Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works
































Abdul Baha 2:l04-ll; 4:316-17

Abhimana 6:404-05

  Absolute, the 11: 158

arriving at 16: 253

relative and 10:94   


solution to 12:157


causes of and protection  from 4 :63 ,121 ,268,272-76 ; 5: 119-20 ;

6 : l-3;   7:l47;    12:113;   16:323

chance and 4:148

in sports at Ashram 12:288-89; 16:413

to body 5:403-06

witnesses of 4:11

Achilles 10 : 278


 according to opinion 10;236-"38

 according to Shastra 10;318

acting like others 9:43-4B

against the Mother's will 1.7859,64

all belong to Divine 10:47 as a knot 8s70-72

as spontaneous expression  of our character 2;50

atmosphere created by 3:198

 attachment to 7;396-98 :

 attitude towards 8S160-62; 16s48,181

 bad 16;306-07

bad thought is a bad c-  ct 5s 146-47

being and  10:319

"better to do than to say" 3:215; 9:94

by inner command 17;317  

 calmness and 8:330-31

centre of  2: 93

choice? or preference? 8;405-08

complete peace in l1:326

 conforming to purest will 17;131

conscious and unconscious instruments of 8:174-75

consciousness of the Presence in 5;74-76; 68393; 10;295

 consecrated, after identification 17:69-70

 consequences of, intervention of Grace 2;57 ; 3;30; 5;363;

10:47; 14;24-25,230-31; 16:352

desire and 4:1-2

detachment from 4:163,278; 8:104,324-25

determined by temperament 2:50

 devotion fulfilled in 10:331

 directing in right way 2:70

discernment in 8:3

disinterested, bears its fruit 16:82

 Divine see Divine action

 divine will and 16:l81,337

 doing the best possible 4:117,119-20; 9:94

during physical steep 2:32,35-37,106-07  ; 5:417; 16:232,357-58,37


effect of individual a. on mankind 10;71—74

ego Grace and 4:279-81 ego observing and spontaneous 6:402

enlightenment and impersonal 2:49-51;  see   also   below   impersonal


error and 10:172-73

escape from 7:292; 8:327-28

 expression of our thoughts in 2:61

 fear of being mistaken in 10:197

feeling and, in Japan 2:149

 filling and fulfilling one's role 4;93

 for contact with Divine 6:393; 16:181-82

for the right and good 16:48

for spiritual good of others 2:67-70

free and imposed 4:32-33

general words on 14;346-47

Gita on 7:398 Gita's spiritual 10:64

God and 10.-231

governed by the Elivine 6; 393

greatness inheres in motive of 10:285

 harmony of 7 :1

 illusion of 3:66-67

 impersonal 2;49-54

impurity of 10:296

in accord with the Mother 17:70,79

 in complete peace 11:326

 inaction and 10:231

 indication of value of 9:31-32

 individual 4 ."253-54; 9: 5-6

 inner freedom and 7:292-93

 integral 2s70 interest in 4:277-78

intervening in someone else's 10:236-239

is the Divine 11:260

 judging 4:38-42

 knowledge and 10:319

lack of control over 17:376

mental complications hindering 2:84; l0:18l-82

mind and 2:92; 3:50; 4:3,6; 5:101; 6:463; 8:l90; 10;67,116-17;

15:329-30,333 misfortune and 10;49

motives and significance of 2:91!; 10:292-93

necessity of struggling and choosing 8:3

not determined by mind 10:116-17; see   also   above mind and not for personal considerations 16:48

object in 4:390 occult 16:34-35

observing oneself doing 7:19-20

of Avatar in universe  9:332-34

of bad thoughts 2:90-91; 53:146-47

 of different wills on mankind 5;198-200

of Divine Grace 88:251,295,316-17,325,340; 10;19,233-34,247

of experiences 8:341-43

of the Force 8;10-13,71; 10:231,234

of hierarchy 10:71

of hostile forces 3:66  16:107-88

of human will on the Mother 10:230

of individual victory on the world 5:20

of the Lord 10:152-53

of love 16:210

of mankind 9:256

of the Mother 9;112-14; 11;92,100,171,270-71; 13;82-86,92-98; 17:82,304

of the new consciousness 11:226-33   17:366-67

of peace on body 4:266 ;


