Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































has something 1ike a soul 6:212

Madness 4:186,194-95

see a1so Insanity

Maeterlinck 7:62; 8:318-19
Magic 8:l64

black and white 9:391

knowledge reduced to formulas 6:266-67; 9:391-92

occult powers and 7:264-67

powers 9:60

rebound of formations and 6:42-43

true occultism and 7:265-67; 9:185-86 ,391-93

truth-power and 9:392-93

yoga and 7:266-68

Marge, Maurice 4:192; 6:279
Mahabharata 5:324-25,327
Mahakali 6:290,325; 15:18,23; 17:374

expressing herself through the Mother's body 11:104

Kali and 4:396-98; 6:69-70 .

see also Ka1i

Mahalakshmi 4;403-05 -, 6:289-90; 15:19
Mahasaraswati 3:179; 4:397,403-04; 6:283,209, 15:19

creation and 16:374

Divine Shakti 4:393-95

emanations of 16:370

Ka1i and 7:370

the Mother's symbol and 6:395 

Sri Aurobindo and 16:211

twelve is the;  number of 6:395 ,

Maheshwari 4:399; 6:283,289-90

message of force failed 10:261

mission of 10:261


action of different wills upon 5:198-200

aim of , on cart h 2:39 ,125; 4:117-18; 9:15-19 ,252-54 ;

see a1so Aim, of 1ife on earth; Life, aim of

alone possesses psychic 10:205

animal and 4:236-39 ; 8:60-61;! 10:149; 16:402-03

animals' love for 5:241

animality in 7:329; 8:377-78

apprentice-superman 9;411-12

approbation of others, seeking 8s348-49

attitude of

average, towards the Divine 3:2-3

in 1ife 7:313-14

to gods, prophets and superman 7:333-35

attraction and repulsion for others 9:l79-81

avarice an d 5:358

bargaining 5:20,233-34

becomes god through evolutionary power 10:93


fall in consciousness 5:51-52
in ordinary life 4:89,205-06

changed conditions on earth 7:323-24


consequences of birth 7:375-76
generous and prudent men is difficult 5:14-16,349-50


nature of  16:322

one's character, effect of 5:20

oneself to change the world 4:253
choice and preference of 8:405-07
collaborating with the Divine 5:63-66
compared to minerals 2:106
condition for opening to super manhood 2:l60-61
condition of madmen 9:431-32
conditions of, result of consciousness 12:39
conscious expression of Divine 10:273
considered abnormal when conscious of Divine 10:280
contact with another through the Divine 9sl33
contented people 12s67-60
creates tragedy out of Lord's play 10; 149
cultivation of inner iae1 f 2tl60
deforms love 5:239-40,242-43
destiny, the stars, and 982134-B5
developed and ordinary 7;178,215-16
developed mind and faith of^ 9;l24'-26
development of being, key to 8:396,
different states and planes of being 7;295~96
difficult to feel delight of living in 9s22
diversity of individual expression 4;327-29; 8s3(37-88
Divine, the' 2:44; 10:273,280;15:368-69; 16:431,433

acting in man 5:56-57

as man wants Him to be 5:160

fighting against the Divine 8:4

Love;, bearing pressure of 8:339-40


majority potentially attracted by 8:4

man is part of 10:83

man's idea of 5:133,160,311,-12:7 ;381 ; 13 :1-3

manifests according to each one's aspiration 13:77-78

needs of man known by 8:122-25

relations between 8:28-29,121-22,280-81
doesn't know the Divine within 2:38
each has own difficulty 4:44-45; 7:419-20
efforts of, converge? towards same Goa1 2:125-27
elite 3:150; 4:147,156; 7;l78,215-16:8;291
equality of soul and outer equality  5:23-24
evil easier to do 5:234-35
evolution of form and individual 7:331-33; 9 ;215T,1.6»2?5,323
experiences, uti1isat ion of past 5:364-65
externalisation and new perception in 9:312-15
"The Family of Man", exhibit 9:3-4
fear and 7:53
first human bodies 9:236-38
forces of Nature and 5:152-53
formative power of 5s132-33
generosity in 2:97 ,

geniuses 5:129; 9:90-94
gospels and 10:64

governs life through reason 2:159
grace, special gift given to 5:89,93,99-100,300
great spiritual men 9:92-93
greatness in, recognised by criminal 4:93
habit of mental constructions 8:361-64
has right to beatitude 10:278

by opposing suffering 2:57-58

in transformation process, condition for 9:293-94

others 9:407-08,415-17; 16:l92


see a1so Relations
hero, being a 5:235

higher, may become? independent, of Nature 9:211-12
homogeneity In the being 5:8-11
humility and will; changing karma 5:93
idea of 2:157 fn'

if only man consented to be spiritualised 9:74,77-78
ill-will in 5:45-48

incapable of  perceiving Divine Command 1.0:316-17
independent, being 9:50
influences, outside 8:389-94
in love with his chains 9:28
insincerity of 13:274
intelligent people and others 5:226-27
evolutionary and evolutionary being's 5:324
is beautiful animal 4:32-33
is a universe in miniature 2:80
ivory tower of, impassible to live in 5:209
judgment of ordinary, opposes truth 5:269
knowing what the Supreme wants of him 9:322
knowledge and 7:388; 8:361-64; 16:121
led by God 10:277
life of man 8:243

      as manifestation of Supreme Will 10:87-88

      disorganised 7:295-96

      ideal of ordinary 8:57-58

      inner and outer 8:160-62

      is a harassed life 10:202-03

      limitations of 8 :57-58 ,389-90
lives in illusion 4:277-78
lower ranges of nature, going into 7:103-04
luminous madmen 9:280-81
made of many pieces 4:336
master of himself 16:117

materially nothing, spiritually everything 8:l36
medicine is curse; to 10:324-28
mental fortress, shut up in 4:193,199-200,202
mental life of 7:320
mind appears with 2:159
miserable state, getting out of 9:304-05
mixture of good and evil 9:180-81
must accept all as Brace 10:344
natural state of 9s19; 10s87-88
Nature and 7:180,365,388

nature of, combinations simple and complicated 7:215-16
needs of

         apparently indispensable 5:368-69

         extremes 10;201

         fined framework 10:96-97

         higher good 7:326

         religion 9:354-56

        symbols 8:235,246-47

       tamas, and excitement 5:414

to become other than animal man 9:232-33
new 1ife 8:243

new man, becoming a 4:262; 16:415
no two similar consciousnesses in 9:55
not all have psychic being 3:l51
obstacles necessary for perfect realisation 4:118
of the world 16:156
orders of Nature and 8:238,241


organizing consciousness around psychic 8:174-76,337-38,381

overcoming ; men to 1and, vital fear 9:121-22

parts of  being, insignificant 5:1

perfect power, wisdom and knowledge in 2:66

perfection, higher and lower 9:90-94

perfection of 4:l5-16

personal value of, to be modest 4:29

perversion in 9:100-01,299-300

pessimistic tendencies of 7:4 

plays fool 10:265

possibility of union with Lord 10:297

predestined 9:92

primitive, and now 16:415

profiting, idea of 8:129-30, 

progress of 10:272-73

protection of the Divine for practitioners of yoga 5:167-68

protective envelope 4:324-25

questions himself 10:88

reason in 9:100-02

refuses Divine's help 16:154,320

religion and 8:198; 10:272-73

responsibility of 5:300-01

revolutions do not change 16:153

rhythm, inner 8:305-06

rich 8:15-16

rules, man wants to make 5:40

saviours of 2:111

scientist, true 5:30

seeking one's truth 9:15-19

self awareness 1acking 7:276 ,2:95 ,313-14, ,365

self-importance of 5;349

sense of unity 10:281

separated on earth from Divine Origin 2:44

sin and 11:209

slave of 10:249 .

