Works of Sri Aurobindo

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Nothing is new in the worldWhat do you mean by newNew, in a sort of way, in relation to what is expressed within your knowledgeLet it goAll is wellThat is too rigid a way of putting itWhyOf allThat is a delicate questionI don’t think I shallYou settle that yourselvesWhat of him? To you? What is he to you? Why does the Trinity need Abdul BahaNeed? then how can you act

Too much pliability to the infinite. He is too much in contact with past worlds of beings who seek to fulfil themselves in him and prevent the final formation of certain things which would otherwise take a shape powerful for action.That is good in the world of thought, but not, as it is now, for action. These three things in their principles, in that which brings them about, is good; but they have to find that & arrange themselves in it before they can be effectiveTheir ownIt is difficult to say in wordsBut as they are, they are things that represent some perfection, are a preparation, without them as a stage the perfection could not be reached, but they must not rest too long in the stage of preparationI don’t knowThere are many excellent things in the world

You have not to arrangeLet it arrange itself under a higher impulsionNot alwaysSpeaking of precise defects interferes with the balance; it gives a tendency to exaggerate either the defect or its oppositeIt is an attitude of the soul, the reason and the heart that is needed, a thing general not precisePeople insist too much on particularities, on that which can be defined. But these things are the result of something general & not easily definable, a thing to be felt & seen rather than thought & expressed

She is too balanced on one sideA gentle disbalancing would  


be goodShe has created a balance firm & good, but depending too much on an unconscious restraint which limits the development of her capacities




Abd-ul-Baha, let him disappear then you will see the connectionHe has got rid of Maurya or rather Maurya has got rid of himselfAs MauryaYes, but at present powerlessHe has dissolved his means of actionNot in this world. He is there, but by himself he is [ ]1 less free, less able to impress himself powerfully on the material world. Yes, spirituallyThere is the same difficulty, but less concentrated. As with Abdul Baha. The choice is given always.Why question about such weak forcesHe is divided from you by his weakness, not as the others by their strengthIf they have an immediate destinyWho?They are always there, it is in the material world you should seek. They are the men of the future, not of the presentYes, or have not found themselves. Why are you here otherwise? That is a question you can answer yourselves.


Dissolve him if you will, leave him if you will notThere is nothing else to be done with himIf he is to be anything, he must first dissolveNo, the constitution of his inner being must be entirely changed first, but that would mean a great disintegration first & to begin with the loss of his evil powerWhat force?Ah yes; it will be done at the right time, in this body or otherwise. Each man follows a path that leads him to the goal; only some follow it through disastrous or apparently disastrous revolutions and even have to begin againHe is good as an examiner of soulsThat is the part of the devil in certain systems. He knows himselfAh, ask the prophetsWhat?I suppose you have had relationsThen? One of those who prepare, but are not preparedOh, let him do his own work, he does it well. Do not try to give men more part than the Divine Being has given themThat would do him harm, to try to make him more than himselfFriendship is blindLove, but do not govern your actions by a partial affectionI was going


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to say what you have saidShe is a great soul always with you. He was necessary to her force. Yes, in certain limitsIn another sense than the Theosophist, she would have to be dissolved to be useful otherwise than she is I don’t mean physicallyEverything is possible, but all is not intendedNo, help her by your thought & let the result be what it will. You come back to the actionYes, but the Review is only a means; its success depends on what I told you at the beginning. In your case, the mechanical forces of matter are nothing; it is the inner powers that must work & fulfil. You have the light that is merely light, but where is the light that is powerKnock at the door that is still shut. You have said, personalise the Infinite. The Infinite as infinite does nothing, it isAll form & action are a choice in the Infinite. Yes, mount there. By equilibrium it is possible to mount. Reject nothing essential in yourself; only transform or rather allow to be transform[ed] NoThere are reasons why I will notIt is a consciousness that formulates itself


What is impersonal? All is personal, yet impersonal. EverywhereNot even that. I can, but I do not. No, surely notThat is different, from above. It is difficult to conduct this writing if one descends into a mixture of forces. That is why the writing is so often stupidNot in the same way. It is not that I despise the physical world or physical meansDo that in your physical body. Yestry to have it as far as possible. . . I am not like you in a physical body. I shall take it at the proper time. Thousands of times. Do not ask that; it goes too deep. It means that there are things for which neither you nor I are ready.




July, August, SeptemberYesAll goes well as it isNo reproach an affirmationSo it seemsYou are doing or it is being done? In some directionsNot balancedLet the Power workdon’t quarrel with it. When there is want of balance, it means that both sides are wrongly arranged with regard to each other.


Many begin to be calmNone yet avail for actionWhat matters  


whence comes the truthThat let the recipient judgeThe workThe work that is to be, not that which men imagineRemove all preconceptionsNoI am nobodyWhen I write, I am only a wordIt depends on what is active




My dear friend,

It is quite impossible to tell you how glad I am to come into communication with you again. After so many years of separation, for old friends to be even partially united is a great happiness. If you will let me pour out my sentiments, I can write pages.My name is Mo——2 Too many people are thinkingI am the friend who died in the years when you were at BarodaI am Nair—3

My soul is in the world of desires——


My idea of your position in Pondicherry is that it is not serious as you think. There are some weak points on which certain forces are pressing in order to throw you out somewhere. Whether it is good that you should be thrown out or not, I do not know. But really the result depends on you & not on them. If you ask precise questions, I will try to answerYou want a prophetI will answer if you like, but I am not a prophet.


2 Only two letters of the name were written, followed by a long line.Ed.

3 Uncertain reading. The marks represented here by three hyphens may indicate that the name is incomplete.Ed.