of religion 10:252

of the Spirit in the world 8:10-11

of Supreme Will 4:84,408

of thoughts and desire 2:61,84-92,106-08

of vibration from above and resistance to 10:232-33

of wymon during the war 2:144

of  world personality 8:378-91

on a wide scale 17:259

only under Divine impulsion 10:l97

opinions and 10:236

organised on psychic screen 5:199-204

pausing before 17:80

people blind to the ugliness of their own 3:197

perception and 9:31-325 10:291

perfection of 8:175; 10:308-09

 personal will .as one of Nature's means of 10:54

power of 2:90-91; 8:359-61

prior to understanding 10:l46

progress and 16:397-98

purification of 5:213-14

purity or impurity of 10:296

reason and 10:291

rest in 5:396-97

results of 4:279-81

right spirit in 9:95-97 rule of 4:13

self -forgetful ness in 4.363-65

silence and 2:l60; 3:67-68 9:113; 10-.294; 16:425;  17:310

soul and 10:295

 speculation and 9:256-58

speech and 3:215; 9:94; 14:224-26

spiritual 2:68

spiritual life and 17:80

spontaneous 2:50; 6:402; 8:282-84; 9:30-31,3:18; 10:116

supramental 7:324; 8:178,204-07,292,312-17; 10:29,116-185 15:106

surrender in 4:373

 That which causes 10:295

thought's incapacity for 8:359; 10:124,146

 to conform to thought 2;24

transformation and 2:106-07

true 3867-68; 9:31-32

truth of diverse 8:408

truth transformed into 2:105

unconscious instrument of 8:174-75

understanding follows 10:l46

unitary field of 10:118

universal play and 3:60

unselfish 16:181

vibration of desire and will in 10:177-78

vision and 10:124-25

wastage of energy and 16:370-71

when being is unified 8:380-81

will and 5:46-48,129; 9:176

willed, and surronder 3:8-19

wisdom and 10:236

without attachment to result 7:396-98

without preference or desire 4:1,12,388; 7:292-93

without thought 10:l46 word s have power of 2:65

wrong 3:200,264; 17:100

yogic activity in 9:29-31,316-18; 14:36-37; 16:181-82   


yogic aim of    4:390-91


abandoning 16:303

approaching the miraculous 9:95

 contemplation and outer 4:123

during sleep 17:14,367; see a1so  Bliss ; Joy  Action, during physical sleep excessive material 10:231

 hyperactivity 10;199

 in Ashram 1ife 9:95

mental 8:359-66; 17:167

mental quietude and 16:345

 passivity, receptivity and 6:112-14

 rest and l7:l4

utilising energies and 16:24


selfless 3:158-59,175


only to the Supreme Lord 16:269


of the new being 17:366-67

of the new creation 17:396


the great adventure" 9:151

 the supreme 8:40-41

true spirit of 7:327-28


 the aspiration in 7:424

conquering 7:402? 16:136

liberation from 7:402-03

suffering brought by 7:402 see &1so Adverse forces Adverse Forces <Asuras; Hostile forces) 6:240,305; 8:269,373,393-9

11:257-595 14:160; 15:88,93,365-66,386

absolute truth can conquer 16:50

action of 3:66; 16:l87-88; 17:110,394-95,409-10

ambition and hoi d of 6:248

anger has nature of 10:81

anti-divine forces 5:180; 8:81; 16:10

 as examiners 14:42-43

aspiration for disappearance of 10:l21

aspiration in 7:424

Asuras 5:98-100,375-79; 6:161,172-74,245-48;10:65; 15;322

16:388 attack <s) from

action against 3:33-35,188

conscious of 5:94-97

formations return as 7:81-82

illness and 3:55; 5:180-88

immunity to 7:143 '

in meditation 7:80--81

in various forms 5:158

indirect 5:102-03

losing Divine's protection brings 5:l67-68

on aspirants of yoga 5:157-58

protection against 7:82,147

repeated 5:94-95

symptoms of 16:19-20

 boasting and 7:18

cause all world wars 5:305-07

"censors" 9:279-60

conquering 9:5-9 16:50


conscience and 16:348

conversion of 4:l88; 5:98-100,375-77, 6;161,174,245-48,435-37;

