Vol. 10



  January 1, 1969
January 4, 1969
January 8, 1969
January 15, 1969
January 18, 1969
January 22, 1969
January 25, 1969
January 29, 1969

February 1, 1969
February 5, 1969
February 8, 1969
February 12, 1969
February 15, 1969
February 19, 1969
February 22, 1969
February 26, 1969

March 1, 1969
March 8, 1969
March 12, 1969
March 15, 1969
March 19, 1969
March 22, 1969
March 26, 1969
March 29, 1969

April 2, 1969
April 5, 1969
April 9, 1969
April 12, 1969
April 16, 1969
April 19, 1969
April 23, 1969
April 26, 1969
April 30, 1969


May 3, 1969
May 7, 1969
May 10, 1969
May 14, 1969
May 17, 1969
May 21, 1969
May 24, 1969
May 28, 1969
May 31, 1969

June 4, 1969
June 11, 1969
June 25, 1969
June 28, 1969
July 2, 1969
July 5, 1969

July 12, 1969
July 19, 1969
July 23, 1969
July 26, 1969
July 30, 1969

August 2, 1969
August 6, 1969
August 9, 1969
August 16, 1969
August 20, 1969
August 23, 1969
August 27, 1969
August 30, 1969

September 3, 1969
September 6, 1969
September 10, 1969
September 13, 1969
September 17, 1969
September 20, 1969
September 24, 1969
September 27, 1969


October 1, 1969
October 8, 1969
October 11, 1969
October 12, 1969
October 15, 1969
October 18, 1969
October 22, 1969
October 25, 1969
October 29, 1969

November 1, 1969
November 5, 1969
November 8, 1969
November 12, 1969
November 15, 1969
November 19, 1969
November 22, 1969
November 26, 1969
November 29, 1969

December 3, 1969
December 6, 1969
December 10, 1969
December 13, 1969
December 17, 1969
December 20, 1969
December 24, 1969
December 27, 1969
December 31, 1969


ISBN 2-902776-33-0

January 29, 1969

What do you have to tell me? Me, I have nothing to say ...

Are you tired?

It's going on .... The difficulties of those around, of the work, of people, keep increasing, from health to understanding (there seems to be a general crisis), but the Help and the Power keep increasing too. It's like a sort of demonstration.

But the difficulties are taking on rather unpleasant proportions.

(long silence)

Children are nicer and nicer! ... The NEW children are truly remarkable. Today I saw Ws little girl: she's two years old, I think, but she is as children used to be at the age of six or seven. Alert, intelligent ... It's strange.

What do you have to say?

(long silence)

I have a vague impression that I had something to tell you, but I don't know ...

(Then Mother shows a brochure of "=1"

on education in Auroville)  

Page 36

... Anyway, it's not bad.

I don't know if it's wrong, but I am no longer interested in any

 "problem." I no longer ask myself any questions at all. The specu

lative mind doesn't interest me.

Oh, but I might be responsible! ... Because for me, that's pretty much like chatter.

Nothing interests me anymore, except something else that I am

 waiting for.

Something that must come, yes, that's right.

So all the rest ... People give me books, give me letters, but I am

 not interested.

That's it. So she [the brochure's author] wants to see me .... I find all this so futile!

Yes, it's something ELSE.


Something WHOLLY OTHER ...


... which must come.


So all these embellishments of the present are uninteresting, I


Exactly And the whole day long, from morning to night, they pester me with fuss of this sort (Mother points to the brochure). And she wants to see me ....

Would you like me to read the brochure and give you an account

 of it?

Page 37

No, I've read it (not read but listened to it): it's words. It's not bad, but it's words.

Only, she takes it seriously: it's "education in Auroville."

But I am so aware that it's the mind indulging in itself, and going on indulging, so ... And if you try to get them out of it, they no longer understand anything. So the best is to let them. But I don't see why we should bother to read their stories.

No, really, mental life seems to ... go round in circles.

There's such a mixture! ... (It's Pavitra who read it out to me yesterday evening.) Suddenly there's a sentence from Sri Aurobindo, then a sentence from Y. [the brochure author], then suddenly a sentence from me, then suddenly one from M. (who has become a great guru) ....

They've asked me for articles - not they, others. I said, "What on

 earth can I say! ..." It doesn't come, I am not interested.

Oh, they've asked you ...

But going by the echoes from Europe, you get a sense of a huge

 balloon swelling and swelling more and more (economically,

financially, mechanically) and about to burst-it has to burst ...

 into something else. And the Mind is part of this balloon.

Yes, yes, it's the Mind that seems to have swollen as much as it can, almost to bursting. It's exactly that.

I was wondering about this: Will it take ... a complete bankruptcy of the Mind for people to understand? ... Will it burst to end in a zero?

So I am constantly asked for messages (not articles because I no longer write any), but Y wants me to see her and to "note down" what I will tell her. But I know very well that everything I will say will be completely distorted.

One would like to be able to ... keep a little quiet.

And they take it all so seriously! They think it's so important ....

Constantly, the only thing I feel like saying to all these people is, SOMETHING ELSE ... SOMETHING ELSE ...

Yes, exactly.

I feel there's nothing else to answer.

Page 38

(Mother goes into

 a long contemplation,

then speaks in English)

I could remain for hours like this! [[During the meditation, Sujata noticed that Mother opened her eyes for a moment, and according to her, they were absolutely Sri Aurobindo's eyes. And Mother spoke in English when she emerged from the meditation. ]]

A great Peace has come down. Did you feel that? ...

(Satprem:) Yes.

And then it becomes wide, wide, wide ....


 then Mother speaks

 in French again)

I find it very comfortable!

(Satprem lays his head

on Mother's knees, then Mother

 looks at him for a long time)

It's like BIG eyes looking (Mother gestures to show about eight inches). I have a feeling of BIG eyes looking .... <39>

Page 39