social animal 5:305-06 

some live in spiritual world 2:159

soul-type of 5:356-57

special trait of: mental worry 9:303-04

speculation and act ion of : 9:256

spiritual presence in 9:339-40,345

struggle against lower nature ,9:64-65

stupidity of 8:l62,266

suffering and 10:59,269-70

superiority, sense of 4:206,310; 7:393-94

superman and 2:158-64; 7:333-35; 8:127; 10:87,256-57

supreme discovery 2:38-64 

supreme man and divine man 7:380

thinking, different ways of 8:105

transformation; not ready for 7:187

transitional being 10:87,299;  12:116

true man 17:110

true nature revealed in sleep 2:30

unable to perceive the new 10:211

unavoidable period of mental perversion in loss's

unconscious of life's purpose 8:120

understanding in silence 4;227

understanding others 4:157

united by Divine Presence 8:75-76

vampires 9:181

view of events in world 10:305


virtuous, sattwic 8:143

who feels God's touch 10:251

see a1so Elite ; Human.; Humanity; Individual

Others; People; Relations

Manet 4:301

Manifestation, The 4:213-14; 11:76-77
Manifestation 8:30

Ananda is purpose of universal 16:390

ascent, descent and 8:133-34

changing this into a true reality 9:12

consciousness and instrument for 4:40-41,195-96,326

consequences of 8:10

deformation of divine powers 4:381

diversity in, the innumerable one 7:365,379; 8:407

expression of truth 9:257

going out of 8:48-49,270,366; 9:1-2

hierarchy and 8;48-49

impermanence 4:213

individual, each has own relation with the; Divine 4:351

is progressive 6:31-32; 11:76-77; 16:320

love and 6:100-06

new 8:313-15; 16:421

of beauty, harmony 3:109-10,113

of consciousness 9:209-12, 322-23

of the Divine 3:158-59,180; 7:193,228,380,406; 8:34,45-46,
48-49,98,109-10,325; 10;343

of Divine love 3:69-75

of forces 4:294-95

of new world 8:9 fn

of the Spirit 9:214-15

of supramental consciousness 17:380

of supramental world 3:161-62; 16:208,430

of Time and Space 8:109-10

oneness and 16:374-75,383

progress towards a more divine 8:325-26

raison  d'etre of  2:27-28

spirit is intermediary between the Supreme and 9:429-31

supramental see Supramental manifestation

variety in 4:329

work of Grace in 9:420-21

see a1so Creation

Mankind see Man/Mankind

Manners 12:154-55,375
Mantra 4:136,389-90; 6:98

different from magic, true occultism 9:391-93

the Mother's old 12:449

power of 7:347-49

sleep and 15:399-400

Sri Aurobindo's 7:370

Mara 3:188
Marriage 14s312-14

in Ashram 17;365-66

one must be free to decide 17:415

significance of 16:278

a terrible bondage 16:134

work and 16:29-30

Masculine and Feminine 6:118-19; 16:177
"Master of forces" 7:23

see a1so Divine Presence



consciousness and 17:113

of lower nature 16:303-04

o-f the over mind 16:236

Material comfort

spiritual 1ife and 16:296

Material consciousness 14:386

danger and 17:189

knowledge of power of   11:109

see also Mother <2> , the, material consciousness, of

Material  life

be regular in 16:132

Material mind (cel1ular mind)

of the Mother 11:16-21,74

mech,anica1 thoughts of 16:68

cf . Physical mind

Material nature 17:107
Material needs 14:269
Material things 17:88,104

care for 16:43

Divine consciousness in 14:345; 17:88

feeling of owning 16:363

"indispensable", what is 7:52-53

Presence of Lord in 16:256

use of 7:50-52,56

Material plane

the vital and 17:91

Material universe

determinism and -freedom in 6:283-86

has a beginning 10:163

symbol o-f, serpent biting its tail 5:275-76,

see a1so Universe

Material vital

death and 6:55-59,448-49

the Kali of Vivampatnam and 6:67-68

the most 17:83,91

the Mother's experience with 6:186-87

the psychic and 6:218

sight in 4:125

Material world

Divine consciousness in 16:184

ego aberration of 10:45

error of 10:223-24

field  of concretization of all the worlds 3:102-03

formation of 4:164,276,283

identification with 17:170

ignorance and 4:276

is an illusion 9:4 .

no link with psychic 4:247

progressive consciousness in 10:305

spiritual and 10:70,139-40

subtle physical and 11:78-82

transformation of 3 :128-29

veil between Supreme and 17:178-79

see a1so Physical world

Materialisation 9:129-30,190-91,237
Material ism 8:189

an 'answer to 15:413-16

basis of 4:279,281,312

hallucinations and 10:39

limited prevision 10:208


made of spiritual effort a hard struggle and a sacrifice 3:203

materialists and 4:7
Maternal love 6:106-08

true 2:153-54

Mathematics 12:180-81 ,199 , 249-50
Matrimandir 13:229-33,283-316

Matter 11:2-3 ,5 ,41 ,82 ,84 ,130 ,217 ,221-22 ,232 ,2.71 ; 13;40-41 fc

attraction for the Divine 8:4
awakening consciousness of 9:33-34
awareness of true working of 10:210-11

cause of death and decomposition  9 ; 3 4-35

creators and "formatters" of beings upon earth 5:308-09

damaged by bombs and experiments 10:94
descent of Divine? Love in 3:172; 4:240; 8:226 fn,339-40; 10:204
Divine Consciousness  in 8:35-36; 15:91-92

Divine Sacrifice in 8:74-75

divinisation of 8:270

dominant characteristic of is inertia 9:34-35

egoism of 11:298
evolution of 9:208-10

false appearance of world of 10:191

force hidden at core of 6:209-10

formation of material worlds ' 4:164,276,283

God in each atom of 2:39; 9:209-10

handling vibrations of 9:l29-30

ignorance and suffering in 10:61-62

imbecility of 11:320

imperfections in 2:20,52-54

individualisation and l0:.115
is changing 16:421
 is energy condensed 16:225

a little more transfigured 2:157 fn

love in 4:166,241; 6:103-04

makes progress 4:210

mental substance and 6;306-07

mind involved in 10:253

mind, vital and 11:.1.24-25

needs to be educated 9:92-94; 13:369-70

needs to become more complex 10:94

not a synonym for obscurity and ignorance 3:102
perception of true 11:57-58

plasticity of 10:115; 11:276

power of soul over 10:209-10

preoccupation with 10:40

prepared to receive in the right way 11:250

psychic presence is contact between Divine and 6:l60-1

psychic's role in 4:164-65

resistance of 5:270-71; 8:30; 10:233

return of the true Consciousness to 11:166

science and 5:67-68,128-29; 10:18,136

screen which stops vibrations of different planes 5:273

shaped by opposites 10:167

spirit and 8:86-87; 12:251-52,254

state of, inconscient 7:365 .

supramental force acting on 4:223; ll:313-l8; 15:126 ; 16:78


too rigid to receive Love 10:74
(/transformation of 2:52; 3:175-76; 10:144-45,210-11,15:97

unity in 8:76-79

universal consciousness on level of 10:75

the Word and 6:98-99

yoga and 7:266


essence and potency 10:363

Mayavadim 10:336-37
Meanness 16:29

definition 10:284

Mechanical mind ,see Physical mind
Medical opinion

confidence in the doctor 17:403

divine Brace and 17:189

medical suggestion and 17:189,193

Medical science 15:374

aphorisms on l0:324-28

method of Coue 3:36,156

on perfect balance 4:63

Yoga and 3:56

see also Health

Medicine (s))

body and 9:122-24; 10:328

curse to mankind 10:324

divine health and 10:326

doctors and, words of the Mother on 15:167-77

fear and 10:324 

fosters dependence on mind and body , 10:324

makes progress 4:209-10

natural cures and 10:327

role of mind and faith 10:324-28; 16:195

use of 9:109,123

wonders of 4s143

see a1so I11 ness

Meditation<s> 14:53-54

alone and with others 3:98

aspiration and 17:14

"before closed door 7:272

brain-bath during 7:300

a Buddhist story 9:52-53

collective and individual 9:37-39,141-42

coming of thoughts during 17:14-15 .

concentration and 4:7-8 ,104-06 ,120-23 ; 5:388; 7:277; 9:381-84

10:63; 14:105-06; 16;180,231

conscious of what happens during 5:388; 9:53

consecration and 14:105-06

contact between inner consciousness and outer life, 5:401 6 :427-28
control of mental activity, and 2:25
definition 10:63

different kinds of 4:l64-66,281-83; 7:276-77
dynamic 8:88-89; 16:283 .
energy and 16:224

entering, a remarkable state 5:42-44
entering the heart and 16:331
everyone has own method 9:378-79
fear in 17:247

for realising the Divine 5:84
forces in operation in 3;97-98
good subject for 9:377


how to meditate 7:269
hunger during 17:400-02
imagination and 9:370-80
impersonal 2:26

in the Ashram 4:105-06; 9:239 ,142-42 ,303-84
integra yoga and 16:343- 44
Japa and 16:305-06

meditate where you meditate best 16:276-77
mosquitoes during 17:172
must be teamed 6:151-52
on photos of the Mother 16:233
on the remembrance of  Sri Aurobindo 9:171
outer 1ife unchanged by 7:295-96
persist obstinately in 17:207
Playground 17:361

prayer and, spontaneous 8:228-29
profiting by 9:ll4-15
progress and 3:20-21; 5:44-46
real 17:24