10:82-82; 17:216

cyclone and 17:20

death of people <3overned by 6:246-47

definition of 10:65 fn

delay transformation 7:2,406

 depression created by 3:139

despair and 10:56

destruction of 7:307; 10:99

discernment of 5:102

distort Divine will 3:l70

distort the vital 3:73

the Divine and 6:169-73; 15:22-29; 16:388

domain of death and 6:55

 Durga's fight against 5:97-98

emanations'of the first four 4:1885 5:372-82  ;  6:172-74,247-48;


existence conditioned by 6:462

fear and 6:49,51; 16:189,330

 fight against 3;211

formations of 6:41-42,55 ,214-15

function of 7:17-19,366,403

 gods and 16:370,381

the greatest beings of Light 4:119,180; 5:375-78;  6:172-74

have perverted love 10:213

 hate the beautiful, noble and pure 5:99-100

how to face 4:169

humanity and 11:258; 15:24

 in guise of friend 5:157-58

the in conscience 5:373

 influence of 5:234-36; 6:305,434-38

 insincerity and 9:306-07

instruments of 5:235; 16:190

Jehovah is chief 10:93

last chance of 6:459-60

"The Lord of Falsehood" 4:184-88

passim", 5:376-79

"The Lord of Nations" 4:185-88

 passim; 5:98-99,376-79

lower nature and 16:189

microbes of the vital 6:l91

money and 6:251

most active before great accomplishments 6:240

necessary 3:34,66

never tempt 16:14

no action on psychic world 3:62

of destruction 16:8-9

oppose divine manifestation 7:406

patience against 16:188

perversion of mind by 10:87

physical mind under sway of 3:61

 possession by 5:97; 6:245-48,434-37; 16:249 progress

 and 7:16,18;  8:22-23; 10:120-22

protection against 7:02

 Rakshasas 15:26

raison d ' etre of 4:188,252; 5:95,98

Havana 5:326,328,379

rescuing life from 7:406

resisting 5:235

 role in creation 10:120-22

 sacrifice to 8:81 sadhana and 10:56


seizing Sri Aurobindo's teachings 15:408-10

sex and 15:24-25

sincerity and 5:95; 7:18,366

sovereign sway over material world 9:4

struggle of, with the new spiritual force 9:5,297-98

suffering and 15:360

tests of 4:354; 17:334,3:35

theory of world-illusion and 9:4

tradition, rapid union with the Divine 53328-29

transformation and 7;2,406; 16:384

transformation of 5:95

trap of 16:188-89

        victory against 5:235-36

vigilance against 16:187

will disappear with disappearance of ego 3:218

world under influence of 5:235-36

cf. Force(s); Formations; Vital beings; Vital entities

Advice 5:303

from the Mother 17:l96

giving and receiving 17:37

never 1isten to bad 17:67

Affection 17:44

love and 6:134

Affinities 17:94 Age <AQJng) 3:238; 15:l28-29,

supramentalised body and 16:324

Agni 14:168; 17:81

difficulties burned by 17:148

f1ame of

aspiration, will 7:373; see also Aspiration,  f1ame of

conversion of vital and 3:l38

 fulfillment of 16:363

 kindled by the Mother 17:106

purification and progress 10 :76

        psychic flame and 16:208

        see a1so Firej Flame "Agni" (Hindi youth magazine) 17:332

Aim/Goal 4(164,181,213,351,356

        become true to 17:250

        bourgeois ideal 9:65

definite, in this life   i  ;::.

definition of 5 ."

        central motive of earth existence 9 :208-09


        earth-worm existence 5s394

        egoistic 16:269-70

        everyone should have 12s3

for children 12:432-33

high, vast 5:392-94

ideal of attitude in action 9:29-31

ignorance and 10:260

in work 8:160-61

individual 5:203,303,357

love is the way and 16:211

the Mother's only 58352,354-56; 17:65,385

never forget 16:378

of action 4:390-91

of the body 4:123,326-27

of concentration 4:8-9

of creation 3:31-32; 10:48; 11:268,289 ;  16:283-84

of evolution 98182-83,321-23

of efxiatence 8:120;  16:386 ,421 ,425 ,432


of  former spirituality 9;298

of human life 2:125-27; 5:392-93; 8:l76, 368; 12:18,312;  14:3-8;

16:429-30;  l7:381 of incarnation 2:52

of individual 1ife   5:203,303,351

of integral yoga 16:392

of last Avatar 8:270

       of life on earth 2:39,49; 4:117-18;  7:211;   8:120,176: 9; 15-19, 20B-10 ,253-54 ; 10:291 ;  12:3-8 , 18 :312-13 ( 14: 3-8 ; 15:82-84 ;

