Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Name and form

      and the Reality 6:25-27
Napoleon 10:52,143;17:148
Narada 10:196 ,204-05 ,355
Nation (s)

ego of 10:257

nature of 10:309

soul of 12:42,44

unity of 12:40-41; 13:371

see  a1so Countries

Nature 3:143,235-36; 6:l-3; 8:159; 10:139; 15:11-13


according to Science 3:161

animals and 7:53

art and 10:249-51

as examiner 14:42-43

asuric 10:63

attachment to things as they are 9:34-35

attempts to realise superman 2:150 fn

attraction of farces in 16:177

being of 7:363 -64 ,422

catastrophes and cataclysms of 3:38; 4:175-76; 5:153

change of 9:34-36; 10:98; 17:209,237,405

civilisation and 5:329

collaboration of 5:251; 9:245-48; 17:291

communing with 9:247-48; l6:398-99

complicated self-expression 10:l69

contact with vastness and joy 7:73 ,138-39

creates forms

necessity of simultaneous individual progression 9:226-28
with 1imi1ess abundance 7:34 ,2:16-17

creatrix, huge cauldron 5:343-44; 9:247

death 10:319-20

habit of Mature 5:112
means of awakening material consciousness 9:33-34

deformations in 16:287-88

destroys and begins again, pleasure of 5:250-51,336,344,360

destroys entire species 7:16 2

different combinations in 7:365

discernment between Spirit and 8:11

distortion changes 10:93
 the Divine and 15:l3

the Divine Mother and 7:163
divine Presence everywhere in 8:223-24

earth-Nature 8:59

economy of 4:205

effort against resistance 10:280

effort to express Divine progressively 10:50

entities behind the elements 5:384; 7:385-86 ,388

evolution and 7:162

fixity of 2:53

forces of 4:175; 5:136,153; 16:177
inf1uencing man 8:51-52
mechanical executrix 8:59-61
sleep and 16:402

goal of 2:157-58
God an d 2:40-41; 9:9-13; 10:340

habit as part: of 10:21

harmony with 7:53; 10:56; 17:378


higher man may be independent of 9:211-12
human see Human nature
imagination of , vast 5:226-27 ,251,344
impulse to create something new 2:157
inconscient appearance of 9:322-23
insanity of 10:252

is a conscious force 5:152;  9:221
knowledge of secrets of 5:362-66; 10:26
1aws of 7:113 ; 8:316-17; 10:243 ; 11:107, 16 :141
liberation from  universal 16:431
love and 12:66-67
1ower sec Lower nature
man and see Man, nature and,
material .17:107
may repair damage 17:411
mind and 10:87,89
mirac1es and 10:159-66
monstrous, for men 5; 26 7
mora1i t y of 5:185-66; 7:185-86
the Mother's experience of Nature-forces 7:386--90
movements of 4:22-23;  9:323
obstacle to higher 10:11-12
of evil 10:315
of genius 10:280
of hero 12:317
of illusion 10:44-45

of individual 5:414; l0:.268-69; 16:268
of man 10:87-88
of opinions 10:235-39
of others 17:121-22
of personal experiences 10:205
of pity 10:360
of religion 3:76-84
of sacrifice 10:317
of self-deception 10:80-82
of socialism 10:311-12
of tears 16:371-72
of thoughts 2:21-28,75-92
of the vital 5:211
of wymon 2:83-84
order', chaos and 6:90-91
order in 8:238-39,241
outer 7:1

perfection and 4:15 -16
perseverance of 2:157 fn

physical 4:372; 5:349-50; 6:430; 7:217; 10:243
plasticity of 4:368,374
plays with men 6:79-80

progress of 2:157; 5:63-64,336,360; 8:12; 10:12-13,360
protecting spiritual presence 9:339-40
psychic 10:244

puppets, moves men like 5:91
Purusha and 8:59-65; 11:107
remedy, found with the evil 5:365

science and 9:322-23 

seasons of, not regular 7:387

secret of 5:363-66; 9:32l-322

sex  a means used by 7:162

soul of 9:40; 10:250-51,336

spirit and 8:11

spirits of at 1 manifestations of 5:136


sun-symbol in 3:12; 7:139
Supermind complete fullness of 9:247-48
Super nature and
Supreme Mother and 7:163
surrender of one's 4:183,373-74
tamasic 5:120,415
tentacles of 10:l2

