Words Of The Mother







Part One


The Divine

The Divine working in the Universe

Nature and the forces of Nature

The Gods

Krishna and Radha

Kali, Mahakali....

The Avatar

Superior Beings

Adverse Forces








Morality and War

War and Violence

Safety and Protection

Wealth and Economics

Government and Politics

Human Unity

The World Today

Darkness and Light

The Past

The Present

The Future






Transformation and the Parts....

The Supramental

The Supramental Manifestation....

The New Consciousness

The Supramental and....


The New Creation

Old Age and Death



Sleep and Rest


Illness and Health

Inner Causes of Illness

Fear and Illness

Worry and Bother....

Wrong Thinking and Illness

Will to Conquer Illness

Control Of Desires

Peace and Quiet, ....

Cure by the Divine Grace

Doctors and Medicines

Message for Ashram....


New Year Messages

Darshan Messages

Messages for the Supramental....

Messages for the Mother's first....

Messages for Sri Aurobindo's....

Puja Messages

Christmas Messages

Birthday Messages

Messages for Certres...

Messages for Departments....

Miscellaneous Messages

Prayers and Calling the Divine


Sadhana and Life


Do the Right Thing

Soar High

The Divine's Help to Man



Personal Advice

Longer Letters


Practical Affairs

Cooking and Eating

Borrowing Books....


Experiences of the Mother

Some Experiences....

New Experiences....



Part Two





      Let us prepare, as best we can, the coming of the New Being.

      The mind must be silenced and replaced by the Truth-Consciousness − a consciousness of the whole harmonised with a consciousness of detail.  

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      The mind must be silent to allow the Supramental Consciousness to take its place.


      The Truth-Consciousness must pervade all the being, dominate all the movements and quiet the restless physical mind. These are the preliminary conditions for the manifestation.


      Wisdom in the physical mind: a first step towards the supramental manifestation upon earth.


(Message for the fourth anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation upon earth)


It is only when the Supramental manifests in the body-mind that its presence can be permanent.

29 February 1972 

      It is indispensable that each one finds his psychic and unites with it definitively. It is through the psychic that the supramental will manifest itself.

24 June 1972 

      The Truth-Consciousness can manifest only in those who are rid of the ego.  

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Man and the mind are not the last term of creation. A supramental being is in preparation.

25 December 1972

      The mind does not know truly; aspire sincerely to the supermind.

January 1973

      Superhumanity: the aim of our aspirations.


      Man is the intermediary being between what is and what is to be realised.

30 August 1954

      Man is a transitional being upon earth and hence, in the course of his evolution, he has had several successive natures which have followed an ascending curve and will continue to do so till he reaches the threshold of the supramental nature and is transformed into superman. This curve is the spiral of mental development. We tend to call “natural” any spontaneous manifestation which is not the result of a choice or a premeditated decision, that is to say, which is without the intrusion of mental action. That is why, when a man has a vital spontaneity which is not very mentalised, he seems to us more “natural” in his simplicity. But it is a naturalness which is much like that of the animal and is at the very bottom of the human evolutionary scale. 

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      You must never forget that the outer person is only the form and the symbol of an eternal Reality, and that, passing through the physical appearance, it is to this higher Reality that you must turn. The physical being cannot become truly expressive of the Eternal Reality until it is completely transformed by the supramental manifestation. And until then, it is by passing through it that you must find the Truth.


Sweet Mother, what are the “supreme faculties”?


It is difficult to reply without seeing the context. Which “supreme faculties” does it refer to? Those of man on the way to becoming superman, or those which the supramental being will possess when he appears on earth?

      In the first case, they are faculties that develop in man as he opens to the higher mind and overmind and through them receives the light of Truth. These faculties are not a direct expression of the supreme Truth but a transcription, an indirect reflection of it. They include intuition, foreknowledge, knowledge by identity, and certain powers such as those of healing and of acting upon circumstances to a certain extent.

      If it refers to the supreme faculties of the supramental being, we cannot say much about them, for all we can say at the moment belongs more to the realm of imagination than to the realm of knowledge, since this being has not yet manifested on earth.

23 April 1960

Beloved Mother:

The following interesting question arises: “With the descent of the Supramental into matter, and presuming that new laws and processes will be in effect, may we envisage beings whose control in the body may enable them to neutralize or absorb radioactivity or over-exposure to cosmic rays?”  

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A learned man in the Ashram said that immunisation to radiation is “impossible” because physical matter is controlled by lower nature. I expect you to tell me that, for us, nothing is “impossible”.


Both statements are true.

      (1) So long as matter remains what it is, it cannot be made immune. But (2) the supramental force is expected to transform the material body also (in the long run) and when that is done then everything becomes possible or rather nothing is impossible.


26 August 1961

If a world-war breaks out, it may not only destroy the major portion of humanity but may even make living conditions for those who survive impossible due to the effects of the nuclear fall-out. In case the possibility of such a war is still there, will it not affect the advent of the Supramental Truth and the New Race upon earth?


All these are mental speculations and once you enter the domains of mental imaginations there is no end to the problems and to their solutions. But all that does not bring you one step closer to the truth.

      The safest and most healthy attitude of the mind is like this one: We have been told in a positive and definite way that the supramental creation will follow the present one, so, whatever is in preparation for the future must be the circumstances needed for this advent whatever they are. And as we are unable to foresee correctly what these circumstances are, it is better to keep silent about them.  

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      To anticipate difficulties is to help them happen.

      Always to foresee the best with a total trust in the Divine Grace is to collaborate effectively in the supramental work upon earth.


Sweet Mother,

      This morning in my meditation I saw so many things which were logically unrelated but which definitely produced the impression that something extraordinary is about to happen. This is the first time, perhaps, that I have had such a presentiment, lasting almost an hour.

      I want to know whether there is any truth in it and how we should prepare for it.


Last night, we (you and I and a few others) were together for quite a long time in Sri Aurobindo’s permanent dwelling-place in the subtle physical (what Sri Aurobindo called the true physical). Everything that took place there (far too long and complicated to relate) was organised, so to say, to express concretely the rapidity of the present movement of transformation. And with a smile, Sri Aurobindo told you something like this: “Do you believe now?” It was as if he were evoking the three lines from Savitri:


“God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep,

      For man shall not know the coming till its hour

      And belief shall be not till the work is done.”


      I think that this is a sufficient explanation of the meditation you refer to.

      My blessings.

1 February 1963

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Somebody asked me, −

      “In the work of Transformation, who is the slowest to do his part, man or God?”

      I replied, −

      Man finds that God is too slow to answer his prayers.

      God finds that man is too slow to receive His influence.

      But for the Truth-Consciousness all is going on as it ought to go.  

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       The Lord is Eternal and Infinite.

      Even when the supramental will be fully realised upon earth the Lord will infinitely exceed this realisation which will be followed by other manifestations of the Lord ad infinitum.  

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Those who are ready for the transformation can do it anywhere. And those who are not ready cannot do it wherever they are.

12 November 1971 

      The supramental transformation is hard labour and needs a strong body. For some time more, probably more than a hundred years, the physical body will need to eat in order to keep its strength; and we have to comply with this necessity.

December 1972 

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