Samadhi, entering into during 4:6
seeling image's during 6:377-78
service and 14:1 1

silence and 4:104; 16:231 ,311-12 ,345
sincerity in 3:98-99; 8:228-29
spiritual life and 4:103-04, 9:87-88
spontaneous 3:276; 5:45
study and 17:24
teaching and 12:424-27
thinkers  in 2:75
thought and 2:77

to heighten the consciousness 9:53
to remove mental agitation 2:22-
typal 2:26-29

ugly forms seen in 7:80-81
upon a sentence 9:381-84
what the Buddhists call 3:209
with another person 17:197
with the Mother, speaking about 16:35-36
with music 16:235
words of the Mother on 14:53-54
work and 7:291-925 16:27,181,343-44
see a1so Concentration

Melancholy 16:173
Memory (Memories) 4:172-73; 15:76; 17:178

after death 12:348 

brain and 6:20-22

consciousness and 2:37; 5:270; 6:20-22

earth memory, entering domain of 3:94; 4:281-83; 5:278-325; 10:92

increasing the? 5:270,291

memorizing in the right way 7:96-97

of all things 4:110-11

of the body 6:366-69

of Consciousness of supreme Love 10:121

of dreams 2:36-37; 5:37-40; 7:67,121; 16:228

of eternity 10:219

of past births (lives) 3:40-41,148-49; 4:148-49; 6:21-22;

10:97; 15:135,137,361-64; 16:398; see also  Psychic
memory, of past lives; Rebirth/Reincarnation

of truth 10:183

the Presence and 16;390-91

psychic see Psychic memory


remembrance and 5:290

subconscient 2:36

Men/boys 14:310

attitude towards wymon 2:155-56; 6:315

boys and girls together with God 10:346

truth and 17:94

want help from imperfect beings 17:93

view of wymon 2:143,147; 12:102-06,292,296-98,393-94
14:309-11; 16:312-13; 17:47,97

see a1so Man/Mankind

Mental activity (actions, acts) ,2:106-07; 8:358-59,9:400-01

brain and 2:33

concentration on physical and 12:205-06

consequences of 2:86-87

control over 2:61

dreams and 2:30

intuitive activity and 16:337

meditation and control of 2:25

of man 8:358-59

not fit to manifest. Divine 16:239

perception during sleep 2:33

reason at summit of 8:358-59

surmounting 12:305

value of 8:361

wil1 and 2:61

Mental affinity with others 2:69; 4:227
Mental agitation 16:217

removal of 2:22

Mental arrogance 6:241--42
Mental aspiration 5:293; 16s225-26
Mental atmosphere

bad thoughts and 8:207-l0,349

creating strong 2:109

of city like Paris 2:87-88

Mental austerity 12:57
Mental being 4:62

higher part 16:196

of man 8:35

Mental communion 2:111
Mental consciousness 9:175-76

in men and wymon 14:310-11

supramental consciousness and 12:447-48

time in 4:232

Mental constructions se e Mental formations
Mental contact with dead person
Mental contagion
Mental curiosity
8 :206-07; 10:235
Mental definitions
16:360 .
Mental development

spiritual philosophy and 9:344

study and 12:215-16

talking and 6;222-23 ,

Mental discipline and thought ,2:6l

talking and 6:222-23

see a1so words, thought and

Mental domain 9:415-16
Mental education ,8:181-84,364-66, ,9:402-03; 12:24-29

intensity of, shuts up psychic consciousness 5:217-18

Mental envelope

superficial 16:225


Mental equilibrium 5:24

accumulated in words 2:64

concentrated in different parts of the body 6:310-12,314-15

Mental fermentation

in dreams 16:227

Mental  force (s)

accumulated in words 2:64

concentrated in different parts of the body 6 :310-12,314-15

Mental formation<s>/constructions 2:106-07; 3:53-55, 4:58,200, 5:132-34,387-88, 403; 8:214,218-19,254-55,283,319,395; 10:32-331 14:368-70;

 15:329-30,343; 16:183 ,185 ,316

acting as inf1uence 6 :130 ;  8 ; 391-92

bars progress 8s395-96

block receptivity 11:6

body and 11:226-33

by an adverse will 17:111

controlling impulses 6:317-18

counter-formation and 16:30

dogma 9:319

during class; "blue paper" 5:254

founded on medical opinion 17:189

gods and 6:68,275-76

have their own laws 4:198

heaven and hell as 10:65

how they work 16:183

illusion of personality and 2:56-58

imagination, power of 3:156-57

1aws of Science as 3:161-62

of dreams 2:35

of mind 8:361-64; 10:220

nightmares 4:193-94

peace and 11 :282

pleasure in 16:297-98

possession by 4:186-87,194

power of, for help 8:254-55

power of deception of 3:212

power to act on mater 9:106

progress and 4:295,355; 10:50; 12:75; 17:119

psychic and 4:45

realisation of 10:128

rebound of 6:42--43

receptivity and 6:139-41; 16:365

remembering  illness and 6:366-68

revelations and 7:186-87 ,212-14 ,225 ; 9 :319

sincerity and 6:146-47

source of ancient secret societies 15:35

strength of 16:14

superstitions 5:155-56

surrounding men 6:277-81

sweep away ignorance; 9:134

thought and 2:106-07

thought-forms are 3:50—51

cf . Formation<s>

Mental gymnastics 7:93; 12:216-17
Mental habits
Mental honesty 9:327-30
Mental imbalance

possession by hostile forces and 6:437-38

Mental immaturity 17:94
Mental impersonality 2:l28
Mental in conscience 15:381-85


Mental inertia 16:336-37

Mental insincerity 4:109,135

Mental intervention 4:182

Mental knowledge not enough 9:66,70

Mental liberation 12:71

Mental limitations and weaknesses 14:363-70

Mental narrowness 14:288

Mental nightmare 4:194-95

Mental peace 2:27

Mental plane 15:6

every image a reality on 3:156

hostile beings and 3:60-62

universal and 3:65

Mental power

crystallising 5:127

for help 8:254-55
formative 8:391-92
vital will and 2s163

Mental preparation 17:70-71,85-86

-for experience 6:350-51

Mental prison 10s69
Mental progress 4:203

indispensability for supramental path 9:134

mental constructions bar 8:395-96

mental , vital , physical value in . another, life 5:359-60

sweeps away ignorance 9:134

vital and 5:253-54

Mental Purusha 17:46 ,86-87
Mental regions 8:218
Mental relationships 2:68-70

Mental rest 2:61
Mental silence 3:196; 4:62,208,231,281,333; 9:124-25,287,400;  12:28-29,188-90'

peace in the heart and 6:32

study and 12:215-16

see a1so Mind, silent/ Si1ence, of the mind

Mental sincerity 2:76
Mental substance 6:306-08; 9:287-89

"grey matter" in head 12:393

how to get out of 12:400

Mental synthesis, building 2:38
Mental tamas 12:133 ,135-36 ,390 ; 16:281;17:291

how to get out of 12:400

see a1so Laziness
Mental value

vital , physical and, in another 1ife 5:359-60

Mental world (Mind-World) 6:307; 10:128-29

each moves in her own 3:50

1imited 3:53 

many levels 3:61 

space and time of 3:165

spiritual and 10:70

Mental worry 9:303-04
Metalasation see Experience (s), metallisation of
Mercy 17:391
Messages see Mother <2>, the, messages of
4:2161; 12:216-17:16:199
Metempsychosis 4:238-39
Mind 14:291 ,361-70,390; 15:329-36

accomplice of vital 4:50-51,178.; 6:158-59 ,163 ; 7:70

action on absolute truth l0:67


after death 4:195; 12:348

agitated 17:60,69,129-30,369

always see's successively 10:124

ambition in 16:54

analysing 4 :94

anger and 16:336

appears with man 2:159; 6:127,131

art or science, "beacon light" in mind turned toward 5:128-29

astrology and human sciences 9,'!284-85

attitude during experience 8:237,331-32,342-43

attitude to body 8:141

attunement of different 3:63-66; 6:94-95; 9:287-89

becoming aware 4:232

beings of 4:225-26

blocks reign of Divine 10:323

body and, relation between 5:294-96,402-04; 7:43; 8:319'9:124;

