Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Habit (s) 2:55; 4:261,342,376,410; 8:175; 10:265-66; 11:1,6,16,32-33,49,53,58-59,69-70,73-74, 94, 100, 143, 228, 247, 318

all can be changed 16:159

automatic movements 7:223

bad, pulling out 16:159

considered nature in ourselves 10:21

directing thought towards self 2:35

eating 6:1587-59,162-64,178-81; 7:62; 17:47,248

forgetfulness 7:409

good, renouncing 16:318

law and 10:243

laziness of 2:79

mental  9:46234,237

of accumulation 2:97

of boasting 16:272

of the body 4:345,367

of concentration 2:64

of controlling action and reaction 17;33-34,76

of cutting life in two 10:159

of  illness 7:144-47

of mental consciousness  8:361-64

of the Mother 11:243

of Nature 5:112; 10:21

of  physical consciousness 4:367-68

of referring everything to oneself and charity 2:49,101

of reflecting before action 2:56

of reviewing dreams 2:37

of seeing 7:381-83

of thought 2:76

of time for sleep 17:36

personal food 17:47

physical 6:158-59,162-63

religion and 9:16

renunciation of 16:318

social 7:245

use of  12:50-51

Hari-cutting 17:174

Hallucination (s) 10:252

definition of 10:39

Sri Aurobindo's aphorisms on 10:39-42

subconscient 11:35-36

vision and 10:41-42

Hands 3:97; 4:274; 9:254

conscious 4:404; 5:261-64; 10:30; 16:363

of musicians 4:194; 7:269; 8:236-37


as in a dream 17:123

effect of the grace 17:410

have to happen 17:402


after pranam 17:46

aim of life and 12:311-12; 14:7

best way 16:315

comes with study 17:71

condition for 10:271

deeper cause of 16:59

desire and true 16:134

exceeding all expectation 16:427

experiences and 17:89


for lasting 17:50,301

gratitude and 14:163

here in the Mother's love 17:l25

inner 16:214

in children and grown-ups l6:59; 17:120

in doing good .17:l44

in work from the Mother 17:l66

intense, in con cent. rated silence 17:55

living .in Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:131-33

love and 17:09,120

not  feeling 17 :54 ,73-74 ,143,151 ,401

of  spiritual realization 16:l23

peace and 16:l31; 17:l66

possession and 3 :253-54

progress and 16:32

psychic being and 16 :290

pure; 1ove brings 16:175

quietness to maintain 17:50

real and ordinary 17:18

revolt and 16:123

sincerity and 6:215-16

spiritual 17:50,139

squandering it in talk 17:54

supreme 16 :433; 17:181

surrender, Grace and 17:l39,151

through work and self   mastery l6:l31

to find again 17:151

true 16:6l,290,434; 17:98,134


to avoid 17:109

Harmony 4:166,208,403; 8 :305 ; 14:197-98


aspiration in the Mother's body 11:32;  see  also Mother's
body, the aspiration in

atmosphere? of 9:30-31

attempts to create 17:391-92

balance and progress 7:56; 10;266

beauty and, of body 4:54-57;  5:ll4-l6; 10:300;  15:373

behind appearances 17:179

constant incarnation of vibration of 10:192-93

creation of 3:163; 9:l68-69; 10:161-625;  17:392
crookedness and 10:l65-69
degree of success depends on degree of 10 :56
developing sense at 6: 586-89

disorder and 11:141; 16:323-24; 17:238,241-42,283-85,269
everything in its place 9:55; 10:l57
exaggeration and 10:266
forces of, and chaos confronting 9:169
gratitude and 14:163
health and 16: 194
human 11:24-29
in work 14:331-36
manifestation of 3:109-10,113
.of diverse viewpoints 14:287-89
of inner aspiration and outer action 7:1
of 1ife on earth 10:89
of physical vibrations 11:20-21
of true physical nature 4:372;  7:217
of words 7:308
on earth 11:174-75
passage of time and 17:242

perfect 10:233-34; 17:179



perfection and 10:266

progressing universal  2:47; 11:76-77

readiness to re-establish 17:363

thought and 2:92

to come down for Auroville  11:174-75

universal 5:352,354-56;  10:56; 16:78

vibrations of 10:l92; 16:323-24

wisdom and 10:17-18

with Nature? 7 :53;  10:56; 17:378

with psychic life of   universe 17:102

world of 3:112

Hate (hatred)

