Vol. 9


  January 1, 1968
January 3, 1968
January 6, 1968
January 10, 1968
January 12, 1968
January 17, 1968
January 20, 1968
January 24, 1968
January 27, 1968
January 31, 1968

February 3, 1968
February 7, 1968
February 10, 1968
February 14, 1968
February 17, 1968
February 20, 1968
February 28, 1968

March 9, 1968
March 13, 1968
March 16, 1968
March 20, 1968
March 23, 1968
March 27, 1968
March 30, 1968

April 3, 1968
April 6, 1968
April 10, 1968
April 13, 1968
April 17, 1968
April 20, 1968
April 23, 1968
April 24, 1968
April 27, 1968


May 2, 1968
May 4, 1968
May 8, 1968
May 11, 1968
May 15, 1968
May 18, 1968
May 22, 1968
May 25, 1968
May 29, 1968

June 3, 1968
June 5, 1968
June 8, 1968
June 12, 1968
June 15, 1968
June 18, 1968
June 22, 1968
June 26, 1968
June 29, 1968
July 3, 1968

July 6, 1968
July 10, 1968
July 13, 1968
July 17, 1968
July 20, 1968
July 24, 1968
July 27, 1968
July 31, 1968

August 3, 1968
August 7, 1968
August 10, 1968
August 22, 1968
August 28, 1968
August 30, 1968


September 4, 1968
September 7, 1968
September 11, 1968
September 14, 1968
September 21, 1968
September 25, 1968
September 28, 1968

October 5, 1968
October 9, 1968
October 11, 1968
October 16, 1968
October 19, 1968
October 23, 1968
October 26, 1968
October 30, 1968

November 2, 1968
November 6, 1968
November 9, 1968
November 13, 1968
November 16, 1968
November 20, 1968
November 23, 1968
November 27, 1968
November 30, 1968

December 4, 1968
December 11, 1968
December 14, 1968
December 18, 1968
December 21, 1968
December 25, 1968
December 28, 1968


ISBN 2-902776-33-0

December 28, 1968

(After listening to the music composed by Sunil

 for the New Year.)

Did you like it?

It's very beautiful, very powerful.

Isn't it! And it creates an atmosphere.

Usually I play some music for him, and he composes from it, but this time I didn't play, so he took some old pieces of mine; with that he makes contact and composes.

An American musician has come here, and I sent him to Sunil (he's a pianist). He said he'd heard some of Sunil's music there, in America, and at first people are a bit bewildered, but that when they've heard it several times, they become quite enthusiastic.

As for me, I find it creates an atmosphere: it BRINGS DOWN an atmosphere.

And the human voice is quite lovely, well mingled.

* * *

(Then Mother listens to the conversation of December 21:
the "universal box.")

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It's going on, day after day after day.

And the same thing never happens twice: either it's another spot in the body having the experience (another activity, another movement in the body), or it's an unresolved detail, or else ... There's a whole field - a huge field - of studies and observations, precisely about the relationship with other bodies and the extent to which this body does work for other bodies. It's very interesting - oh, very interesting! Because all that is taking place without the intermediary of thought. So the body has a sensation or an experience, or it perceives a disorder, or ... and it acts on that; then, after a while, it notices it's not about itself, it's another [body]. That's how it acts.

All that still seems to be in a limited field, but I am not sure it's not far more general. All the time (almost all the time), there seems to be an intervention of the psychic, as if the psychic made the body remember (I don't know how to put it), made the body remember its universality, and as if it weren't only for itself that the body is expressing movements of consciousness - the movements of the higher Consciousness that it expresses: the effect is general.

We'll know that. We'll know all that ... later, in ...

But the body has a strange sensation, really strange, of being as vast as the earth, even vaster (it can't be expressed, because that's not the true way of saying it), but there's something like this: a sort of inner identity expressing itself in the plane ... (Mother searches for words) ... In the higher Consciousness, it has an effect. I don't know how to put it.

And in that consciousness, the strange thing is the importance of one minute, which to our consciousness is nothing - there it has an importance.... In one minute, something ... general can be done. Naturally, all words are stupid, but that's how it is. One minute.

In one minute ... To such a point that the body perceives that one minute like this (Mother slightly rotates two fingers) is a victory; and one minute like that (Mother rotates her two fingers the other way) is a catastrophe. And not only for itself (for itself, it's on a small scale and concentrated, it's not the same thing), but it's general.

It's an observation that began today (for hours, you know), and quite acutely. But it's new - new in its ASPECT; it's the continuation of all that preceded, but in the aspect it has taken on, it's completely new. In other words, the body consciousness may be

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 becoming aware of it in a new way.

All that is an approximation. After some time, maybe it will be more precise.

It's the quality of time that's changing.

There's a sort of intensity of consciousness that alters the value of time (I don't know how to put it).

It's a beginning.

We'll see.

All that isn't expressed well, but how should it be expressed? I don't know. Later, perhaps.

So I'll see you next year, on the very first day of the year.

On Wednesday?

Yes, it's the first day of the year! (Mother laughs with mischievous


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