Comprehensive Index of the Mothers Complete Works































Faculties 2:31-32,143-44: 8:319-20

        of observation 12:22-25

        perfection of 9:396

        supreme 16 :238
Failure 10 :246

        essential qualities developed through 10:303

        explanations for meaning of 1ife 10:56
        God and 10:102-03,289,348

        great and noble 10 :285

        of Christ's mission 10:260-61

        at Mohammed ' s message 10 :261

        not an evi1 10:263

        success and 5:269; 10:55-57; 16:389

        suffering and 10:263

        suggestions of 16 :133

        to find one's soul 10:279

        to make an effort 6:267

        gentle entities 4:275

        treasure in fairy-tales 4 :189-90

        see also Entities

Faith 11:311 ; 12:115; 14:82-84; 15:340-41; 17: 12-13,322,385,390,405,408

        allows the Divine Brace to act 17:21,263,294,321

        aspiration for 6:121 ,394 ,403-04

        belief and 16:342

        better than drugs 17:196

        b1ind 10:290; 17:125

        body and 6:124-25; 9:l25,162-64

        confidence, trust and 5:297-98;  6:120-25; 16:l73; 17:123

        confirmed 17:179

        curing through 4 : 209-10;8:81

        defeat and 10:311

        despair and 10:56-57

        difficulties and 65:40-45; 17:414

        dynamic: and confidence 5 :297-98

        experience and 6:122-24; 10:14

        fighting against 13:49

        harmonizing power of 10 :233-34

        importance of 12 :310-11

        in achieving the goal of Yoga 3:l52; 63:40-42

        in different parts of the being 7:l5-16

        in the Divine 5:297-98; 10:71,171

        in Divine Grace 5;23A,299,368; 7:82,115-17,243,403; 10: 323,325-28;

               14;91-96; 16:185,210,425, 17,7,21,96,189,196,212,263,294,305,

        in doctors, medicine and medicine men 10:324-281; 16:195

        in face of shortages 17:325

        in a glorious future 17:377

        in the Mother 16:68

        in the perfect realisation 16:l25

        in progress 5:144

        in spiritual conversion 2:162

        increasing 9:351-52

        inner certitude 9:255

        integral 3:36,152-53

        intellectual and 6:121

        is 1iving knowledge 16:342

        lack of  5:368; 10:153-54;  17:70,263,306-07


    lessening of 17: 1 65 ,207 ,331 ,237,321
    love and 10:343

    meaning of  in the Dhammapada 3 :184
    mental , vital , physical and psychic 17:125
    miracles and 3 :1 52-53
    must be patient 17 :350
    never lose 16:194; 17:354,376,381,386
    new aspect, of divine intervention in life 9:305
    of god-l over 10:343
    of man 9:124-36
    only help against disorder 17:231
    only one 17 :125
    perception and 10:161

    preservation of 9 :351-52
    psychic and 7:116-17; 10:290; l7:l25
    purpose of individuality and 11 :185
    quiet 5:397; 17:305,376

    reason and 10: 289-91

    receptivity created by 5:371
    relativity of 6:358-59
    role of mind in 10:322-28; 16:195
    saves, cures men 8 : 01
    soul and 10:289-90

    teaching of the prophets 9:300-01
    that the; best happens 6:349
    to get out of 'trouble 17:405
    to give up seeking 17:179

    true knowledge and 10:290; 6:342

    trust and 6 : 120-25 ,403-04 ; 8 :242 ,257-58,262 ; 9:162-64
    trust in the divine Grace 8:38-39,251,254-55; 9:428;

             14:96-99; 16:195,297
    unshakable 3:97; 17:125,376
.   watchffi1 saves 17:244

    what the Dhammapada means  by 3:189

Faithulness 6:182-84; 6:37,42;14:164-65; 16:214; 17:114-15

    true 16:434

Fall (1), the 5:8; 11:161-62
Fal1 (2)

      from the good 17:128

      from yoga 13:142-43

      in consciousness 5:51-52

      into lower rnovements 17: 136

Falsehood 4:23-24; 8:294; 11:331; 15:403

     absence of 10:99

     adhesion  to ,17:241-42,249,399

     always beingreplaced by Light 10 : 194

     Asura of 4:184-88 passim; 5:98,376-79

     conditions laid on Grace' by 6 :285-86

     destroyed by fling 17:l06

     destruction and transfiniteion 11:261

     diplomatic 17:321

     earth governed by 6 : 169-70 ; 11:178-80; 14:209

     human governments are 10:312

     human will and 10:230
ignorance and 3:245,254; 11:41; 17:181-82

     ignoring 17:345

     in organization of body ll:226-27

     limited and unreal 11:178-81

     the Lord of 4:l84-88, paasim, 5 :98,376-79

     miracles and 10:160


     money and 7:301-02

     most dangerous kind of 10 :299

     the Mother 's knowledge about people and 6 :165-67

    no absolute10:99

    of the body 11 :226-27 ,258

    of ordinary human consciousness 10:34 7

    of percept ion 10 :98

    of reports of others words 17:387

    origin of 10 :122

    politics steeped in 16:337

    remedy for 16 :7

    removal of veil of 10:108

    ridicule as weapon against 10:347

    rising under pressure 11:272

    rushing over the world 3 :245 ; 11 : 250-60

    selfish and relation ships 16:280

    studies and 17:313

    truth and 5 :22 ,98 ,319 ,376-77 ; 10:39-40,67; 12:303-04,322-23,404;