denying or hating the Divine 8:231-32

destructive  suggestions 8:397

increases  farce of resistance 10:281

of  atheist 10:341

of beauty by adverse force 5:99-100

of virtue 10:78-79

power and 10:281

reverse of 1ove 16:76

stupidities and 10:286

vibration of 10:215-17

Hatha Yoga 3:21; 9:l32-53;  12:287

keep certitude of victory ' in 16:173

Headache 16:465 17:63,210

be regular in martial  life 16:132

con cent ration and 16:300-01

cure for  6:310-12

exercise for 16:130

follow a  physical  disciplines  16: 127

suffering from 17 :195


capacity for 16:429 

Coué's method of 3:36,156; 7:3-8 ; 9:380;

evil, and the Divine 7:3-8; 9:380; 16:80

from heart, not head 16:19

illness see Illness, heal/healing

power to 10:325

spiritual 4 :266-71 ; 5 :184-88

Sri Aurobindo's power of 9:254

suffering 9:282-83

supramental force and10:161

ugliness 10:71-74

weakness by the Divine 4:391

see also cure/curing; Health 

Health 12:12-17

balance of, in body 5:295-96; 8:368;  16:131;  17:7
be proud of 16:194
be regular in material life 16:l32

desires of the vital and 16:197

disease and l0:326

in Sri Aurobindo  Ashram 17:191,204,251,268,306-07,310,324

influence of mind and vital on 5:295-96

medicine and divine 10:326

sports and 12:296-97

supramental transformation gives back 10:328

yoga and 15:147

see also Heal/healing




knowledge and 11:244

see also Mother' s body, the, transformation on , hearing...

Heart , the 14:390 ; 17 :84-85

asking and offering to the Mother in 17:127

aspiration cornea, from 6:389; 16:172,225; 17:96

approach personal or Immanent Divine through the 16:253

calm, and yoga 16 :156

central being 1ies in 3:1

centre 7:252; 8:193

Characteristic of 16: 177

concentrate in 6:389; 16:148,161,311

contact the? psychic in 17:68,98,142

the Divine and 14:373-75; 16:161,172; 17:142

divine help in 16:396

do not 1ose l6:l37

"dried up heart" 7:253; 16:175-76,190

Entering, in meditation 16:331

faith and confidence in 16:173; 17:l25

frivolities divert 16:172

generous 4:405;  17:363

has wings 7:401

healing From 16:19

home of luminous goodness  17:373

il1ness in 17:355,394

luminous presence in 16:410

may gratitude fill 17:377

meditation and entering 16:331

the mind and 14:374

the Mother can read 17:385

the Mother is in 16 :32 ,92 ,121 ,125 ,139 ,149-50 ,167;  17:123,381

of children 16 :61

of creation  Divine at 17:379

of pain 12:75

open wider 16:98,158; 17:86-89,96

peace is in 6:32!; 16:l48; 17:l91

the presence and 16:161

psychic being and 8:193; 16:397

pulling sensations up to 17:330

purify your own 16 :193

quietness in 17:361

re-enter body through 17:412

sacred fire in 17 :106

same everywhere 3:12

seeking 6:221-22

sentiments and 16:177

sincere  17:140

sun rising in your 16:119

sweet due to love 16:213

vision in 10:330

see also Chakras


existence of 10:64-65

hell and 3:199,201; 4:325 ; 5:131-32; 8:218-19; 10:65; 16:388-89

model of 10 :346

of the liberated mind 8:275

see also hell

Hein 10:147
Hell (s) 3:278-79; 11:179

Dante's description of 10:345-56

eternal 5:l31



existence  of  10:64-65

heaven and 3:l99,200; 4:132;  5:131-32; 8:2l8-19; 10:65; 16 :388-89

in vital worlds 17:106

passing through 16 :388-89

state of consciousness 10:65

Help/Helping 7:309; 9:4:16-17

bar and, of ego l7:108-09

being  conscious of 16:354

beings who 17:49-50

by being receptive 17:366-67

by example 17:377

desire is obstacle and 4:3,349; 7:298
divine, in the heart 16:396

from the awakened psychic 4:146,149,165,261

from imperfect beings 17 :93

given to mother human being  17:50 ,67 ,79 ,93 ,95-96 ,135 ,262 ,377
see also  Man, helping Others, helping,

healing  4:210; 5:133,387,403

humanity see  Humanity , helping

imploring  17:185,252,339,403-40,409

leading the being through difficulties 6:386-87

miracles and , of vital entities 4:83,86-87

money meant to 17:396

the Mother's 12:335-36; 16:67,89,134,169,184; 17:98-99,101,133,135,

189-90,316-17,374;  see also Mother, the (2), help and...

