Words Of The Mother







Part One


The Divine

The Divine working in the Universe

Nature and the forces of Nature

The Gods

Krishna and Radha

Kali, Mahakali....

The Avatar

Superior Beings

Adverse Forces








Morality and War

War and Violence

Safety and Protection

Wealth and Economics

Government and Politics

Human Unity

The World Today

Darkness and Light

The Past

The Present

The Future






Transformation and the Parts....

The Supramental

The Supramental Manifestation....

The New Consciousness

The Supramental and....


The New Creation

Old Age and Death



Sleep and Rest


Illness and Health

Inner Causes of Illness

Fear and Illness

Worry and Bother....

Wrong Thinking and Illness

Will to Conquer Illness

Control Of Desires

Peace and Quiet, ....

Cure by the Divine Grace

Doctors and Medicines

Message for Ashram....


New Year Messages

Darshan Messages

Messages for the Supramental....

Messages for the Mother's first....

Messages for Sri Aurobindo's....

Puja Messages

Christmas Messages

Birthday Messages

Messages for Certres...

Messages for Departments....

Miscellaneous Messages

Prayers and Calling the Divine


Sadhana and Life


Do the Right Thing

Soar High

The Divine's Help to Man



Personal Advice

Longer Letters


Practical Affairs

Cooking and Eating

Borrowing Books....


Experiences of the Mother

Some Experiences....

New Experiences....



Part Two





29 February 1956


During the common meditation on Wednesday


This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.

            As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that “the time has come”, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.

            Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.¹


¹ Written in the leap year 1956, this statement was first publicly distributed as the message for 29 February 1960, the first “anniversary” of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth. 

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       29 février — 29 mars


Seigneur, Tu as voulu et je réalise.

Une lumière nouvelle point sur la terre,

Un monde nouveau est né,

Et les choses promises sont accomplies.  


            29 February - 29 March 


Lord, Thou hast willed, and I execute:

A new light breaks upon the earth,

A new world is born.

The things that were promised are fulfilled.   


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24th April 1956


            The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise but a living fact, a reality.

            It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it.


            I am speaking of a supramental manifestation evident to all, even the most ignorant - as the human manifestation was evident to all when it happened.  


To all those who aspire


            Open yourself to the new Force. Let it do in you its work of Transformation.

April 1956 

            Open yourself to the new Light that has dawned upon earth  

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and a luminous path will spread in front of you.

28 May 1956

            Without care for time, without fear for space, surging out purified from the flames of the ordeal, we shall fly without stop towards the realisation of our goal, the supramental victory.

24 April 1956

            Let the new Light be spread upon earth and change the condition of human life.

6 January 1957

            Beyond all question it is the supramental light.

            Do not tense yourself, be open, passively allow it to penetrate your body. It has the power to restore you to strength and health.


            A new world is born − all those who want to have a place in it must sincerely prepare themselves for it.

15 August 1957

            Heralding the birth of a new world, we invite all those who want to have a place in it to prepare themselves sincerely for it.

15 August 1957

            Last night I had a vision of what the supramental world would be like if people were not sufficiently prepared. The confusion that now exists on earth is nothing in comparison with what might happen.  

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Just imagine an extremely powerful will with the capacity to transform matter according to its liking! If the sense of collective unity did not grow in proportion to the growth of power, the resulting conflict would be even more acute and chaotic than all our material conflicts.

15 February 1958

            To celebrate the birth of a transitory body can satisfy some faithful feelings.

            To celebrate the manifestation of the eternal Consciousness can be done at every moment of the universal history.

            But to celebrate the advent of a new world, the supramental world, is a marvellous and exceptional privilege.

21 February 1958

            By whatever name it is called, the Supramental is a truth and a fact and its reign is certain.

27 March 1959

            The advent of a new world is an ineluctable fact and whatever name is given to it, its victory is certain.


            The supramental influence liberates man from all that holds him back to the animal.


            Supramental action: an action which is not exclusive but total.  

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            Supramental knowledge: an infallible vision of all problems.


            Supramental consciousness: gloriously awake and powerful, it is luminous, sure of itself, infallible in its movements.


            To become the builders of a better future in the light of the supramental consciousness.


                                    (Message for the first anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth


The Golden Day


            Henceforth the 29th February will be the day of the Lord.


There is a change in Sri Aurobindo’s symbol on the medals that you distributed on the 29th February 1960. The two triangles, in the middle of which the square containing the lotus is usually put, are missing and in their place there are sun’s rays emanating from the square. Surely you must have made this significant change for some important reason? Can you say what is the reason of this change?


¹ The other message for the first anniversary appears on page 102 of this volume. The message for the second anniversary is a quotation from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and therefore has not been included. 

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I never intended to give Sri Aurobindo’s symbol.

            The design on the medal signifies −

            the twelve rays of the new creation issued from the manifestation of the Avatar:

            lotus − Avatar

            square − manifestation

            12 rays − new creation


In Your talk entitled “The True Adventure” in the November 1957 issue of the Bulletin (page 2), You have said:

            “Last year when I announced to you the manifestation of the supramental consciousness and light and force, I should have added that it was an event forerunner of the birth of a new world.”

            This means that the new world was born after the supramental consciousness manifested. You have fixed the 29th February 1956 as the date of the supramental manifestation. Which date after that should be taken as the date of the birth of the new world?


