Vol. 9


  January 1, 1968
January 3, 1968
January 6, 1968
January 10, 1968
January 12, 1968
January 17, 1968
January 20, 1968
January 24, 1968
January 27, 1968
January 31, 1968

February 3, 1968
February 7, 1968
February 10, 1968
February 14, 1968
February 17, 1968
February 20, 1968
February 28, 1968

March 9, 1968
March 13, 1968
March 16, 1968
March 20, 1968
March 23, 1968
March 27, 1968
March 30, 1968

April 3, 1968
April 6, 1968
April 10, 1968
April 13, 1968
April 17, 1968
April 20, 1968
April 23, 1968
April 24, 1968
April 27, 1968


May 2, 1968
May 4, 1968
May 8, 1968
May 11, 1968
May 15, 1968
May 18, 1968
May 22, 1968
May 25, 1968
May 29, 1968

June 3, 1968
June 5, 1968
June 8, 1968
June 12, 1968
June 15, 1968
June 18, 1968
June 22, 1968
June 26, 1968
June 29, 1968
July 3, 1968

July 6, 1968
July 10, 1968
July 13, 1968
July 17, 1968
July 20, 1968
July 24, 1968
July 27, 1968
July 31, 1968

August 3, 1968
August 7, 1968
August 10, 1968
August 22, 1968
August 28, 1968
August 30, 1968


September 4, 1968
September 7, 1968
September 11, 1968
September 14, 1968
September 21, 1968
September 25, 1968
September 28, 1968

October 5, 1968
October 9, 1968
October 11, 1968
October 16, 1968
October 19, 1968
October 23, 1968
October 26, 1968
October 30, 1968

November 2, 1968
November 6, 1968
November 9, 1968
November 13, 1968
November 16, 1968
November 20, 1968
November 23, 1968
November 27, 1968
November 30, 1968

December 4, 1968
December 11, 1968
December 14, 1968
December 18, 1968
December 21, 1968
December 25, 1968
December 28, 1968


ISBN 2-902776-33-0

September 21, 1968

Mother, it would be good if I could have your protection,

 and Sujata too - both of us.


We're not in good physical health.

Oh! What's wrong?

Sujata has been running a temperature for several days, a high

temperature; last night she fainted and was as if "thrust"

 against the wall: she hurt herself. As for me, last night too I

 caught a fever.

Bah! ... What's that?

I don't know. Both of us.

There's something trying to bother us.

Page 256

(after a long silence)

I don't know.... I told you at the beginning that I had felt something coming from there [the Vatican]. There is something.

There is something ... a kind of relentless fury, something disrupting everything with relentless fury.

It's well veiled, in the sense that I can't manage to find precisely what it is. But it's ... I'll give you an example: no later than yesterday evening or this morning (or in the night, I don't know), the body said, "But what have I done that everything keeps grating like this all the time?" And then, "that" (who? I don't know) shows me things from my life.... This time, it showed me something rather recent, that is, from my life in India (not things from the beginning but from my life with Sri Aurobindo), and in what a manner! ... A manner in which all I did, all I thought, my whole way of acting, it all becomes so ugly, mon petit! So egoistic, so narrow, so petty, so ugly ... Then, the immediate conclusion: "The state you are in is quite natural! ..." It was something like that.

What is it?

So there is only one response (gesture with hands open upward): unshakable calm, and putting the Supreme here, and that's all. But ... it [the attack] doesn't really affect, yet it's still there, that is, it's not repulsed, not dissolved: it's there (gesture as if encircling Mother). And it's been like this since I told you right at the beginning: a formidable formation.

But Mother, almost every night I wake up with headaches. [[This was going to last for months. ]] My

 nights are tiring, very tiring.

And with me, every time I go into an inner state of peace and tranquillity, something PULLS me like that, as if out of malice, and shakes me as though a catastrophe had happened!

Where does it come from?

There is a malice. Yesterday, I felt that malice.


Oh, yes! I saw waves of suggestions. [[Before going to sleep, Satprem saw all kinds of suggestions pass by, in particular one showing Sujata thrown down into a water tank that is being dug in the garden. A few hours later, Sujata was thrown down very near the water tank, against an iron bar in the wall. Thus the really serious accident was averted and turned into a minor one (which, nevertheless, barely missed piercing Sujata's eye). ]] And especially those

 nights that are so difficult - why?