the Mother's to find the Lord 17:379,381

obliging others 17:67,118

of the Divine 7:246; 14:89-96; 15:245-49; 16:154,320,396; 17:12,377,394

of external consciousness 8:3,290-91

of fairy like beings 4:275

of Grace 8:253-54; 9:407-08; 16:28; 17:391

of kali 17:375

of Sri Aurobindo 13:134-35; 17:58

of the vital 5:258-59

of vital entities 4:83,86-87

of work to pass through depression 14:337-42; 16:137; 17:213

the only 17:231,262

proportionate to consciousness 17:95-96

reason is bar and 8:358-59,362-63,372-73

religion  and 8:148-50

silence most effective 17:195-96,198

spiritual 9:86-87,92-93; 16:220

through sincerity 5:372

to overcome exhaustion 17:394

to overcome one's nature 16:190-91

the world 5:20; 16:431

worrying does not 16:87


nature of 12:317

not afraid of  blows 5:235

teacher is a yogi and a 8:354



Heroism 11:307; 14 :179;  16 :196

admiration for 7:259

in first World War 28:144; 7:259-61

Hierarchy 4:392

in groups 16:329-30

in realization 7:340;  8: 345-46 ,48-49

in religion  4:392

of action 10:71

of beings 9:45-46

of collaboration 10:71

of surrender 10:16

spiritual 8:27,37,46

Hieroglyphs 8:336,151-52
Higher consciousness 16:216

discipline and growth of 10:258

how  to raise to 17:133,136,139

inner consciousness and 4:9,18

1ight and 4:79

social relations and 6:369-73

state of pure 1ove 16 :217

thought and 6:328

Higher course 12:177-82,214,223

study of Sri Aurobindo works in 12:210-12

Higher forces

source  of energy 6:81-82; 16:148

work of 6: 81-82; 16:148

cf, Divine force; Force, the

Higher mind  10:140; 14:362

from idea to consequence 4:85

forms of 3:61 -62

inhabitants of, and psychic 6:l6l

the Mother's Presence in 17:l42

range's of , and Super mind  6:417-18

role of 7: 15

Hindi 12:223-24; 13:384

articles on sadhana 17:297-98

classical and bad 17:227

good only for Hindi provinces 17:332

poet 17:3-7

Ramayana 17:23-24,30,135,189-90,316-17,374;

teaching 17:213-14 ,227-20,235 ,268-69

translations into 17:201-03,210-11,223-24,274,324,343,345

Hindi Magazine "purodha" see "purodha"
Hindi Youth Magazine "Agni" 17:332
Hindu tradition

the cow in 17:280

the Divine Child in 17:184

the four Yugas 17:279

the Lord eating devotees' offering 17:290

past and future 17:301-02.

Pranam to the  feet 17:398

Radha and Krishna  17:243,282
Rama centering river Saraya 17:319

Satyayuga 17:78

worship of gods 17:237-38,395-96

Hiranyakashipou 8:244 fn; 10:355
.Hi story .1.2:249 ,325 ,403-06

civilisations,  disappearing 5 :249

conquered influencing conquerors 5:343

death of Caesar and Christ and 10:61

earth memory and 4:110-11 ; 5:278-82


evolutionary movement 5 :249-50

four great events in 50:63

intervention of Grace in human 7: 418-19

judgment of 2:125 ,

1egend and 5:327; 10:62

museum, historical sampling 5:341

of art 4:298-302; 5:333-39

of the earth 4:242; 10:89; 16:421,427

of humanity 5:249;  9:407-08

of  life 9:210-11 ,213-15

of religion 12:211-12

of  transformation 9 :41 2

of  world 2:154-55

past experiences, learning secrets of Nature through 5:364-66

Sri Aurobindo  and 12:12-13; 10:62,96

war and 10:62

Hitler, Adolf 4:184-88; 5:377-79; 15:47; 16:9-10
Ho1idays 12:161 -62 ,333 , 358-59; 17:214
Home work . 12 :198-200 ; 17:311
Honesty 3:190-91; 4:379-80; 14:216; 17:59

1acking 17 :345

mental 9:327-29

money and 16: 369-70

Honesty Society 17:344
Hope 11:169; 14:86

builds happy future 16:186

never lose 16:l95

new, and present world chaos 9:168-69.