titans, vital beings in -farces of 5:150
total knowledge of physical 10:136
transformation of 8:62- 63 ,245-46 ,381
universal 7:l37-39; 16:431
victory over one's 5:2 0
way of progressing 10:12-13
will of 10:56

working of  5:344 ; 9:226-28
see  also  Prakriti


Nature Cure 17:351

Nazis 13:124,126

Need (s) 3:6-7,11,20; 5:414; 6:36-37; 8:140-41, 251, 258, 295;  9:94; 10:168

asking Divine for  8:122-25

conception of 12:124-25

desire and 4 :49 ,332 ,384-85 ;  8:123-24; 16:226

evolutionary 3:86,90

for sleep 17:151

for transformation 8:96,98; 17:375

the Mother granting sadhaks 16:l6

new consciousness a 2:15 6

of Abhram first 17:345

of endurance 3:136-37

of man see Man, needs of

of psychic 7:40-41,399

riset height of 17:404

slavery to 17:229,306

soul knows 16:299

spontaneous 17:375

story about 4:386; 5:368

to penetrate tamas 10:106

Negligence .

meaning 3:208-09

Nehru, Jawaharlal 13:368; 17:240
Nerves 5:224

get tired 16:83

illness and 3:89; 4:268; 17:l95

sadness; depression and 16:l20

sensations and 16:177-7 8

Nervousness 17:403

causes of 6:76

New Age Association 16:351-52

messages to 12301-08

New being 17:366-67

coming of 16:436

New birth 17-193

condition of most men 9:18-19,136,431-32

into a new consciousness 17:367-68,370-72

of a particular psychic being 17:367-68,370-72

the psychic and 9:336-38,431-32


New consciousness 2:155; 11:284-85; 15:114-16; 17:37-4

action of  11:226-33 ,317; 17:366-67

attitude towards 8:129

experience  of entering 17:89

need for 2:156

perception of death and 11:63

power of 11:267-68

recent manifest at ion of 10:248

since January 1969 17:367 

teaching and 12:114

New creation 3:129,178-79; 4:107; 7:157-58; 9:l49-51; 16: 331, 430

birth pangs of 17:327

deities and 11:117 ,126

earth and 7:357; 11:116-18

humanity and 6:417-18; 1I:24-29,96-97,307

preparation for 16:353-54; 17:314,396

New life 4:70; 8 :135,243,323 ; 9:77,169-70

difficult to conceives of 9:145-51

transition to see Mother'' s body, the transformation of,
painful transition

you are right in wanting 16:145

see a1so Supramental 1ifc

New race 16:415,430,436

aspiration for 2:164 

evolution and 7:333; 9:313-14

governed by intuition 2:157-60

love and 12:68-69

Supermind and 8:127,131-33,323

transformation 7:324

New realisation 9:312-15
New worId 7:357,402; 11:316-17; 15:105-06,114-16,126-27; 16:301

action of, upon the old 4:253, 7:187; 9:148-49,156-59

birth of 9;144-51

elements  introduced in 8:9-10,314

1ight in 4:70

manifestation of 7:323-24

participating in 9:150-51 ,158-59

promise of 7:326-27

transformed 6:327

Newspapers 12:148; 16:416-17;  17:19,328-29,364-65
Nietzsche, Fred

conception of superman 2:161; 10:248-49

Night 2:31; 16:232; 17:60

conscious; of 4:62

darker before dawn 16:408

going to the Mother at 4:130-31

pleasure in working at 17:362-63

sleep at 16:408-09.5 17:9 

vital beings active during 3:15
Nightmares 3:47,165; 4:129,192-95; 7:24,12l; 16:l89

 see  also Dreams


true sense 3:278-79

Nirvana 6:392; 9:123 11:177-79

aspect of consciousness 10:100

behind all planes of being  7:248-49,318

Buddhism and 7:318; 9:4; 10:336

divine delight and 8:327

Impersonal Divine and 7:248-49

going out of the manifestation and 8:48-49,270,366; 9:1-2; 10:197

not only thing 10:191


not used in sense of annihilation 3:202

tendency towards the Impersonal 8:114

true 3:269


definition 10:284

Noise 16:68 

of words 9:423

pleasure in loud 7:24-25

Novels 3:156; 6:107-08 ,

reading 9:366-67; 12:142-44 ,329-30 ,393 ; 16:281; 17 :66 ,69 ,158 ,364

Numbers l5:39

as a language 7:369

significance of 7:368-69; 8:90-91,93,159
