1955
September 3, 1955
September 15, 1955


October 19, 1955
October (?) 1955
October 1955
January (?) 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956

February 29, 1956
March 19, 1956
March 20, 1956
March 21, 1956
Undated 1956
April 4, 1956
April 20, 1956
April 23, 1956
April 24, 1956
Undated 1956
Undated 1956


May 2, 1956
July 29, 1956
August 10, 1956
September 12, 1956
September 14, 1956
October 7, 1956
October 8, 1956
October 28, 1956
November 22, 1956
December 12, 1956
December 26, 1956
January 1, 1957
January 18, 1957
March 3, 1957
April 9, 1957
Undated 1957

April 22, 1957
July 18, 1957
Undated 1957

September 27, 1957
October 8, 1957
October 17, 1957
October 18, 1957
November 12, 1957
November 13, 1957
Undated 1957
Undated 1957
December 13, 1957
December 21, 1957
Undated 1957


January 1, 1958
Undated 1958
January 22, 1958
January 25, 1958
Undated 1958
February 3, 1958

February 3, 1958
February 1958
Undated 1958


February 15, 1958
February 25, 1958
February 1958
March 7, 1958
April 3, 1958
Undated 1958
May 1, 1958
May 11, 1958
May 30, 1958
June 6, 1958
June 1958
June 1958 (?)
June 22, 1958
July 1958
July 21, 1958
July 23, 1958
July (?) 1958
August 7, 1958
August 8, 1958
August 9, 1958
August 12, 1958
August 29, 1958
August 30, 1958
September 1958
September 16, 1958
September 19, 1958
October 1, 1958    

October 4, 1958
Undated 1958
October 6, 1958
October 10, 1958
October 17, 1958
October 25, 1958
November 2, 1958
November 4, 1958
Undated 1958


November 8, 1958

November 11, 1958
November 14, 1958
November 15, 1958
November 20, 1958

November 22, 1958
November 26, 1958
November 27, 1958
November 28, 1958
November 30, 1958
December 1958


December 4, 1958
December 15, 1958
December 24, 1958
December 28, 1958
January 6, 1959
January 14, 1959
January 21, 1959
January 27, 1959
January 31, 1959
March 10, 1959
March (? ) 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
March 1959
March 26, 1959
March (?) 1959
March (?) 1959
End March (?) 1959
April 7, 1959
April 13, 1959
Undated 1959
April 21, 1959
April 23, 1959
April 24, 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
Early May 1959
May 1959
May 7, 1959
May 19, 1959
May 1959
May 25, 1959
May 28, 1959



June 4, 1959
June 7, 1959
June 8, 1959
June 9, 1959
June 11, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 13, 1959
June 17, 1959
June 25, 1959
July 10, 1959
July 14, 1959
July 24-25, 1959
August 11, 1959
August 15, 1959
October 6, 1959
October 15, 1959
November 25, 1959
September 21, 1951

July 25, 1958
October 3, 1958
January 21, 1959

January 1959
Undated 1959 (?)
Undated 1959 (?)
January 1959
January 1959
January 1959
October 9, 1959
January 28, 1960
January 31, 1960
March 3, 1960
March 7, 1960
April 7, 1960
April 13, 1960
April 14, 1960
April 20, 1960
April 24, 1960
April 26, 1960
May 21, 1960
May 24, 1960
May 28, 1960
Undated May (?) 1960
June 4, 1960
Undated June 1960
June 7, 1960
Undated, June 1960
July 12, 1960
July 26, 1960
August 10, 1960
August 16, 1960
August 20, 1960
August 27, 1960
September 2, 1960
September 20, 1960
September 24, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 2, 1960
October 8, 1960
October 11, 1960
October 15, 1960
October 19, 1960
October 22, 1960
October 25, 1960
October 30, 1960
November 5, 1960
November 8, 1960
Undated, 1960
November 12, 1960
November 15, 1960
November 26, 1960
December 2, 1960
December 13, 1960
December 17, 1960
December 20, 1960
December 23, 1960
December 25, 1960
December 31, 1960

January 27, 1959

(Letter to Mother from Satprem)

Rameswaram, January 27, 1959

Sweet Mother,

So X will to do a special work for you for eleven days, and if at the end of this period the suffering still persists, he will send me to Pondicherry to deliver something directly into your hands. I, too, would like very much to do something to alleviate your suffering.

By a special grace, X gave me both stages of the tantric initiation at the same time, although they are normally separated by several years; then if all goes well, he will give me the full initiation in 6 months. I have thus received a mantra, along with the power of realizing it. X told me that a realization should come at the beginning of the fifth month if I repeat the mantra strictly according to his instructions, but he again told me that the hostile forces would do all they could to prevent me from saying my mantra: mental suggestions and even illness. X has understood that I have work at the Ashram, and he has exempted me from the outer forms (pujas and other rituals), but nevertheless I must repeat my mantra very accurately every day (3,333 times, that is, a little more than 3 hours uninterrupted in the mornings, and more than 2 hours in the evening). I must therefore organize myself in such a way as to get up very early in the morning in Pondicherry, for in no case will your work suffer.

Apart from this, he has not yet entirely finished the work of 'purging' that he has been doing on me for over a month, but I believe that everything will be completed in a short time from now.

Sweet Mother, I have a kind of fear that all these mantras are not bringing me nearer to you - I mean you in your physical body, for it is not upon you physically that I was told to concentrate. Also, I almost never see you in my dreams any longer, or else only very vaguely. Last night, I dreamed that I was offering you flowers (not very pretty ones), one of which was called 'mantra,' but I did not see you in my dream. Mother, I would like to be true, to do the right thing, to be as you want me to be.

I am your child. I belong to you alone.

Signed: Satprem

Page 275

(Mother's reply)

Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 1.29.59

My dear child,

Your very interesting letter of the 27th has just arrived.

All is well - I am enthusiastic and you can count on my conscious help to overcome all the obstacles and all the bad will that may try to stop or delay your progress. It is a matter of being more obstinate, much more obstinate than the enemy, and whatever the cost, to reach the goal in time.

Since my last letter, I have thought about it and I see that I will be able to go down in the morning three times a week for one hour, from 10 to 11, to work with you, but you will have to do only the strict minimum in order to have as much free time as you need for the other things.'

As I told you, I have resumed neither classes nor translations, and I still do not know when I will do so. So there is only the old work to finish up, but it will not take very long.

My body would also like to have a mantra to repeat. Those it has are not enough for it anymore. It would like to have one to hasten its transformation. It is ready to repeat it as many times as needed, provided that it does not have to be out loud, for it is very rarely alone and does not want to speak of this to anyone. Truly, the Ashram atmosphere is not very favorable for this kind of thing. You will have to take precautions so as not to be disturbed or interrupted in an inopportune way. Domestic servants, curious people, so-called friends can all serve as instruments of the hostile forces to put a spoke in the wheels. I will do my best to protect you, but you will have a lot to do yourself and will have to be as firm as an iron rod.

I am not writing you all this to discourage you from coming. But I want you to succeed; for me that is more important than anything else, no matter what the price. So, know for certain that I am with you all the time and more so especially when you repeat your mantra ...

In constant communion in the effort towards victory; my love and my force never leave you.

Signed: Mother


1. The tantric work.

Page 276

ISBN 2-902776-33-0