      16;386,429-30,432; 17:102,381; see   also Life. aim of;

       Man/Mankind, aim of life

of nature 2:157-58

of physical education 8:243; 12 :275-78,298

of psychic being 4:149

of spiritual life 10:291

of Sri Aurobindo 6:314-15

of Sri Aurobindo Ashram 7:394; 81179-87,366,386 ; 9:17-19

of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education 7;391

of studies 8:364-66

of yoga 3:30,38,64;   6:440-42

peace 9:298

possessor of all names 2:25

progressive integral Iran '.a format ion 9:107-11

seeing clearly the 9:17-19

sincerity leads to 4:74,252

to know the Divine 16:428

to realise perfection 17:361

yogi's, in science 8:158

Alcohol 6:74-76

Allah 2:125 Al1-Consciousncss

leaving decisions to ll:l84 Alternations

cause of 16:133

 Altruism 10:282-85,314

Ambition 17:109,119,221,235,297,330

canker 5:8

creating better than the Divine 5:16

fire that burns 3;4

hold of adverse? forces and 6«248

in the mind 16:54

pulling the divine forces 5:22

sadhana and 6:237-38

service to humanity 3:9; 5:12-16; 14:296

undoing of many Yogis 3:7-8

vital conversion and 5:255-56 America

Japan and 5:343

the Mother's message for 13:387

message of 1949 15:64

presence in Viet Nam 16:337-38

worth of a man in 7:311-12

youth in 11:1 ,6 Amour-propre's 5:144; 17:343

ridiculous 16:194 Ananda 11:2

aspect of the Mother, descent of 6:291-95,302-04

"content" of 11:43

cruelty and 10:107

divine pleasure 8:121-22,192,369

evaluation of vibrations and 11:11


God is 10:345

in the physical 14:385

in the sex-centre 17:76

of creation 8:226

of identity and union 8:226-27

perversion of 16:399 

pleasure and 6:292; 8:121; 16:297-98,390

purpose of manifestation of 16:390

suffering and 11sl12-14,141

Supreme; Lord and 16;297-98

see a 1 so BIiss ; Joy


        nature of 10:311


        individual and 10:306

Angels 4:165

        many names for 7:161

        world of 7:160

Anger 7:89,107,114,141,206,348,421; 16:198

belongs to lower humanity 10: 278-79

comes from vital 16:336

consciousness and 4:179

control over 4:170: 8:350-53; 16:193;  17:364,376

deformation of vital power 10:81

feeling results of 16:26

received from atmosphere 8:54,393

removing 16:6

right attitude and 6:340 Anguish

unnecessary and useless 16:371-72 Anima 17:81-82 Animal<s> 13:247

after death 17:290-91

animality in man 7a329? 0:368,377-78

ants 5:154,267;  8: 60

attitude towards 17:104

cats see Cats

chickens 6:65-67; 8.S80

compassion for 17:174

consciousness in 9:211

cow as sacred 17:280 ,

cruelty to 6:65-67; 16:ll0 

diseases in, cause of 5:273

dogs 5:248; 6:182-83; 17:4

fascinated by human language 9:222

fear and 5:241; 7:28-29

fear in 6:49-51

get taste of food? 17 : 246

the giraffe 5:251

harmonise with Nature 7:53

helper and bar 17:110

humanity and 11:26

in circuses 7:28 

insects, creation of vital beings 5:149-50,309

instinct of 4:27-203 ;  9:304

lost in contact with man 5:274 more reasonable than man's 9:100-01 procreation in 5:149

intelligence in ants, cats 8:60

life of see. Animal life

1ove and 6:102,106-07


love for man in 5:240-42

man and 7:325;  9:100-01 ,180 ,218-22 .; 14:292-93; 15:367-69; 16:402-03

man not understood by 9:271

man, the supramental   being and 11 ;46,51-52

marvellous qualities in 7:330

mastery of 3:166

maternal love in 5:244-45

mental life of 4:167,240

need to be something else 9:232-33

no ill-will in 5i149-52

psychic being in 3:l51; 4;26-28; 7:100

rebirth as 3:145

reincarnation of 7;99—100

repulsion felt towards certain 3:100-02

sacrifice of 5:347-485 6:65-67; 8:8O

senses developed in 4:236-39

significance of

antelope 17:8

birds 17 :4

cat 17:6

deer 17:3-4

dog 17:4

dove 17:6

elephant 17:4  

goat 17:8

hare 17:5

lion 17:3,ll

monkey 17:l59

parrot 17:4

peacock 17:4-5

pelican 17:7

pig 17:9,240

reindeer 17:6

scorpions 17:56

seal 17:4

snakes 17:56

swan 17:4

snake, remedy alongside the evil 5:365; see also Serpent species, with its special qualities 9:232

spirit of the species 4:236-39;  5:149,305;  17:291 spiritual presence in 9:339

strength and stillness of 8:330-31

 vanity of 4;29-30;  11;261

victim's love for slayer 5:151-52

violence and 6:372

see   also  Animal ...