10:27-28; ll:l91-92; 16:400
body-consciousness and 6:140-41
body-mind see Body, the mind; Body-mind; Material mind
brain at age of five 5:203-04,290
can lecture;  body 16:297
cannot understand Divine 16:227
can prove anything with 10:32
change and 10:l89

civilisation now ending based on power of 2:155
common 3:134

compassion, gratitude and 15;297
concentrating on study 17:71,79
concentration , developing 5:129
conception of success and failure 16:309
conditions fixed by mind are no 1onoer inevitable 11:228-29
confusion of 4:201,295-96
conquering of  10:69 -70
conscious and subconscious 17:l89
constancy of the physical and 11:189-90
difficult to control 4:335
controlling impulses with 6:317-18
converted 5:254; 17:46-47
critical 10:26

derangement of 4;186-87,200
developed, rich personality 9:349
development of 6:18-203; 9:401-03; 12:5-6,26-29,139-41;  16:121; 17:126,153
in contact with psychic being 5:212
discipline, training of 9:250-52,402
disease and 10:324
distorts Truth 10:1-3 passim
the? Devine  and 14:361-62 , 16:277
devine  mind  3:115 , 10:362
does not create worlds 10:254
domination over vital 16:197
doubt in the 9;351

educating and widening 7:58-59; 17:70-71,85-86
ego and 4:200; 5:150;7:364
emptying of thought 16:311
enlightened. 17:45,92
essentially arrogant 6:241-42
evolution and 10:89-91
exercises to widen 4:43-47
experiences and 4:231; 6:353,396-97
explains nothing 7:238


exteriorisation of 4:130; 6:191; 16:400
fabricates 4:135,231
fears of 3:57; 5:169
first stage of manifestation 10:89
formations of se e Mental formations
formulation of truth of spirit and 9:398-401
fourth dimension and 12:431-32
fragments (parts) of 17:46,48
freedom of choice and 10:88
gaps filled by 4:77,109
gets excited, makes format ions 16:185
gilds everything 4:38

gives precision but limits 11:128-29,136
giving favourable explanation 15:320
God wiser  than 10:343
grades' between Supermind and 3:94

greatest difficulty of ll:234
"grey" matter in head

"grey" matter in, head ,12:393; 16:281; see   also  Mental substance

gymnastics for 17:313

hallucinations and 10:41-42

has progressed 3:235-36:273

heart, and 14:374

heaven of liberated mind 8:275

higher see  Higher mind

human body made for intellectual life 9:218-20

human mind, universe reduced to size of  4:177

ignorance and 10:42; 17:170

illness and 15:156-57 ,162

illumination of 17:129,177

ill-will 5:145-50

imposing rule on body 17:346

in accord with Nature 10:89

in contact with psychic being  5:212

inconsistencies in the 7:91

independent of the brain 6:307; 314-15

individualised 4:193,195; 9:43-44; 10:27-28,88

inner development of 10:60

inspiration and 8:193-94


for manifestation of the psychic 7:41,43,321

of action and formation  3:50; 4:3; 8:190; 15:329-30

intellectual see intellectual...

intervention in the body consciousness 6:140-41

intuition <intuitive mind> see intuitive mind

involved in Matter 10:253

is a public place 4:335; 6:3165 8:345

judging, not capable of 4:46,224; 9:416; 12:33

knowledge, not an instrument of 4:47,176-71,224

knowledge of, is relative 8:362-64; 10:24

knowledge of God and physical ,10:43-44

1imited 7:380

1inear in its action 6:463

logic and 10:189; 17:329

made man stave; of doctors 10:327

makes divisions 6:401

making one ill 17:174

mastery of 3:211-12

material se^ Material mind

memory belongs to 17:178 . ,

mental  see Mental ...

"mind of light" see "Mind of Light"


miracles and 10:162

the Mother/  see Mother (2), the, mind of
the Mother's Presence in higher 17:142
nature of is to question 10:87
need of reading novels 9:366-67
needs dwelling place 10s:22
needs rest 4:62; 16:66
obscures Divine 10:343
observe 3:184
obstacle to soul 10:24
obstructs experience 7:42
of chidren 16:202
of sage 2:81

one movement, many varieties 3:61
only an instrument 10:87; ll:24-25; 14:361-70
opening to higher things 4:18; 8:262,345-46
openness and expression of 9:345-46 ,399
organises 4:171
Oriental's religious 2:64
pain and 10:359
personality of 10:27

perversion and 7:299; 9:299-300; 16;201
perverted by Asuric forces 10:87
philosophical 9:249-50
physical see Physical mind
physical receptivity and 17:223
planes of 3:65,94; 10:42
playing a comedy 4:135
play of 4:170-71,201

deception in its own regard 3:212

to act on matter and body 9:106,152-55
prejudice, opposition between material and spiritual life


profit drawn by vital and 5:56
progress of 5:211 ,253-55 ; 7:272 ,321 ,425 ; 16:397-98
psychic and 5:212,395; 7:40-44
psychic being and 16:167,424
purified 3:184

quiet mind 3:195; 14:291; 1 61 1 99,345; see  also Silence, of the
mind ;

calm 14:370-71

quieting the mind 5:26, 8:329-31; 9:423-24; 16:62
receiving formations 17:132
receptivity and the 4:265-67; 5:210-11; 10:10
relation of vital, body and 4:53;  5:294-96; 10:27-28
rules ordinary life 3:183

Sachchidananda experienced with 4:400
scale of 3:195-96
seeing 1ife as fun 17:81
self-deception and 11:128-29
self-satisfaction of 9:419-20
separative knowledge and 10:93

shocked by aphorisms 10:14
should not decide action 17:172
silent/silencing 4:62 ,182 ,231 ; 9 :124-25 ,145 ; 10:6; 12 :28-29 , l7-90

needed for revelation 10:145

receiving vibrations in 9:287-88,400

understanding in 3:63-66,196

see  also  Mental silence; Silence, of the mind

see also above  quiet mind
sin of 10:271


sincere state of 2:25

sincerity and 15:320

sit upon mind 11;311 -12

soul and 8:195 ; 9:309-10; 10:359

spiritual experience translated by 9:399-401

spiritual -Force influences 9:420

spiritual life, incapable of understanding 9:416;

spiritualised 8:170-71

spontaneous action not determined by 4:6; 10:116-l7

stoppage of, under pressure 17:56

studies and 12:249

subconscious 10:321

substance of, and human thought 10:65

suggestions, collective 5:313-16

suggestions undetected. by conscious 17:189

supramental /Supermind and 2:l60; 3:94; 8:177-78; 14:363;15:118

supramental knowledge in 5:398

supreme knowledge and 10:10

surrender and 3:114-16; 4:183; 9:293-94

sweep it clean of bad thoughts 16s129

tamas in, and reading 16:267

terrestrial memory 4;110-11

thoughts see Thoughts ,

three cords of 16:386

to approach Transcendent Divine  16:253

to develop the philosophical 17:144

to quiet 17:129,133

training the 4:203

transformation and 4:183; 9:293-94

transformation of 10:69; 15:96

travelling in the 7:166,219-20

true role 'of the 5:101; 8:190

Truth and 14:213-15

truth and , 3:124; 10:256

Truth Consciousness and 16:436

unbalance of 17:226-27

understanding and 8:30,99,101,183;12:139

universal mind 8:344-45

unreliable 4:178,180

use of, a game 7:321

useless 10:152

vibrations and 9:287-89

vision of mind, capacity ,of 7:231

vital and the 4:177-81; 5:211,253, 6:5-6; 7:70; 10 :27-28  17:27,29;

wandering after talk 17:50

weakness in 4:98,346 

will and Faith exceeding 10:322-23

withdraws Joy 16:133

works in different ways in different people 3:12

world of 10:128-29

see  also  Mental Mind

"Mind of Light" 6:45l;  7:226

the Mother and 13:6.4 

transparent veil 9:193-94

Mind -world see Mental World
Mineral kingdom
Mirabai 3:105
Miracles 4:82-86,143; 8;128,316-17;12:79; 17:232,234

aspiration and 10:165 

aspiration for true victory 11:256; see a1so Mother's body,


the aspiration in

at each Darshan different person 11:102-105

best possible use of need for 10:165

body of see Mother's  body the 

determinism and 7:363-67,382-83

definition 3:31;7:383

Devine will  acting openly 9:25-26;

