Vol. 10



  January 1, 1969
January 4, 1969
January 8, 1969
January 15, 1969
January 18, 1969
January 22, 1969
January 25, 1969
January 29, 1969

February 1, 1969
February 5, 1969
February 8, 1969
February 12, 1969
February 15, 1969
February 19, 1969
February 22, 1969
February 26, 1969

March 1, 1969
March 8, 1969
March 12, 1969
March 15, 1969
March 19, 1969
March 22, 1969
March 26, 1969
March 29, 1969

April 2, 1969
April 5, 1969
April 9, 1969
April 12, 1969
April 16, 1969
April 19, 1969
April 23, 1969
April 26, 1969
April 30, 1969


May 3, 1969
May 7, 1969
May 10, 1969
May 14, 1969
May 17, 1969
May 21, 1969
May 24, 1969
May 28, 1969
May 31, 1969

June 4, 1969
June 11, 1969
June 25, 1969
June 28, 1969
July 2, 1969
July 5, 1969

July 12, 1969
July 19, 1969
July 23, 1969
July 26, 1969
July 30, 1969

August 2, 1969
August 6, 1969
August 9, 1969
August 16, 1969
August 20, 1969
August 23, 1969
August 27, 1969
August 30, 1969

September 3, 1969
September 6, 1969
September 10, 1969
September 13, 1969
September 17, 1969
September 20, 1969
September 24, 1969
September 27, 1969


October 1, 1969
October 8, 1969
October 11, 1969
October 12, 1969
October 15, 1969
October 18, 1969
October 22, 1969
October 25, 1969
October 29, 1969

November 1, 1969
November 5, 1969
November 8, 1969
November 12, 1969
November 15, 1969
November 19, 1969
November 22, 1969
November 26, 1969
November 29, 1969

December 3, 1969
December 6, 1969
December 10, 1969
December 13, 1969
December 17, 1969
December 20, 1969
December 24, 1969
December 27, 1969
December 31, 1969


ISBN 2-902776-33-0

March 1, 1969

(The conversation begins forty-five minutes late.)

It's going well, very well, but ... No more clock, that no longer exists! What should take place at 8:30 takes place at 10 .... And every day I turn down people, you understand, I turn down lots of them, but they tell me, "You should ..."

It's interesting. The Presence is growing constant, and the contact with people is quite interesting, quite outside ... Most of the time I don't know who the person is - all external things are becoming increasingly shallow and nonexistent-but the inner reactions are very interesting.

I would have to speak for hours to explain all that takes place. But it's going well.

It's only a good training, as they say in English, for the body. It must learn-it feels, it very clearly feels what goes on in other bodies-but it must learn to know it WITHOUT being affected, and there's a difficult little point to sort out. Generally, I have a sensation and perception of the disorder without knowing what it is, and that's ... As soon as I know what it is, I can make the necessary movement for the body not to be affected anymore. But the body must function (this is obvious, it seems more and more certain) without having this sense of personality. And generally, when there is a disorder somewhere, all the rest is affected; you can avoid that, you can isolate what goes wrong, but it's only a beginning, it's very, VERY far from a realization. Only, it's interesting; interesting in the sense that since this [superman] Consciousness has been here, the body has learned a lot of things, a whole lot of things. Really interesting. The body has learned things the mind didn't know (!), so that's very interesting-new things, ways of being, manners of being, internal organizations, all sorts of things.

I would have to spend hours every day to narrate what has taken place if we really wanted to keep a historical record of the path ....


Did you have something to say?

(Satprem presents to Mother the manuscript of The Synthesis

of Yoga before sending it to a new publisher in France:)

 Page 81

I pray that there may be no difficulties with J.H. and the former

 publisher ...

We'll see.

Did J.H. have a sort of free hand to do all he wanted?

He came here while Sri Aurobindo was here, and he asked [to publish Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's works], and Sri Aurobindo said, "Let him do as he pleases," like that! ... Everything was all the same to him.

I think we should try, because we must free ourselves from this

 hold. For the moment, anything published in France from Sr

i Aurobindo and you is in their grip.

(Laughing) As far as I am concerned, it's all the same to me! We'll see, we're going to see.

I think that J.H. is pressuring us, but there's no such thing as

this monopoly on an author!

It's blackmail. We'll see. (Laughing) We'll see!

Page 82