Words Of  The Mother








Part One


Sri Aurobindo


Eternal Presence


Work and Teaching


Sri Aurobindo and the Mother


Part Two


The Mother

Outer Life

Work And Teaching

Sadhana Of The Body




Relations With Others


I Am With You

To Be Near Me

Physical Nearness

Role As Guide

Do As You Like

I Am Not Displeased

Way Of Working




Part Three


Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Conditions for Admission

Proper Conduct

No Politics

Comfort and Happiness

Coming to the Ashram

Leaving the Ashram

Relations with Persons Outside the Ashram

Finance and Economy

Organisation and Work

Paid Workers



Part Four


Aims And Principles



Community Affairs



Social Regulations

Relations With Local Villagers


Early Talks

Matrimandir Talks

Aspiration Talks

Last Talk


Part Five




Part Six


Nations Other Than India




Work and Teaching


Sri Aurobindo's work is a unique earth-transformation.


Sri Aurobindo incarnated in a human body the supramental consciousness and has not only revealed to us the nature of the path to follow and the method of following it so as to arrive at the goal, but has also by his own personal realisation given us the example; he has provided us with the proof that the thing can be done and the time is now to do it.


 Never for an instant vacillate in the belief that the mighty work of change taken up by Sri Aurobindo is going to culminate in success. For that indeed is a fact: there is not a shadow of doubt as to the issue of the work we have in hand... The transformation is going to be: nothing will ever stop it, nothing will frustrate the decree of the Omnipotent. Cast away all diffidence and weakness and resolve to endure bravely awhile before the great day arrives when the long battle turns into an everlasting victory.


We have faith in Sri Aurobindo.

He represents for us something we formulate to ourselves with words which seem to us the most exact for expressing our experience. These words are evidently the best according to us for formulating our experience.

But if, in our enthusiasm, we were convinced that they are the only appropriate words to express correctly what Sri Aurobindo  


is and the experience he has given us, we would become dogmatic and be on the point of founding a religion.

He who has a spiritual experience and a faith, formulates it in the most appropriate words for himself.

But if he is convinced that this expression is the only correct and true one for this experience and faith, he becomes dogmatic and tends to create a religion.



Each one has his own idea and finds out suitable sentences from Sri Aurobindo's writings to support his views. Those who oppose such views can also find suitable sentences from his writings. That is the way mutual opposition works. Nothing can be truly done until Sri Aurobindo's total view of things is taken.


10 October 1954

In the eternity of becoming, each Avatar is only the announcer, the forerunner of a more perfect realisation.

And yet men have always the tendency to deify the Avatar of the past in opposition to the Avatar of the future.

Now again Sri Aurobindo has come announcing to the world the realisation of tomorrow; and again his message meets with the same opposition as of all those who preceded him.


     But tomorrow will prove the truth of what he revealed and his work will be done.

21 February 1957


The essential mistake was to have considered Sri Aurobindo's teaching as one among the spiritual teachings - and the work done here now as one among the many aspects of the Divine works.


This has falsified your basic position and has been the cause  


of all the difficulties and confusions.

If this mistake is corrected in your mind and in your attitude all other difficulties will disappear easily.

You must understand that what Sri Aurobindo represents in the world's history, is not a teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme.

And I am just trying to fulfil that action.



Criticising a friend's paper on Gandhi I quoted Sri Aurobindo's thoughts on non-violence and some other principles that have become “absolutes” in Gandhism. The friend protested that admiration for Sri Aurobindo should not blind us to other great men: all, according to the friend, have part glimpses of the Truth. I felt it was a mistake to put Sri Aurobindo along with the rest and I want to reply in some detail on this point. But I shall do so only if you approve. And I would be happier if you gave your own answer.


In the effort of humanity to reach the Truth and manifest it, all those who made a discovery, however small it may be, have a place, and Gandhi is one of them.

But the great mistake has always been to oppose these partial discoveries instead of unifying them in a supreme harmony. That is why humanity is still groping in the dark.

Sri Aurobindo has come to reveal that this supreme harmony exists and to show us the way to discover it.

March 1970 

(About a problem)


     One should read Sri Aurobindo and know the answer.

19 October 1972 


If one reads Sri Aurobindo carefully one finds the answers to all that one wants to know.

25 October 1972

    By studying carefully what Sri Aurobindo has said on all subjects one can easily reach a complete knowledge of the things of this world.


     Read Sri Aurobindo and follow his discipline.   


the supreme revelation

of Sri Aurobindo's


(About Savitri)


1) The daily record of the spiritual experiences of the individual who has written.

2) A complete system of yoga which can serve as a guide for those who want to follow the integral sadhana.

3) The yoga of the Earth in its ascension towards the Divine.

      4) The experiences of the Divine Mother in her effort to adapt herself to the body she has taken and the ignorance and the falsity of the earth upon which she has incarnated.


                         (Message for “Meditations on Savitri”, an exhibition of paintings by an Ashram artist, drawn in collaboration with the Mother)




The importance of Savitri is immense.

Its subject is universal. Its revelation is prophetic.

      The time spent in its atmosphere is not wasted.

      Take all the time necessary to see this exhibition. It will be a happy compensation for the feverish haste men put now in all they do.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10 February 1967