Horoscope 8:91 ,

escaping absolute law of 9:284-85

see also Astrology; numbers

Hostile beings

Divine and 16:388 

mental plan and 3:60-62

vampires 3:42-46

Hosti1e forces see Adverse, forces ,
of God see,   Sri Aurobindo (2)  , works of

Human bad will 17:395

Human being (s)

all a1ike before Eternity 16:158

authority ' of , a symbol  4:92

beings who help 17:49-50

capable of doing anything at a11 10:75-76

consciousness of 16:428

contact with mystery of  universe 2:147

defects  or qualities 5:357-58

delight intolerable for 10 :346

a divided being 14 :355-56,359

Divine consciousness and 16:425

Divine love and 8:340

ego, psychic being and 16:432

expressions of a soul 8:239,243; 10:311

fatuity, gross folly 5 :337-38,349

the  first 9:236-38

f our categories of 16:426-27

help given to another 17 :50 ,67 ,69,95-96,135,262,377

ignorant and obscure 17:107

1ove between 17:92-93

normal consciousness in 3:130

power , becoming aware of 4 :368-69



psychological divisions of 16:239

shut up in a sack 4:170

unify all parts around the psychic 14 :355

vice, control1ing 8:5

withdrawing from the Divine 5:83

Human confusions 17:386

Human consciousness 9:11,207; 10:75-78,279; 11:264,266,269,277,287 ,288-89

characteristic  tendency of , reaching somewhere; 9:189

discipline and growth of 10:258

falsehood of ordinary 10:347

fundamental structure of 10:75-76

in infancy 10:16

infancy of 10:168

is so corrupted 16:433

morality and 10:75

the Mother takes on 5:388-89

relation between gads and 11:37-39

soul and 10:209
suffering sustained by ll:235-36

transformation of 3:178

truth consciousness and 10:75-76

unity and 15:66-68

yogic and 16:401

Human crookedness 17:366
Human evolution

of soul 10:209

speech and 6:222-23

Human forms

first 10:91

Human life (lives)

aim of   2:125-27; 5:351-52;  8:176,368; 12:18,312; 14:3-8;

16:429-30; 17:381

different periods in 8:20

divine fife and 16:157

duration of contact between 2:70

exceeded, conditions 2:163

Human love 17:35-36 ,92-93 ,341 ,376,378

Divine  love  and 3:69-72; 6:78 ,174-75; 10:83,356,361;
12:68-69; 14:125-30; 16:298-99,409

For the Divine 6:102,174-75; 12 :69-70; 14:136-38; 16:26

human relation ships and 16:280; 17:92-93

strength and knowledge 10:361

true love and l6:298-99

Human nature 4:332

aspiration and 5:69

fixity of 2:53

good and had mixed together 16:64

is rebellious 30:261-62

tendencies of 10:200

Human race

perpetuation of 16:6

progress and 10:272-73

prophecy of 6:159

Human unity 10:50-51

consciousness and 15:66-68

morality and 10:310

national and 10:309-10

through awakening inner Divinity 2:47

Tolstoy's son and 4:285



Human vision

divine vision and 6:459

the Mother's way of seeing and 12:95-96


Humanity/Man/Mankind/ 11:129-30 ,159 ,206 ,216 ,235-36,252 ,261-62, 309,324 ; 14 :73,189 ,288 ; 15:263-65,274-75,309-10,326-27,355-58 367-69,

