Works of Sri Aurobindo

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-129_January 3_1973.htm

January 3, 1973

(After the work)

(Sujata:) Mother, I have something to ask you, I have a

prayer…. Satprem is very tormented, you know; so I pray

 that you will take his torment away.

Why tormented?

(Laughing:) That’s his nature, Mother!

(Satprem grimaces)

You know, me, I have but one solution – always the same for anything: this (gesture, hands open). To abolish all personal existence, to be like this (same gesture), something that lets everything pass through and is … set in motion by the Divine. That’s all. Then everything is fine.

(Mother takes Satprem’s hands,

 and plunges in with a sweet smile)

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