Animal kingdom 16:234

     Animal life.

     spontaneous 9:303

     tendency to imitate 9:238

 Anxiety 14:239

    due to self-concern 16:121

    fear and, from desire 2:90

    stop, in relation to a child 17:415


    apocalyptic vision of prophets 9:300-01


    deceptive in physical world 10;300

    destruction of 10:99

    knowledge and 10:l7-20

    passim of Divine as cruel 10:106


ordinary consciousness  and 10:79

outward, and l Truth 16:391-92

reality and 10:17

reveals inner reality 10:300

soul and 10:23-24

sublime reality behind 10:46

truth and 10:46

truth behind all 10:45

wisdom and 10:17-20 passim


      Jews and 13:389-91

Arbre  Ensolei1le 12:333-34

Archetypes 7:122,352

Argent 6:253

Aristophanes 10:147,156,354

Arrogance 6:241

Art 15:249-50

"artistry", need of contrast 9:27-28

as an imitation of Nature 10:249-50

attitude of yogi towards 8:158-59

"beacon", inner, turned towards 5:l28

beauty in 4:311-12

Buddhist temple 5:326

cubism 5:333

curve of 4:302

decorative 5:341

the Divine expressed in 5:321-22; 8:158-59,191

drama, sensational 3:108; 5:223-24

evolution of 5:333-39

future 7:190

history of 4:298-302

impressionist 4:301

Indian 3:108-10; 4:312-13; 5:341-42

in Egypt, Greece, India, Japan 3:108-10

Japanese 4:306-09

1ife and 3:108-10

machinery and 10:323

modern , 5:333-34; 7:45-47,188-90;  10:323

the Mother's reactions to, 7:188-90

"mushroom species  3:108-11; 5:337-41

nature and 10:249-51

obstacle to 5:337-38

of Second Empire 4:301

old painting 7:109-90

painting, source of 7:351-52

photography and 4:300

photography as medium of 7:45-48;  10:250

raison d'etre of 3:332-33

realising the Divine through 5:83

real ism 4:302

Renaissance 4:301

science or 5:128-29

specialisation and 6:18-19 

stained glass 7:47-48

stained glass windows 5:321

subtle—physical and 16:118

synthesis of East and West in 5:342-43

true and highest 3:104

truth in 3:110; 4:313

unity in 5:339-40

use of special powers 9:90-93


value of 5:76,83

vital world and 3:106-07

war's effect on 4:302-03

Yoga and 3:104-13;  3:l58-59

see   also Artist<s>  Music; Musician(s); Photography; writers


attitude of 8:159

Cezanne 4:300

compare work of Supreme Lord to 10:40

creation of earth compared to that. of 10:220

definition of 5:321,325

Dutch painter of Sri Aurobindo's portrait 5:368

expressing the Divine 5:321-22; 8:158-59,191

function of 5:332~33

great artists of the same period 4:311

imitators and creators 10:310

infuses consciousness into hands 5:261-62; 8:319-20; 10:30

irregularity of conduct 3:106

Leonardo da Vinci 3:1105;  4:301

Manet 4;301

Moreau, Gustav, disciple of 4:298

painter's fame-hungry vital 3:l38

painter's perception of sitter's atmosphere 5:388

private lives of 4:156

self-satisfaction, an obstacle to 5:337

sense of moral beauty 6:71-72; 7:58

signature of 5:342

survival of death 3:146

true 4:364

will in action and surrender 3:47-48

Yoga and 3:104-13

see al so Art; Musicians; writers

 Arya see Sri Aurobindo <2), works of

Asceticism/Ascetics 5:117-18; 6:63-70; 10:l96,313; 12:21,48-50;