370-71, 380,406
adverse forces and 13:258; 15:24
advancing  toward  the Divine 5:249-50
aim to be achieved 2:125-27; 5:352
anger belongs to lower 10:278-79
animals and 11:26

apocalyptic vision, true meaning 9:300-01
appreciation of (pleasing) 15 :86-87 ,397-98 ,420-22
ascent in spirals 7:188

atmosphere of  desires 6:279-81
Aurovil1e as col1ective experiment of 10:270

castes 5:247-48
barbarism and 10:323
clings to conception 11:6
colour prejudice 15:280
consciousness  fashioned by mind 6:401
consecration to 2:l26
consenting to be  spiritualized 9:74,77-78
creates gods 6:275-76

creating difficulties 11:66, 282,286-88

creations of 14:369-70
Divine  and 14:17-25,135-36; 17:318

divine and animal 3:150-51

does it still need to go through destruction? 9:74

ego and 11:55

error of 9:l47-48

evolution of  7:357; 16:432

expectations of the Mother 12:308; 17:232

"The Family of  Man" (exhibit)9:3-4

fear of the divine 1ife 11:311-12

ful1 of desires 6:411-15

future of, individuals most helpful to 2:16l-62

future temple of 2:146

goal of 2:125-27

God and 10: 267 ,356; 11 :38-39 ,67 ; 14:125-31

helping 10:360; 12:95-101; 14:295-96, see also Others, helping

history of 5:493;  9:407-08

hostile forces and 11:258; 15:24

ignorance , "sole evi1 " of 7: 316-17

increased sensitivity 11:225

individuality and 6:108,256-61,333-36

inherent contradiction in 6:308; cf. shadow

interdependence of individual and collectivity 9:141-42

key of the whole problem of 9:77-78

liberated by col1oquy at Kurukshetra 10:63

liberation and 6:34-35

love of God and 10:331,339-40 ,349 ,356 ; 14 :125-31

love of 2:126-27; 10: 83

men and wymon as complementary halves 2:143; 14:309-11

mind and 14 :364 ,369-70

mistake of , clinging a1tiays to the past 9:197-98



the Mother's personality  of  Ananda and 6 : 291-95
new creation and 6:417-18; 11:24-29,96-97,307
of the Mother 13:82-83

ordinary, guided by desires and passions 9:98-102
persistence of after death 6:56-57

physica1 nature and effort  6:430
pity and love 10:266,360
predestined beings 6:386-87
present general tension; new sign 9:296-98
present  state  of 17:110
progress of 2:101 ; 3:203-06,273; 12:305
progresses in spite of appearances 3:273
psychic and 6:160-61
qualities for growth of 10:249
real , of wymon  2:154
realization of 10:284
retations 14:291-315,331-36
resistance 11:300
sacrifice for God 10:282
science of 9:101-09

service to, form of ambition 3:9;  5:12-16; 14:296
sin, virtue and progress of 10:259
slave of doctored 10:327

social relations see Relations with others, (Relationship)
sorrow and evolution of 10:296-97
spiritualized 2:161-62
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 13:113-14
stages of transformation and 11:46-53
stamp of, desire to find fault 3:158
suffering of 2:57-58,126; 10:59,269-70
summit 6:108

supramental and 15:110-18

supramental manifestation and 6:307,417-18;  11 : 24-29,96-97
supreme fool in 10:265
synthesis of East and west 5:342-43
those who  shall save 2:164
to be  superseded 11:70-71
transformation and ascent of 10:249
true governor of 10:315
two principle occupations of 4:20S
understanding of 11:75-77
unity of 10:281;  12:39-405;  15: 65-68 ,71-72
vision of 11:255

waiting for others to progress  11:208-09
war and development of 10:52
way to progress most 10:27
work for sake of  2:155
work to be realized by 5:352,354-56
world and 14:297-98
Yoga and 3:2-3
see also Col1ectiuity;  Human...;  Individual...;  Man/Mankind;

Others; People

Humi1ity 2:5,147; 14:159-61; 17:82-83,143
before the Divine 5:46
consciousness and 5:29-30
depression and 3:139
divine  grace and 16:252
ignorance lacks 17:90,129
karma, changing  one's 5:93
progress and 5:45-46; 17: 163
scientist, real 5:30



true 3:l75; 5:46;  16:l78

Humour 5:14; 17:279,293

sense of  4:250,254; 10:33

Sri Aurobindo sense of 10:245,332


cruelest of creatures 17:11

Hurry 17:16

and "White' Roses" 17 :215- 16

Hydari, Sir Akbar 15:332
Hymn to Durga 12:43-44
Hyper sensitivity 16:53

anesthesia  replaced by 9:393-95

Divine Mill and 7:268

effect of 7:268; 9:395

Hypocrisy 3:190,218; 5:31; 12:129; 14:209; 16:277

doing thing secretly 17:137

obstacle on spiritual path 17:132

shamefu1 17:64