Page 257

You understand, we live every moment in a world where everything is tangled together. In a normal way (I don't mean "normal" for everyone, but it's always been normal for me), things work out; they work out all right, you feel the Protection. And that's what has gone! There's something struggling against that.... Until now, there has never, never been the feeling of anything that really had a power [against Mother]: I just had to do like this (gesture of sweeping away), and it was over. But what I can do now is to mend harmful effects or repulse them - it's intolerable!

And it's mostly mental, it comes with a sort of sense of fatality: "You are the one who caused this to happen, you're getting your just deserts." Like that. Then the body's answer is very simple, it says, "We're all in the same state! The whole of Matter is like this, it's full of ignorance and incapacity." That becomes "faults" in the human mind, but it's not faults. Or else, it's hopeless: if what has been is indefinitely the cause of the whole future, it's hopeless.

So all that can be held at arm's length, it can be calmed, but I clearly see it's not going away. And the body truly has trust, it has faith, that's what saves it, otherwise ...

That also points out the consequences: for instance, yes, precisely, the incapacity to protect others, to give them the needed condition, to do what's needed for them - all that is pointed out with ... you know, unrelenting fierceness. To such a point that this poor body started weeping! Like that. Then naturally, there is the faith that sets everything right. But you know, it's as if you were a monster that had created all the disorder everywhere. It's frightful!

Yes, at one point last night, I saw kinds of waves of mud

 beating; I was protected by a wall and those waves kept

 beating and beating like that.

That's it.

Brown waves, you know, like mud. They kept beating and beating....

(after a silence)

The body is convinced that all its difficulties are tolerated because they're part of the tapasya [discipline], so it doesn't refuse them - it doesn't complain, doesn't refuse - but ... it's a fierce tapasya.

Page 258

And it's not merely the play of forces: it's conscious. [[Mother means those attacks are the result of a conscious will somewhere. ]] It's conscious and has the obstinacy of a conscious will.

(long silence)

I saw P.L. [the disciple from the Vatican] yesterday. Have you seen him?


He too asked me to protect him.

Surely! He's fine, this man.

Yes. Has he left?

This afternoon.

(long silence)

Are you still running a temperature?

A little, I think. But Sujata, yesterday, had a very high fever.

 It's gone, so now there's weakness.


And what do you do to treat yourself?


You're not doing anything?

I take aspirin once in a while. But she isn't taking anything.

You must go and rest, mon petit.

(To Sujata:) And you're going to bed!

(Sujata) After two days in bed, I get tired of the bed!
(Satprem) But I have trust - entirely.

Naturally! But still, it mustn't last, we've had enough, haven't we?

Page 259

Something feels like getting very angry, but I dare not - the body dare not. Something that feels like, oh, like striking very strongly, but ... Because that it has full power is certain! I've had proof of it - not just once, many times. But ...

If I knew. If I knew in a totally precise and certain way where those attacks come from, then ...


It's like this: the body is absolutely convinced that there is only one Will - one Consciousness, one Will. Consequently, whatever happens is part of that Consciousness and that Will. That's how it is, you understand. So it can't get angry. It has one spontaneous tendency: let the aspiration be more intense, the surrender more complete, the trust more total. It gets formulated like this: "That - That which is everything and is one - is nevertheless, despite all appearances, it is nevertheless the Supreme Goodness, the Supreme Beauty, the Supreme Harmony ... everything reaches out towards That. That is it. And we too reach out towards That." There, that's the body's "philosophy." But not in the manner of the other parts of the being: quite spontaneous, and with a sort of indisputability.


You see, the body is convinced - absolutely convinced - that it can receive blows only because its faith isn't sufficient. Not total enough, not complete enough, not absolute enough.

It's very conscious of its imbecility and ... (how can I explain?) at the same time it has the feeling that that very consciousness of its imbecility is an obstacle; that it should only feel it is ... the supreme Truth, the supreme Reality. And then everything would be well.

Ah, go and take rest.

We're fine here!

Do you have enough to eat?

Page 260