16:190; 17:306,320-21

avoids contagion of men 4:75

beauty and consciousness of 7:181-85

by preference 10:302

egoism 4:334

fasting and practices of 9:117-18

in a past 1ife 4;148

leads to pride 6s301,428-29

love of humanity and 10s83

paganism and 10;322

practices of 5:171-72; 9:ll7-18

renunciation of pleasure and 6s292,301-02

self-torture 6:182

spirituality and 3:53-54

value of 10: 294

way of relating to Divine 10:114

way of, suppresses the problem 4:179,382

womin and 10:301

see also Austerity; Discipline; Tapasya

Ashram. Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Aspiration(s) 2:19,126; 9:191; ll:6,265; 12:427; 14:75-81

activity of 6:112-13; 11:192-94

agnostics and 5:144

altruistic 2i68

answer to 5:57-58

ardent 17:190,198

as Grace given to man 5:89


as the positive side of Yogic work 6:22

awakens identity 11:64-65

bargaining and 4:101

best form of meditation 4:104-05

calm, 5 :396-97 5:17:111-12

c1ing to  11:262

common, for progress 2:69

concentrated over centuries 6:271-72

concentration and 10:300; 16:86-07,160

consecrating oneself to highest 16:276

constant 432,34,343-44;  5:170 8:211

contradiction of 16:378 ,

correct 3:249

crystallised in legendary accounts 10:62

desire and 4:101,136-37,336, 6;336-38,4:98;  7:64,241-438 16:409

development of 4:343

difficulties and 4:180,383; 14:243,246,249

Divine accepts all sincere 10:345;  16:172

Divine aspires, not you 8:79

Divine Grace and 16:252 ; 17:21,139

doubt and 5:396-97

drawing down an evolutionary being 5:265

effective 17:279

effort in 5:89; 8:24,- 10:244,300.( 16:294

expression of, in outer life 8:247-48

external conditions and 8;161--62

fire of 16:184,363; 17:127-28; see also be 1ow flame of

first thing necessary 3:1; 4:67

flame of 3:208-09; 5;142-43,350; 7:373; see also above fire

of; see also Agni

for the Absolute 7:93

for active identification 10:198

 for disappearance of adverse force;10:121 ,

 for the Divine 6:133,176-77; 14.-230; 16:177,359,371

for Divine love 4:244

 for Divine perfection 10:58,288

for Divine union through outer act' of worship 8:235-36

 for exceptional children 4:145,168,260

 for faith 6:121,394,403-04

for greater knowledge and wisdom 2:60

for the Infinite 16:423

for the Mother's love and peace17:61,76

for superman, the birth of 2:157

 for the supreme realisation 10:85

for transformation 9:19l;  16:391

for understanding 7:239

for union 8:235-36

for yoga 7:214

force that answers depends an quality of 3:98-99

formulate in quietness 17:361

 free from words 6:99 ,

frees one from social ties 17:198

from the heart 6:389; 16:172,225

fruits of 17:159

 fundamental seat of 3:130

 greatest in silence 17:380

harmonising power of 10:233-34

highest 17:131

human 5:89.5 10:244

ignorance and 10:27;  16:359

 ignoring deep 2:50-51


immobility and 11:193-94

impetus towards the new race 2:164

in the cells 4:339; 5:57;  6:392; 16:369; see also Mother's body, the, aspiration of

in plants 3:132

individuality and 11:185

individual's, for collective ascent 5:250

 the In-finite and 16:423

 intense 7:196; 10:66,200-02

intermittent 17:103

 is always good 17:264

knowledge and 10:256

lighting the psychic  fire 8:252

 meaning of 3:168

meditation and 17:14

mental 5:293; 16:225-26; see also below psychic and mental mental

curiosity and 8:206-07

miracles and 10:161,165

mistakes and 5:l42-43; 10:177

mixed with desire 6 :328 , 336-38 ,409 ;  see also above desire and mixed with violence 6:420-2l

not many bring 11:252

 of Asuras 7: 424

of body 3:130-32; 5:293; 6:139-41; 9:160-64; 10"227; 16:369

of different parts of the being 5:395; 6:391; 7:422-23

of Japanese people  2:150

of love 17:185

of the Mother's body see Mother's body, the, aspiration of nations 10:309

of the physical mind 11:95

of the psychic 4:145; 14:79

of the psychic being 4:168;;