extraordinary, from descent and aspiration 11:313-15

faith and 3:152-53

falsehood and 10:160

from viewpoint of Lord 10:162

ignorance and 10:165

intervention of higher planes 7:375,382-83

material explanation 10:162

the mother and 13:49

nature and significance of 10:159-66

none for Lord 10:163-64

of falsehood 10:160

on earth 10:163

sense of, belongs only to finite consciousness 10:163

term given unexplainable 10:162

thirst for marvellous 10:164

visible to deeper sight 9:246

Misbehavior 17:103

Misery (ies) 4:289-96,405; 16:431

cause of 6:101

ending 4:3,40,74;16:425

man clings to 16:291

of ego 16:433

see also  Misfortune


action and 10:49

desire and 10:58

finding God and 10:58-59

ignorance and 10:58

see also  Misery, unhappiness

mistakes see  errors


the psychic and 17:18

Moderation 3:190-91

Moder art 7:45-47; 188-190; 10:323; 12:236-38

artiest and 4:297-303

evolution of 5:333-39

the Mother's views on 4:298-302

Modesty 3:133; 4:29;12:151; 14:159-261;16:179;17:41,166,312

ego and 16:265

story  illustrating  2:248,256

Moliere 10:156; 16:200

Monastic life 12:245

Money 4:375-81;13:154-55,275-279 ,388; 15:53

accusations of misusing 17:305-06

borrowing 17:396

commercial mentality 7:311-12

conserving the Mother's 7:205,266-67, 293

dealing with 16:277

difficulties 17:236-37, 244,246,251,253,296

the Devine and 6:251-52

education and 12:159,202,353,254


exchange, power of 5:359
extravagant demands and economy 17:350-51

falsehood and 7:301-02 

for construction 17:222-23,232-33
for travel 17:175-76

from America for Ashram reorganisation 17:348

getting interest on l7:325-26

giving importance? to 17:240-41,379

giving to beggar's 16; 407

hesitancy to ask Mother -for 16:286

honesty and 16s369-76

industrial pro-fits in Auroville 17s328

is a curse 7:54-56

must come as of faring 17:206,292

must come from family 17:l76

perversion of mind 7:311-12

pocket 17:175

politics and, resistance to supramental action 9:166-69

poverty 7:55

power, sex and 4:382

rich people, giving for fame 5:161-62

setting most useful example and , 2:66-67

spending and waste 16:33

treasure guarded by serpent 4:189,382

vital beings and 3:45-46

wasting of 6:155-56

when the Mother won't give ,17:175

see a1so Wealth

Money-force 4:379; 5:357-58; 6:249-53; 7:55-56
Moon 16:135

symbolic 9:284

Moral education

sports competitions help 9:96-97

Moral healthiness of age of Buddha 3:235
Moral laws 12:167
Moral notions

and mastery of physical nature 5:349-50

Moral perfection

spirituality and 9:409-10

Moral qualities

not necessarily spiritual 9:91

Morality 4:80-81; 7;125-26; 8:7,143; 15:46,367-69

as mentally conceived, out of place in truly spiritual,

teachings 3:191

belongs to human consciousness 10:75
"censors" and 9:279-80

choice between distortions 10:217

condition for disappearance 10:245 

conflict between vital wilt and mental power 2:163

human unity and 10:310

is a shield 16:337

liberation from 10:357

man, a moralist, not the Divine, 5:346-47,349-50

of the Divine 4:81,176

ordinary  notion of 10:114

purity and 6:439-40

sincerity and 15:46

social 3:206

spiritual life and 3:118-26

Supermind and 2:163

supramental viewpoint and 9:276 ,280 ,282


true 10:71

truth and 4:11

vice, contagion of 9:56

vision and 10:178

see a1so Moral ...

Moreau, Gustav

disciple, of 4:299; 9:298

Morose ness 16:173

Mortification see Body, self-torture

Commandments and 10:183-84

Mosquitoes 17:172


Mother, (1) the (Divine Mother, Supreme Mother) 15:16-20

Aditi, the create" consciousness 7:159

asks how to counter act in conscience  5:373

beyond the manifestation  7:157-58

descent, of Ananda aspect of 6:291-94, 302-04

Divine will and 16.: 153


age-long battle of 5:97-98
cult of Kali and 8:244-46

Durga Puja, Victory Day 7:352
expressing herself through the Mother's body 11:104
finding 16:161
four aspects of 6:289-90; 15:19-20

see also Kali ; Maha Kali;  Mahalakshmi; Mahasaraswati; Maheshwari

in Savitri.. 5:388,390
Kali see Kali
Nature and 7:163
Prakriti and 7:207

vision of, and visions of the Virgin Mary , kwannon , etc 3:18
"of dreams" 4:1,10

sakti  4:393-94; see Divine Shakti; Mahashakti
takes on human consciousness  5:388-89
transcendent and Supreme 16:389
world Mother 8:113-14
see also Shakti

Mother, the (2) 13:32,105; 14:87

actions against will of 17:59,64
actions of 17:82,304
advice from 17:196
Agni kindled by 17:106
aim of 5:352,354-56; 17:385
"allow me to save you" 16:72
always present at Playground   mediation 17:361
always present in psychic 17:68,100,103,170
answers of, profiting by 8:236-37,24 , 311-12
approach with loving confidence 16:247
"Are you ready?" 17:233
as country 10:284
as Guru 16:211

as servant of the Divine 2:73 I
as o. witness 17:302
the Ashram  and 17:72
asking her what one is 17:75

aspiration for love and peace of 17:61,76,127,365,374
assurance of Divine Presence 17:103,196,204,213,361
attitude for coming to 17:128
attitude of the Mother's mother 16:121
attraction for 17:330
awareness of 6:163-67; 17:169
being a child of 16:87,117,159,362; 17 ,2,94,115,121-22  210,212,365,374
believes lies,  17:138,233-34
birthday cards from 16:347
blessings of 13:61-62; 17:198,377

asking for 17:165 

for peace 17:357

on Puja days 6:193-94

protective shade of 16:42

Sri Aurobindo and 17:189,191-92,213,357
blows from 16:91,170


body of ,see Mother/ s body, the
born to realise the highest  Ideal 3:131
caning to 7:88, 16:96-97 ,215-16 ,372; 17 :43,253
can read the heart 17:305 ,
cannot satisfy will o-f lower nature 16:117
child of the Mother is a child of Sri Aurobindo 16:87
closeness (nearness) to 13;78-79; 16;116,120,122-23,142,162, I65-66,171,182,207,362
clothes of 16:97-90

coming to 17:95 ,99 ,128 ,150 , 153 ,196-98 ,21 0 ,219 ,342
comments of, on Savitri 5:388-91
communication with 17:171
complaints about food when young 3:131
concentrating on a sadhak 17:370
confession to 16:171; 17:134,194
confidence of, in people 17:l72-73
conscious in childhood 17:80
consciousness of

always at work 17:100

constant blessings of  l7:377

in words of 16;372

presence of 17:95,126,130,182-83,211,372,380

receptivity to 16:41-42

widening of 5:233-34
contact with 8:130,307-08-. 16:206; 17:65,68,171,265-86,370-71, 400-01

contradicting 16:25
correcting faults of others 8:294
correspondence with 15:250-71
corresponding mentally with a sadhak 17:352
the creation and 17:303-04
decisions, leaving them to 17:263,387
decisions of 17:385
descent of on earth 17:76,119
disobedience of 17:64
Divine see Mother, <1> the
the Divine and 2:73; 13:51
dogmatizing explanations  given by 15:361
drawing on 6:201-02
dreams about 4;113; 6:142-50!! 15:350-51; 168334,336;  17:55,74,218-19
dreams of 2:131-36

early life of, studies and discipline 16:l21
earth, taking body on 17:65
emanations of 13:76
expectations of 12:308
expected to do miracles 17:232
experiences of see Mother <4> the; Mother's body, the

experiences of

experiments with physical mind 6:224-25
faith in 16:68
"The Fear of Death and the four Methods of Conquering It"

and answers relating to 6:38-42

feeling far from 17:113,162,169-70,174
feeling presence of 16:92,141; 17:l42
finding time to do all She does 16:266
finds fault with nobody 17:241
flower of 13:32
"For you I want..."16:123

force of see  Mother <S>, the  force of
forming images of 13:83-04


four aspects of see Mother, <1> the, four aspects of
"The Four  Austerities and the Four Liberations," and answers
relating to 6:63-108, 12:50-55

friendship of 16:119

gifts to 17:202,217-10

giving her approval 17:288

giving orders 13:161

granting needs of sadhaks 16:16

guidance from 13:86-89

has no preference 17:53

help and protection of 13:134-35; 16:23 ,67 ,89 ,94 ,129 ,134 ,136 ,169 ,  210,220 3 17:77-78 ,98-99 ,101,130 ,133 ,13:174-75 ,189-90 ,192,209, 316-17, 369-70, 374, 379,381; see also  protection of

how to read books or 12:205,214-15; 16:232-33
humanity of 13:82-83

humanity's expect at ion's of 12:308; 17:232
"I am (always) in your heart" 16:32,121,125,139,167
"I am always with you" 16:89 ,114-15 ,123 ,131 ,141 ,148 , .160 ,166-67  17:381 "
"I an not angry" 16:70,100
"I am not displeased" 16:142-43,148,219
"I am your true mother" 16:124
"I look and judge for myself" 16:51
"I take you on my lap" 36:38
an ideal regarding 17:90
identification with 17:69-70
"if you wish" 17:14
impressions of 17:95

in the arms  of 16 ; 127 ,149-50 ,200-09 ; 17:130,192
India and 13:43-45

influence of 16:166;; 17:61,210-11,
information as base of her decision 16:49-50
inspection of, during sleep 6:167
interviews with 8:130,307-08
Kali  see  Kali

keeping what she gives 16:385
knowledge of truth of being 6:165-67
knowledge of what is going on in the Ashram 6:197-99
knows and loves you better than you do 16:170; 17:388
leaving decisions to 17:263,387
life sketch of 17:202-03,224,227
looking into your soul 16:100
love for (relations with) 17:99-100,108,141
1ove of (her 1ove) 16:37 ,119 ,124-27 ,210,218 ;17:61 ,65 ,102 ,128 ,  150-51,354,374
1ying to 17:138,345

meditation and 9:383-84 : . '
meeting department , heads .6:197-98

meeting Sri Aurobindo 13:138-39,43,45

"Mental Education", and answers relating to 6:3.823

merging into 17:72-73,114

messages of 11:250,258,290-93,331

anniversary of her firs'! arrival in Pondicherry (29. March) 15:203-04

anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Pondicherry
(4 April ) 15:205-06

birthday 15:213-16

Christmas 15:209-12

Darshan days 15:196-201

departments of Sri Aurobindo Ashram 15:171-72 ,219-20

for the Annual Demonstration of Physical Culture 12:282-84


for competitions 12:275-81
for nations other than India
how to read 16:250-51
mi&cel1aneous l2:285-91; 15
New Year's


