Works of Sri Aurobindo

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-31_April 17_1968.htm

April 17, 1968

(Mother spends the entire time in contemplation.

 Towards the end:)

… Don’t feel like talking. Anything to ask?

You look a little grave?

No, it’s not that.

It’s …

Page 108

(After a long silence)

It’s very hard to say, but it’s clearly the phenomenon of material transformation. It begins with what we may call a “change of government”: instead of a personal, inner being governing, it’s directly the Consciousness, the supreme Consciousness. So then, there is the transfer of all movements, all activities – the entire functioning. The transfer of the personal being. Instead of obeying a personal being, it’s under the Influence of and directly IMPELLED by the Consciousness.

It’s the same phenomenon that took place for the various inner states of being (but that’s relatively easy), but now, it’s physical. And also it’s not mentalized, so it’s hard to express.

Page 109