 persist in 16:268; 17:103

 physical 5:293

 planes of 5:143,293-94

prayer and 5:92-93,141-45

pressure on the outer crust pride and 5:351


progress and 6:175-77,337-38,386-87; 8:205-075 10:34; 16:304-05

psychic and mental 7:9; 8:22,235-36; see a1so above mental pulling and 11:25; 14:80-81

 realisation and 8:174,244-46

realising desire and 7:241-43; see a1so above desire and receptivity and 5:397; 6:115-18

rejection and 6:329-30

remain concentrated in 16:86-87

remedy for inertia 11:193; 16:309

replaced by laziness;  10:200

resistance and 6:242-44

response of supramental consciousness 8:178

response to 4:98--99 right attitude in 8s124 sincere 5:159,350; 16:145,171,365;


somewhere in the being 17:304-05

 spiritual 4:165,304; 5:293

 spiritual experiences and 16:323

spontaneity and sincerity in 5:350

suffering and 4:295; 11:41-44

sufficient to attract That 10:170

 the supramental descent and ll:314

tapasya and 4:343-44


taste for adventure is 8:40

tears and anguish 16:371

technique and 4:42

to be what the Mother wants 16:369;  17:374

to contact psychic 17:369

to do one's beet 4;117,119

to feel the Divine Will 4:2,115

to find the Mother again 17:127,365

to find the Supreme Lord 17:379

to grow 8:25

to help others 17:377

to know and to serve 17:159,377,380

to live within 10:268

to open the heart 17:96

to overcame inertia 17:25

to receive energy 16:124

towards Sun and truth 2s2B

twelve men aspiring 8:93

two modes, joy and anguish 83249-51

vigilant 4:180,335,360,362

virtue and 8:143

vital 5:293

will and 4:2,117,254,282-83; 17:12


               period (s) of 3:88; 16:252


of overcoming difficulties 16:169

of receiving help 17:189-90

of sincerity 17:386

of victory 16:122,145

that nothing is impossible 16:l86,

 Astrologers 12:158

Astrology 4:312; 15:37-38; 16:306,402

as a language 7:369

half-knowledge 9:284-85

horoscope 8:91; 9:285; see also Horoscope

Asuras <ASUPIC forces) see Adverse forces Asuric being

    possession of the body by 16:249

    see  also Possession Atavism 224 ; 12:427-28

character and 7:375-76

difficulties from 4:160-62,198,261

heredity and 7:3765 8:25,52,198,200

liberation from 4:262

subconsclent and 4:2615 16:282

see a1so Heredity Atheism

definition 10:363

utility of 10:286

 Atheist 10:251; 16:366-67

   God as the 10:57,363

   hate of 10:341

   view of creation and evolution 10:344 Athens 10:21


  purpose of 12:275-77


 dry coconut image of 7 a 206



agitated 17:56,414

alien influence in 17:150,197

 full of egoism 17; 114

heavy physicial 17; 193

in the' Sri Aurobindo Ashram 17:111-12

jealousy creates bad 16:116

mental, bad thoughts in 8:207-10,309

of a country 4:223,230

of discord 17:171

of others 17:97,121,140

suitable for study 17:160

personal , made of one's vibrations 16:13,32


idea of another dimension 4:139

presence of the Divine in 4:139,240

psychic in 4:141; Atomic bomb 15:48

of Attachments; 3:9  affection and 17:44

affinities and 17:94

expression of 17:132

freedom from 10:196 

getting rid of 16:377-78

indications of 16:197

1ife without 16:157

love and 16s409

not desirable for spiritual progress 17s132

old 17:393

overcoming 16:303

repulsion and 17:22

sentimental and vital 17:132

"teguments of the soul" 7;340

 Attacks 17;33,59-60,365,3:8,393

immunity to 7:143

from adverse forces see Adverse -forces, attacks from

of minor spasms 17:413 Attention

concentrated, to music 16:232

concentrating the 9:360-61

development of 12:25

turned towards oneself 16:131


necessary for the spiritual life 6:96-97

see a1so Awareness; Consciousness At i11 a the Hun 16:34-35 Attitude

all depends on 16:181 ,

between the Mother and others 12:332

can transform circumstances 6:123-25

commercial 8:129-30,133"34

conciliating and understanding 17:411

digestion and 3:292

education and 12:340

egoism in inner 6:28-29

enlightenment and 2:49

experience of pain or pleasure and 10:247

for coming to the Mother 17:128