1933-1970    15:178-96; 16:415

1954               5:418;6:98

1955               6:452-57

1956               8:9

1957               9:3-5

1958               9:245-48

1959             15:381-85

1960             16:255

1964             17:233 fn

1965             16:313

1970             16:415         

of Fourth May  1967 15:112-13
of 1956 8:12-13,127 fn,264-65
on 1957 7:14
Puja 15:206-09

Sri Aurobindo study centres and organizations 15:216-19
super mental manifestation 15:102-07 ,112-13 ,202-03

The Mother 17:139

moves quickly 17s208

music of 6:383-85 ; 12 :240-41 ;

natural to take from 16:206
nestle in the heart of 16:149


never allowed to be3 discontented


never forget to call 16:44

never puts anyone in prison 17:118

no question of losing her 16:l60

not a materialist 12:353

not a pessimist 16:7

not dealing with everybody in same way 16:21

not old 11:307

not there for you a1one 16:165

old mantra of 12:449

on dreams 2:30-37

on herself and her creed 2:166

on suffering 9 :11-12 ,282-83 ; 16:73

on thoughts 2:21-28,74-92

openness to 8:305-08; 16:146; 17:69,128,401

path to 17:62

pain as touch of 10:l70

people judging 17:82-83,173

"Physical Education", and answers relating to 6:1-9

photographs of  7:275-76

powerful or not; 17:257

practice o-f occultism 6:40-41

prayer of, for change 9:300

prayers and meditations of 2:115- 21; 15:221-37; 17:l76

see also below works of
praying to, for little things 16:278
presence of 16:114 ,116,130 ,161 ; 17:69-70 ,95 ,105 ,123,  133,142,198,361
profiting by her answers 8:236-37
progress of 17:208
protection from objects given by
protection of 16:97,345-46,351 ;6:2:34-35

see also above 

help and protection of
psychic being is a child of 17:115


"Psychic Education and Spiritual Education", and answers

relating to 6:24-37

psychic of 11:280-81,290-92 ; 17:69,103,170

question s asked of 6:179-201 ,375-76 ; 8: 296 ,311-12; 9:112-15

quietness  constantly  poured by 17:60

reading the Dhammapada 9:372; 3:184-311

reasons for  actions  16:17 0

receiving  fram 16:230

receiving Grace of 17:130

re-flections on the war 2:137-39

relations with 16:150 ; 17 ;!51-52 ,130 ,210

relations with others  11:247-48,267,280; 13:68-105,166

action of , and 13:82-86 ,92-93

"I am with you" 13:68-79,166

physical nearness to 13:80-82; 16:348; see also above
closeness to

playing tennis 13:102-03

pleasure' and displeasure  18:89-92

remonstrance's 13:l02-05

rumours, etc . 13:98-101

with people in the Ashram 8:130

remembering words of 17:301

see a1so Mother's body, the influences, on
reports to 17;172-73,278,333
requesting work from a disciple 17:262
reservations about her way of  working 16: 40-42
respect of, for all Indian languages 17:213
"scolding from 17:230,242,257

seeing in various forms 17:55
seeing people 11:115 ,135-36 ,203 ,241-43 ,251 ,265 ,332 .
seeking and finding 17:62,69-70,100-01,127,156,170,172,174-75,365
separation from 16:163
serious took of 9:13:16:ll 4

showing what. she has written and said 16:20-21,116,124 ; 17:39-40,221
signature of 13:66
sleep of  16:3-4
speaking and writing 13:53
speaking in her name 17:206,225-26,234,298
Sri Aurobindo and 13:133 ,38-39 ,43 ,45 ,47 ,50-51 ,77
Sri Aurobindo Ashram and 8:130; 13:75-78,109-114,117-18; 17:72
staying physically away from 17:101-02
struggle against people who come here for comfort ll:252
subconscient and 11:285,309-11,323-25
submit views to her for decision 16:47,49
surrounding atmosphere of persons meeting 6:280-81
symbol of 6:395; 13:64-65
tel1 her 6:199

about your sorrow 16:55,71,89

everything 16:66

your condition 16:l37
things said in her name 13:99-101
thinking of 16;122,227-28
to be an instrument of 16:128
to love her truly 17:141
to whom she tells things 17:159
transcendental 4:392-94
transformation, experiences of see Mother's body, the,

transformation of
trying to deceive 17:233-34
understanding 16:51
uneasiness at seeing, and insincerity 16:264


unlived dreams 8:222
use of flowers 6:229,231-33,244-45
use will of 16:67

"Vital Education," and answers relating to 6:10-17
wanting love of 17:58,65,165
watching over a child 17:140,204
. way of teaching of 9:372-75

way to turn towards 17:l02
what she is bringing 17:279-80
"when I speak frankly" 16:48
when she doesn't reply outwardly 17:45,58,352
when she  is Joyful and plays 9:13
will of 16:146; 17:114,110
work at Balcony Darshan and P1ayground 7:257-59
work of 6:297-99 , 16:153; 17:119
working, her usual 7:258
writing to 16:75-76,94,87-08
writings of

dramas, The Great Secret 7:301-04,308-09,316,323; 12:451-616
Prayers and Meditation s, extracts from 2:115-21; 8:222;

15:221-37 ; 16:17-18 ,20-22,27; 17:176-86
Questions and Answers I929  (Conversations) 16:4-5
"The virtues " 16:344

Mother, the <3>, force of 6:220-21; 16:134; 17:51,317,350,353,401,408

action of 9:112-14; 17.-78-79,82,159
use and help of 16:134; 178,135

Mother, the <4>, personal or spiritual experiences of 10:139-40 15:297-303,411-12; 17:178

Abdul Baha 4 :316-17
about School Programme 7:389-92
action of human will on 10:230
amethyst , power of protection 5:231
answering letters 11:213-14

application of pressure to dissolve things 10:173-74
"Are you ready for anything?" 10:227
art, reaction to modern and old 7:188-90
Asuric force assuming form of Sri Aurobindo 15:408-10
"At the very bottom of the? in conscience. . . " 15:381-85
auspicious coming brought rain 7:385-89
automatic writing 9:364

bamboo sprouts, classical Japanese dish 5:366
black cobra 10:132
cats 4:27-20,338 

exteriorisation of 4:321-23

the Mother's, maternal devotion of 5:244-45
reason for playing with mouse  5:150
wanting to be human 5:229-30

catastrophic to forget the Divine even momentarily 11:323-24
childhood 8:54,118
age five

begins to seek the solution 5:139,163
effort to become conscious 12:433
observes action of different people 5:198
age seven

refuses to go to circus 5:199-200
choosing vegetables from garden 6:l80-81
conscious of nights 4:62

consciousness of being a dead person on earth 10:225
creation, how and why of 11:194-95,197-207,275-76
death, spirit of 5;136-40,193-94
descent of Ananda aspect of 6:291-94 ,302-04



descent, of peace 15:424-25
developing consciousness  subtle physical and material 

vital 6:l86-87

direct manifestation  of Truth 10:187-90
Divine can do everything 5:162-63
Divine Consciousness not felt ll:249-50
dream of

knocks received in vital world 5:27-28

recording 4:62
during a -Film of new world 9:144-51
early 'spiritual': 6:298-99
exteriorisation, story of cats 4:321-23
fainted in the Toreador Square .4:125
fairy-1ike beings helpful 4:275
feeling the presence of the Divine physically 10:154-555  11 :132-38,227-29 .
first embodiment in human form 10:91
flowers storing force 6:229-31
flying saucer seen by 7:164
fourth dimension 12:431-32
Gita first contact 8:10 4
God of religions 10:333-34; 17:44
helping people in dreams 15:350
"I have? become another person"  11:280
impression  of Japan 2:148-50

identity of opposites 11:109,111-14,198-202,204,212,220,236
"India is free" 5:l90, 8:30-32
in Japan 4:306-10

epidemic 5:182-85

spirit of death in 5:136-37
in the subtle physical 10:149

Japanese, learning to speak 12:75-76
'learning, constant 4:91
1etters to her son 16:3-10
lived ten years among artists 3:106
manifestation  of  the Supramental  13:141
meeting a Catholic . priest 5:31-32
meeting snake in mountains 10:131-32
memory of earthly paradise 10:88-95
memory visual  , and aural 8:156-5 7
mental constructions and true experiences 9:319
mental suggestions 4:236
messages of 19:68;12-13
moved to tears. children 3:159
nearly hit by train 10:132-33

of the body see Mother  body, the, transformation of
of change of consciousness 11:262-65,277-78,323-24; see  also