Half an hour later.


In the November 1958 issue of the Bulletin (page 97), in Your answer untitled “The New Birth”, You have said as follows:

            “To comfort you I may say that by the very fact that you live upon earth at this moment... you absorb with the air that you breathe this new supramental substance which is spreading in earth’s atmosphere and it is preparing in you things you will manifest all of a sudden, as soon as you have taken the decisive step.

            “Whether that will help you or not to take this decisive step is another question which has to be studied,  

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because the experiences that are happening and will now happen more and more being of a quite new character, one cannot know beforehand what will come to pass; one must study and after a close study one would be able to say with certainty whether this supramental substance will make the work of the new birth easy or not. I shall tell you about it a little later on. For the moment it is better not to count on these things, but simply to take to the way for the birth into the spiritual life.”

            Can You now say with certainty whether this supramental substance will help decisively to realise this new birth?



26 March 1960

You have said that we must develop “an intimate, a constant, absolute, inevitable union with the vibration of the Supramental forces”. How is one to acquire the faculty of feeling this vibration? Has the process of sadhana undergone a change with the creation of a new world and new world-conditions by the Supramental Manifestation? What should a sadhaka do to speed his progress under the new conditions?


Yes, the Sadhana has undergone a great change, because it is now in the physical itself that you have to do it.

       Concentrate on the physical transformation; by physical I mean the mental, vital and body consciousness.

        You are trying to get the experience in your mind, but it is not the mind that can get it. Come out of your mind and you will understand what I mean.  

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Man must understand that in spite of all his intellectual achievements he is as incapable of perceiving the supramental vibrations as the animal was incapable of perceiving the mental vibrations when they pervaded the earth before the appearance of the human species.


A stag passes through a forest to get a drink, but what is there to prove that he has passed by? Most people won’t see any sign; perhaps they don’t even know what a stag is, and even those who know may not be able to say that he passed that way. But one who has made a special study of hunting, a tracker, will find obvious signs and will be able to say not only what type of stag has passed, but also his size, age, sex, etc. Similarly there must be people who have a spiritual knowledge analogous to that of hunting, who can disclose that a person is in contact with the supramental, while ordinary people, who have not trained their mind, will not be able to perceive it. The supramental has descended upon earth, it is said, it has manifested itself. I have read all that has been written on the subject, but I am among the ignorant who see nothing and feel nothing. Couldn’t someone who has a more trained perception tell me by what signs I can recognise that a person is in relation with the supramental?


Two irrefutable signs prove that one is in relation with the supramental:

            1. a perfect and constant equality,

            2. an absolute certainty in the knowledge.

            To be perfect, the equality must be invariable and spontaneous, effortless, towards all circumstances, all happenings, all contacts,  

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material or psychological, irrespective of their character and impact.

            The absolute and indisputable certainty of an infallible knowledge through identity.

February 1961

A perfect equality towards all circumstances, material or psychological, and an absoluteness in the knowledge − a knowledge that comes not through the mind but through identity. The person who is in contact with the supramental possesses these two qualities.

            You cannot understand unless you have the experience.

23 February 1961

Is this not the first time that the Supramental has come down upon earth?


It is certainly the first time that the Supramental has come down as a general force of transformation for the whole earth. It is a new starting-point in the terrestrial creation.

            But it may be that once before the supramental force has manifested partially and momentarily in an individual as a promise and an example.

26 October 1964

In 1956 You said: “The supramental Light, Consciousness and Force have manifested. The supramental Ananda has not come yet.”

            4. 5. 67 is considered to be a very important date when something exceptional is expected to happen.  

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Will You please say if it is the supramental Ananda that will manifest on that date?


The anniversary of the first Supramental descent comes every four years (the leap year). I do not see what the number 7 has to do in the matter. This year 1964 (leap year) was the second anniversary of the first descent. The next one will take place on the 29th February 1968 − and it will be exactly 12 years after the first descent and we shall see then what happens.

14 November 1964  

Message for 4. 5. 67


“Earth-life is the self-chosen habitation of a great Divinity and his aeonic will is to change it from a blind prison into his splendid mansion and high heaven-reaching  temple.”

 Sri Aurobindo 

The Divinity mentioned by Sri Aurobindo is not a person but a condition that will be shared by all those who have prepared themselves to receive it.

May 1967

May I know if the miraculous elevation of Jesus Christ to heaven celebrated by the Roman Catholics on Thursday, 4th May has any sort of connection with the great day 4. 5. 67? Or would it be simply a pure coincidence?


For Sri Aurobindo “coincidences” do not exist. All that happens is the result of the action of the Divine Consciousness. The Force which is at work at this moment is a Force of harmony  

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that makes for unity − the unification of all the symbols that express the Divine Truth.

5 May 1967 

“In 1967 the Supermind will enter the phase of realising power.” What does “realising power” actually mean?


Acting decisively on the mind of men and the course of events.


What is the effect of the realising power on the Mother’s own physical being and then the effect upon others and the world in general (including the outstanding problems of the world today)?


We can wait with a little patience and we shall see.


Does this date (4. 5. 67) mark the beginning of what the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have called the new race − the race of superman?


Since a few months the children born, amongst our people mostly, are of a very special kind.


(Message for the third anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth)


Truth alone can give to the world the power of receiving and manifesting the Divine’s Love.

29 February 1968  

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