Words Of  The Mother








Part One


Sri Aurobindo


Eternal Presence


Work and Teaching


Sri Aurobindo and the Mother


Part Two


The Mother

Outer Life

Work And Teaching

Sadhana Of The Body




Relations With Others


I Am With You

To Be Near Me

Physical Nearness

Role As Guide

Do As You Like

I Am Not Displeased

Way Of Working




Part Three


Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Conditions for Admission

Proper Conduct

No Politics

Comfort and Happiness

Coming to the Ashram

Leaving the Ashram

Relations with Persons Outside the Ashram

Finance and Economy

Organisation and Work

Paid Workers



Part Four


Aims And Principles



Community Affairs



Social Regulations

Relations With Local Villagers


Early Talks

Matrimandir Talks

Aspiration Talks

Last Talk


Part Five




Part Six


Nations Other Than India






To find the necessary funds for Auroville one could proceed in the following manner: Find in every country a very wealthy person who would be the centre for collecting funds for Auroville.

Advantages: Such a person would carry weight, would be an example for the others and would never give the impression of begging.


In principle this way is all right. But in practice, and to avoid all possibility of failure (because failure would have a deplorable effect), we must wait for an indication from circumstances of which I will be immediately informed. And then I will give the signal to go ahead.

November 1965


Will X play a part in helping to organise the American Pavilion, and if so may she start fundraising in America immediately for this?


I never gave her this work officially.

But if she brings money so much the better.

22 March 1966

Divine Mother,

Do you wish us to try and raise large amounts of money for both the Ashram and the Auroville Project, in America?


If it is at all possible for you it would be extremely helpful and in conformity with the Truth of things.

30 May 1966  

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(About certain individuals and groups willing to aid Auroville's development)


They may not practise themselves, but if they do not know about yoga, how can they understand the purpose of Auroville?  

19 June 1967

(A donor to Auroville specified:)

I want my money to be used exclusively for conquering the causes of our sufferings and miseries.


It is for this that we all work here, but not in the artificial manner of philanthropists who work on the exterior effects only.


We want to eliminate for good the cause of suffering by divinising matter through the integral transformation.  

28 December 1967  

Firstly, is there something specific being done which is impeding the flow of money to Auroville?


It is the lack of push towards the future that impedes the flow of money.


Secondly, is there something specific which should be done to increase the flow of money to Auroville?


A confident certitude in the inevitable future can break this resistance.

17 May 1968

Divine Mother,

Given the present state of Auroville's finances, 

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should we approach either of the following people for donations: [names given].


It is not this kind of people who can give to Auroville what it needs.

17 May 1968


Divine Mother,

Firstly, what is the role of the United States with regard to the building of the new world?


The work of U.S.A. is to provide the financial help needed to prepare the earth for the new creation.


Secondly, what must the people of the United States do in order to begin to be able to fulfil this role?


Become aware of those, individual or organisation, capable of bringing about this transformation and give them the necessary money.

9 June 1968 

Has the time come to attempt approaching the big finance around the world?

If so, then we have to create a compact and cohesive management structure, which will be able to handle such finance and be answerable for its proper utilisation. Only after this is done can we approach international organisations and expect favourable response. Has this Thy approval?


All right. Blessings.

April 1969

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(Someone trying to raise funds for Auroville requested detailed information about plans for development. When his letter was shown to Mother, she wrote:)


All these questions prove that you expect Auroville to be a continuation of all that has been done up to now.


Auroville wants to be a new creation expressing a new consciousness in a new way and according to new methods.  

18 August 1969 

To raise funds for Auromodele, what shall we do?


The more you chase funds the less you get. What you should do is to inform people about Auroville. That is important. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            November 1969

It is only when people feel that it is their good fortune to help Auroville grow that the funds will come abundantly. 

December 1969 

The lands for Auroville are to be bought and can be bought the money is needed.

Will you help?

May 1970  

You know our need. Will you not be the man who helps? 

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(Message for raising funds for Matrimandir)


Give your money to the Divine work and you will be richer than you would be by keeping it.


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