Mother's body, the, knowledge of, universalisation

of choice 11:30-34
of a 1 ion 4:29-30
of a new world 9:144-51
of physical world 10:39-40

of Supramental Consciousness 11:202-07,210-16,326-27,
of 3rd February 1958 9:271-83; 10:113-20 passim
of time 15:402

of two hemispheres 15: 386-90
on necessities 4:385-86; 7:53
opinions, formation of 10:238-39
over mind creation 9:148-50
past 1ives of others 5:35
playing tennis 4:42


prayer for change 9:299-301

prayer, immediate realisation of 5:144

psychic memories of 16:351

Quelques Paroles 5:352

rabbit and snake 5:151-52

rarely experienced renunciation 10:172

realising union with Divine, for body 8:211

religion, discussing 8:l47-50 

reminiscences of T1emcen 9:58-63

repose in Sachchidananda 4:62-63

role of adverse forces 10:120-22

sadhana, descent into vital and physical 6:303

seeing in the subtle physical 10s127-28,149

serpent guarding world's riches 4:189,382

Silence ll:265

sleep, conscious 4:62

snow in Algeria 7:386-87

spirits of death and fire 5:136-39

Sri Aurobindo and

incidents with 3:141-42; 4;B5,238,275

entering aura of 4 2 223,230 •

healing power of 9;254

supramental force passing from ll:328

trance  or Samadhi conversation with 8:275-77
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, experiment of  8:161-62

palm-tree in courtyard 5:113

symbolic vision of collectivity in the 9:137-42
subtle-physical, material world and ll:78-82
supramental manifestation   8:205-07,219-21,313-17
tamas 4:367
tennis, playing 4:42

 training the physical senses 10:134
to be a limpid transmitter ll:255

to nestle with the.' Divine 11:325,332

training the physical senses .10:134-35

transcripts of 15:297-303

unreality of life 11:17 ,31 ,40 ,177-82,195-96

un-unified consciousness 11:290-92


of ancient Egypt 8:155-57

of Japanese landscapes 4:319-20

of marvellous Being in the Inconscient 9:332-33

of supramental body 10:355
we change Peace into suffering 11:282
"What Thou wiliest" 11:312,321 ,332
worn in who knew how to walk 5:50; 12:75
yoga of the body 4:339; 10:136-40

Mother, the <5>, stories told by her about others

Abdul Baha 2:104 ,110-11
about accidents 4:268-71; 5:405-08
action of human will on 10:230
action without attachment to result 7:396-98
animal instinct, monkey wiser than man 9:l00
animal-tamer and courage 7:26-30
an artist and modern art 4:298-302
aspiration, constant, people with 5:170
August 15, greeting card 8:266
automatic writing (gambler from Monte Carlo) 9:363-65
Beethoven, reincarnation of his genius 5:264
brain, hands, mind etc-subtle, of artist 5:261-64
a Buddhist story, "Mr.- Tiger" 9:52-53


cat and a Russian women  7:90-99

Catholic priest, meeting a 5:31-32 :

character, how the Mother knows people's 5:219-22

"Charity Bazaar" 4:175-76

clairvoyant under chloroform 4:125
.-clergyman on boat 8:148-50

collective prayer for English kind 9:37-38

collectivity and individual , interdependence 5:305

consciousness, means of widening 5:153

control of reason over life 9:99

conversion of men governed by adverse forces 6:247-48

Cone's method tried by a worn in 7:5; 9:380

creation, story of 5:372-82; 7:l57-63

dancer and painter who took up Yoga 3:105--06

Danish painter's practice of occultism 6:41-42

dream of elevator crash 5;191; 10s130-31

dream of friend, tiger changed into cat 3sl66 :

eating chicken 6;178-79
elephant and mahout 4s208s B=69-70
epidemic in Pondicherry 4:209-10
explanations  of experiences of others  4:76-7 7
exterior i sat ion , story of cats 4:321-23
fear, cause of illness 5:168,171-72
financier-speculator 4:86
French doctor 8:364
French scientist in Jardin des PIantes 6:43-45
geometrical drawing, 'learning identification by 5:220-21
Gitpropaganda and criticism 8:104-07
giving birth according to ideal 2:53-54
goat and cows; , greedy 5:274
going to her  4:30-31
golden pencil , man with 5:159
grapes, for cure? 5:123
head of new religion 3:83
heroic action by wymon during war 2:144
humanitarian hypnotism 9:394-95
humility, value of  5:30
humorists' remark 5:14

ideals of ordinary life 8:57-58 . . .
immortality, physical 4:69-70
Indian  who could hear from a distance, 10:135
Japan, man who concentrated thought in the stomach ,6:310-12
the Kali of vivampatnam 6:65-69,
lady afraid of cholera infection 3:91
1ady, self-denying , at Opera 7:38-39
lady whose hair was. falling out 3:l56; 9:380
1ift-boy, dream of and catastrophe avoided 5:191
losing something given by 7:49
lump of sugar in the coffee 9:30-31

Madame David-Neel 7:393,397-98

se1f-created her own mahatma  6:277-78
man preaching "morality of Nature" 7:185-86
meditate, different types; who 5:42-45
miser haunting his treasure 5:19,135
moments of inspiration in ordinary men 9;93
money for the Divine Work, "Giaconda" 5:161-62
"Monsieur Vincent," philanthropism  5:l6
the Mother's brother and the aviator 5:407-08
musicians 4:98; 5:261-64; 8:320
Muslim story about Christ 4:82 fn,370

needs, man's indispensable, "the toothbrush" 4:386; .5:368,


negro's choice 53330; 8; 57--58
of a Ion 4:29-30
of initiation 9:67-71
on the number of souls in India 4:48
on Shankara 4:119

opening of Arts Exhibition in Paris 3:137-38
opens the; door inside all 7:69
opera dancer 7:399-400
 past. 'lives, cause of unhappiness  5:217-18

perfect self-giving, an Indian story 8:15,17-18
perforated coin 6:234-35
pet animals 9 :232-33

philosopher living in South of France; 10:123-24
possession, cases of 4:184-88; 5:97--98
prayer for change 9:300
problem of worn in 7:153
progress, people who want to 5:286
psychic contact given to a .Japanese 4:310
psychic contact and new capacities 9:396-97
rabbit in Botanical Gardens 5:151-52

Ramayana, pundits who related the 5:329

reminiscences of Tlemcen  9:58 -63
rich woman's naivets about poverty 6:29-30
Rodin, August 6:72-73

sadhak collecting soap-pieces 7:51-52
Sannyasin, vengeful 8:72
scientist on reflexes 4:212
seeing her 8:304-05,307-08

self-giving, Indian tale 8:14-18
setting a pendulum clock 16:40
slaves having the:' Siamenanie 9:45
spiritism, scientist''s experience 9:367-68
A' Sri Aurobindo's room during cyclone 3:155

stones falling on Sri Aurobindo's house 6:57-62
story of initiation, Yusuf, with comfnentary , the Mahatma' s mouse

story of successive involutions 9:205-07
stupidity, on 4:369
subtle physical body and accidents 4:268-69