Gait's, towards God 10:l02

highest possible 3:170-715 8:408

hostile, of two sexes 2:145


ideal of complete consecration 7:192

in asking from the Divine 8:123-25

in games 4:308-89

in offering 4:133

in studies 8:364-66

in typical meditation 2:29

in vital, of depression 17:405

in work 4:33,163,215;  8:160-61,166

 in yogic life 16:181

inner 2:655;  4:403;  6:28-29} 8;208; 16:290

mental, to body 8:141

mental, with Guru 4:76-77,91

 of allowing the Divine to act 17:l77

of average man to the Divine 3:2-3

of a baby-cat 4:94

of blaming the Grace 4:361

of breathing up above 11:228

of children 12:340,442-43

of consciousness 12:367

of intervention and non-interference 10:237:38

of service to the Divine 17:l80

of teachers 12:185-86

of true love 2:40

of the true vision 8:398

of the? yogi (to science arid art) 8:158-59

one absolutely indispensable 16:279

outer and inner 2:65

power of right 3:154-55,170-71

receptivity and 5:371

right 6:40-41; 7:32? 15:244; 16;179-80

 scientific 2:128

study and progress 6:154-55

 to avoid harm 17:109

to the new consciousness 8:129

towards animals 17:104

towards captains and teachers 12:160

towards difficult life 10:58

towards Indo-Pakistan war 17:376

 towards the past 17:301-02

towards poverty 10:268

towards thought 2:75

towards transformation 10:304

 true 17:69,139,302,392

drifting from 17;135

equality as 10:59

in Ashram 7:394

in work 7:391

towards what one does not know 10:27 Yogic 3:9 '

Western, towards God 10:102

with regard to others 10:22-233 17:57

Attraction(s) 3:89-90; 17:62

for the Mother 17;330 

of farces in nature 16:177

repulsions and 16:l97

AUM <OM> 2:64; 12:449

 Aura 10:238

Aurobindo, Sri  see Sri Aurobindo

Auroville 11;174-75; 13:193-356,- 17:328,331

Aspiration talks 13;317-355

Charter of 13:199-201


children of 12:425

cinema and 12:246

collective experiment 10:270

early conceptions of 13:257-282

ideal of Ashram and 10:270

land of, aspires 16:3

marriage and 13:242-43

Matrimandir 13:229-33 ,283-316

money, Government and 13:275-81

organisation of 13:205-06,225

personal property in 13:195,208,213-215

physical culture of 13:344-45

poverty and 10:269-70

raising money for 13:252-56

reason for establishing 10:269

relations among Aurovilians 13:206-08

relations with local villagers 13s248~51

religion and 13:212-13,226

rules in 13:245-46,352-53

Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 10:270;  13:202,209-11

suffering and 10:270

to be an Aurovitian (conditions for living in) 13:198-97, 203,


Austerity 12:48-50

      mental 12:57

      of feelings 12:64-71

      vital 12:55-57

      see at so Asceticism/Ascetics; Discipline; Tapasya Authority 12:l95

      human, a symbol 4:92 Authors

      modern 12 :325-26

      see  a1so  BooK's  writers

Automaton 6:212


      generosity and 3:119-20

Avatar<s) 13:22; 14:87; 15 :20- 21 ,299-300;  17:76

      aim of 1ast 8:270

Avatarhood 13:50

birth of the Eternal on earth 9:177-78

Buddha as 7:296-97

Christ as 10:61; 17:76

definition 10:61

highest form of love 12:69

in Kaliyuga 16:272

incarnations of the One Eteing 9:197

meaning of 7:296

miracul OUES momentia in. csarth   life 7:418

necessity in the world of divine emanations 5:275-76

of Vishnu and Shiva 7:297

one cannot realise supramental 1ife 10:138 .

origin of all 9:332-334

Rama 10:311

reason for incarnation of 5:388-89; 8:167-68

Satyavan, in Sri Aurobindo's epic 5:391

special action of each 9;197

Sri Aurobindo as 10:255

superniind and 10:255

truth of 10;254-55

two perfections 9:93-94

Vibhuti and 4:398-99


work of 3:178-79


        by identity, true knowledge 3:178

        knowledge and 3s 167

       of difficulties 16:284; 17;85,93,112,119,130,310,322

       of the Divine 7:240

      of forces & 8:19-20

      of origin at one's movements 4:38-40

      progress and 16:31-32

      see a1so Attentiveness Consciousness


      in caring for things 16:183