Sufi's words, the Divine and the worshiper 5:58
tamas 4:367

tiger and its victim 5:151
titans, universal, Nordic Legends 5:267
Tolstoy's son 8:106; 9 :54
transformation 5:43-45,49
true movement of mind 5:109-10

vision of coach being drawn up a hillside, 3:13-14
visions of uneducated people 5:401
vital brings passion for progress 5:256, 258-59
water-divining 4:236
women occultist 8:278

women who had lost her trust in people 5:31
women  who wanted to regain her looks 5:3-4
writer, using another's brain 5:262

 writer's mental activity during sleep 2:33-34
Yogi who misused his powers 3:7-8
Yogi with toothache 3:90

 young man and  his cruel father 3:10

Mother's body, the 6:302-04

aspiration of 11:4-5,14-15,32,41-44,88-89,92-95,98,158
cells of, experiences of


aspiration se e above aspiration of

becoming conscious 11:93-101

cal1ing 11:3

certitude 11-20

constant self-offering 11:189-90

direct contact with true being 11:120-27

knowledge of death 11:62-63

learning the right  a1litud e 11:299

material mind 11 :16-21,74

perception of true Matter ll:57-59

personal state of consciousness 11:50

prayer of 11:91,330

reaction to injury ll:54-55.

repeating a mantra 11:127
'sense of Identity 11:70,74

spontaneous DM 11:66

suffering aspiration and progress 11:41-44

Superman Consciousness and 11:158

That. alone exist11:108-10

Thou alone existeth 11:173

unable to accept immobility 11:319

understanding in 11:147-48

unity 11:166

wholly ruled by the-Divine ll:273-74

yearning for contact with the Divine force ll:4-5
consciousness and 11:99,117-18,126-27,1.37,139-41 ,165,261-63
disease and 13:60

Divine and 11:259-60,273,286-89,297-99,332
dramatic imagination of 11:144; see a1so below

transformation  of , material consciousness of
ego, disappearance of 11:202-03 ,205-07 ,219 ,223 ,260 ,277
endurance needed (to hold on, to go on.) 11:138 ,13 ,147 ,

experiences of 15:301 - 03 ,409

incarnating the Supreme Consciousness (God) 13:48-51

repeats; "whatever" You. will" 16:435

a transmitter 13:355
external inf1uences and 11:32-34,50-52, 55-56,73-74, 85,115,  135-36, 196, 203, 231, 240,243, 251,259, 262, 265, 294, 319, 332;

sec also Mother, the <2>, relations with others
given to prepare ; the transformation 11:307-08
habits of 11:243
an image for men 11:324

interested in how Matter was formed 11:119-21,123-24
knowledge of

death 11:62-63

direct, contact with the highest 11:99,120-27

Divine and undivine 11:108-09

guidance from

the Consciousness 11:240
superman consciousness 11:154-57
Supreme Consciousness ll:l85-88

identification by consciousness 11:244

precision without thought 11:10-12,130-31

process of creation 11:194-95,197-207

taught by all that. comes 11:269

through experience and direct ll:217-19

understanding  creation  11:194-95

universalisation 11:262-65 , 277-78; see. also above   ego,
disappearance of

see a1so be1ow transformation of, Knowledge of


made to do the obscure task ll:86-87,89
many beings, forces, personalities. manifest  through 11:104
new 11:301-06

of  body consciousness 15:2
prepared for another con set 11:246
psychological and material transformation 11:82-83
reaction to injury ll:54-55
strength of 11:321-22

superman consciousness and others ll:l58-59
surrender of 11:140 , 240-41 see  also  below transformation of,

painful transition
transformation on of 10:355 ; 11:17-16,121 ,162-63 ,235-37

aspiration for 11:4-5, 14 -15 ,32 ,41 44 ,88-89,92-95 ,98 ,158

all the ways of seeing things 11:266

Ananda (bliss) and suffering 11:112-14 ,160

becoming  conscious 11:139-42 ,264-65

being trained to bear the Power 11:269-70 

condition depends upon (is determined by) consciousness,
attitude, receptivity 11:3,135,181, 187-88,195-96,
207-08 ,219- 20 ,231 ,235-37 ,273 ,286- 89 ,299--300 ,319-20

consciousness 11:139,244

acting directly on body 11:143-45
rep1acing thought 11: 319

Darshan of 24 November 1967 11:102-05

death without dying 11:222; see also be1ow to 1ive or die
direct contact with psychic 11:130

the Divine and 11:259-60 ,266-68 ,277-78 ,283 , 286-89 ,294-95 ,

Divine Consciousness and 11:86 ,132-34 ,157-60 ,232 ,286-88

Divine Presence and l6:424-25

Divine Will and 11:260

effect of, on others 11:92,100,171,270-71

enveloped by the Divine 11:294-95; 16:424-25

fragility (frailty) simultaneous with sense of eternity  11: 113,146

hardness melting away 11:271

hearing changed (new way of) 11:244-45, 248,282

horrors of creation 11:133-35 ,137 ,166 ,176-81

human deception 11:261-62

identity of opposites 11:104 ,111-14 ,198-202 ,204 ,212 , 220 ,236

immobility see be1ow peace

immortality, consciousness of  11:l95-96

in stages 11:46-53,71-72,181,305

in this body and life;  11:72-73

knowledge of

beatitude ready for us 11:325

origins of inspiration and action 11:10-12

truth 11-266

looks at its falsehood 11:258

material consciousness of 11:269-70,73-74,108-10,144,316-18

material difficulties of 16:354 -57

material mind (cellular mind) 11:16-21 ,74,280

mind (mental) of, withdrawn, taken away, gone 11:94,99 ,l01118, 123-25,143, 155, 191, 236, 239, 263, 280-81, 284

nestle in the Divine 11:266-68,332

New Consciousness 11;226-33,317

not to obstruct the Divine Force (Power) 11:270-71,324

of individuality 11:165

of physical mind 11:49,69,93-95,279-80,284,293-95

one body or collective 11:52 ,109-10 ,135 ,145-46 ,180-82

one with the Supreme Consciousness ll:l68


only hope, to be The Lord ll:169

painful transition  (transforming action and suffering ,
disorganization etc. and aspiration , surrender etc) 11:3-5, 13-15, 17, 20- 21, 33,41-44 ., 101, 116-19, 123, 12 135,144-47,169, 177-81, 221-23, 228, 243, 245-250, 265-68, 281-83, 316
"What Thou wiliest" 11:158,167-68,171-72,222,251
peace , immobi1ity 11:9 ,13-15 ,41 ,160-64 ,192-96 ,236 ,319 ,326
seeing how much work remains to be,  done' ll.:86-87

states of consciousness 1l:99,117-18,126-27,137,139-42,165
sudden reversal ll:l44
superman consciousness  11:I48-60
Supramental Consciousness 11:202-07,210-16,326-27

supramental forces., penetration by ll:l22-27
time and 11:133 ,46-53 ,72-73 ,84-86 ,95 ,100-01,121-23 ,142 ,146-48,

three approaches to transformation 11:60
to live, die ,(or live eternally) 11 :283 -85 ,297 ,299 ,330
unreality of life (world, etc.) 11:177-81 ,195-96
vision (sight, seeing) of, new way 11:244-45,248,251,282
vital withdrawn, taken away, gone 11:94,99,101,118,123-25,  143,155, 191, 239 .
why eel 1s should remain: together 11:4 ,
without physical limits 11;242-43 ¦
work of 13:55-60
transfer of power (authority) 11 :16-21 ,33,57-59 ,69-74 , 

106-07,221-23,228,245-50 J
turned toward the; Divine 11:290,327

Mother's International School, the, Delhi 

messages to 12:114 ,
Mother India see India, Mother I
Mozart, U. Amadeus
5:78 I
Mukerjee 16:6

Mummy 4:196-97 

Music 6:379-85; 12:239-43

Beethoven's Concerto in D major 9:249
enjoying for what is behind , 3:27
entering into 16:231-32
essentially a spiritual art 3:ll0-ll
European 5:77

(vocation 7:308 <s >
execution and inspiration 5:75-76


glad, word 1ess 17:179
human voice and 7:351
Indian 5:77-78
melody and 5:75-79

the Mother's 12:240-41; 16:235
musical regions 7:351
ore hesitation, difficult . task 5:262-63
origin of , 5:69-71 ,75-78; 7:351
planes of 5:75-77

playing 11:9
sadhana and 12:239-40
true way to hear 8:236-37,311
viol in 7:351

Musician (s)

Dach, Johann 3:l11 -13 ; 5:76,78,262
Beethoven, Ludwig von 3:111-13; 5:76,262
Beethoven's genius, reincarnation of 5:264
dead musician using another's brain 5:262
Franck, Cesar 3:111; 5:76,272


hands of 5:261,266;7:269;8:236-37;16:363

mediator between inspiration and execution 5:75-76

Mirabai 3:105

Mozart, W. Amadeus 5:78

Tartini 4:127

Thyagaraja 3:105

virtuoso 5:70

Wagner 3:111; 4:314

Ysaye  5:263-64


Israelites and 13:390-91

Musset, Alfred de 6:4
Mysticism 6:190

no fear of death 5:319

prayer important for 5:145

state of consciousness in which all is divine, Radha's prayer
to Krishna 5:385 

Sufi 5:58

Mythology 4:184

legends 4:187