            14:208-ll; 15:87 fn; 16:194,313,341;  17:366
    truth consciousness and 10 :108 ,189
    unconsciousness of creation 5:41,71; 10:206
    veil of  10:108
    victory over 3:141-42
    vital beings and 4:185
    way mind creates 10:67
    words belong to 10:190
    world of 17:345
    see also Lies
4:70-7l ,259,262; 5:2;  14:313-l5; 15:l32

    calls from, when ill 17:176

    doing for one's son 17 :190

    must give money for travel 17:l76

    origin of 12 : 96-97

    parent's and 5:393

    sadhana in the Ashram and 6:296-97

    to be sure of, choose your own 3:81

    working through ages for the victory of the Divine 3:3

"The Family of  Man": exhibit 9:3-4
Fashion 12:368

     body and 8:l41;  9:117-18

     energy and 7:60-61

     food and 7:60-63

    imbalance  from 7 :361

    Maeter1inck 7:362

    no spiritual progress in itself 9:ll7-18

    receptivity and 7 :61

    freedom and 3:29

    Greek concept of 15:247
(tiredness) 14:267-68; 17:12-14,16,393-94,405

    bodily 17:l50

    concentration and 16:23-24

    disequilibrium and 6:35-36 .

    effort and 16:179-80

    From listening to personal difficulties 17 : 323
    physical, depression and 6:32
    the vital and 17:323
    work and 16:80


Fault(s)  7:138-39; 16:276

       body punished for vital 17 :75
       consequences of 16 :323
       desiire to find 3:158
       the Divine cures 16:290

       emphasising in throught speech 17:18

       Grace behind17:196

.      the Mother's  awareness of 17:169,241

       must be grateful  to those who show' us our' 3:220-21

       nobler to recognize 16:364

       of other's 9:294; 17: 167,206-07

       recognising and correcting 4:52,116,156-57,360-61; 5:55,350;


       see clearly,but. not only them 16:64
       showing , and progress 16 :168-69

       telling about 16:l69-70 ' ' : '
       virtues and 16:276,364
Fear(s) 8:261.; 10:318;  14:258-623 ; 15:27,197;  16: 171

           17 :1l 0,118,230-31,247,330,412
       abolition of 4:211; 5:ll8
       absence on earth 10 :389
       action and 10:197

       adverse forces and 6 :49-51 ; 16 : 189 ,330
       animal s obeying man through 5 :241
       anxiety and 2:90
       as means of education12:11,4
       attracts what we fear 5 :318-19;117:63; 16:187
       call the Mother 16:96-97

       catastrophe and 7 :63
.      cause of  4:211-12

       children and 5:410; 12:124
       conquering  9: 121 ; 10:13-14; 16: 187
       courage and 7:27
       cure of 4:212-l3
      delight and 10:332
      desire and 2:90

      during physical en excises 5:119-20,169
      education and 12:11,14
      ego and 16:186
      evil and 5:318-19
      experiences and 6:190

      gift of vital beings to the world 5:118-20
      hero not afraid of b1ows 5 :235
      i11ness and see ill ness , causes of fear
      in animals 6:49-5; 7:26-29
      in body see Body, fear in
      in cells see
cells (of the body), fear in
      in dreams 4:60; 6:1923 16:261-62; 17:230
      in meditation 17:247
      in the vital 5:169
      invention of hostile forces 16:330
      knowledge and 6 :20-21

      love and 10:333
      magical practices and 7 :267

      medicine and 10:324
     men. and 7:53
     mental, vital, and physical 5:169-70
     must get rid of all 3:57


     need of fearlessness in dealing with vital beings 3 :47-40,165-66

     nothing 17:386,404,415

     obstacle to higher Nature 10:11-12

     occultism and 6 :38-43 ,50 , 189-93

    of death see Death, fear of

    of divine life 11 :311

    of ghosts 16:225

    of Gad in play 10:332

    of gads 10:297

    of  losinq yourself of 10:198

    of Mahakali's love 17:374

    of the mind 3:575 5:169

    of obstacles 16:149

    of punishment, 12 :365

    of self giving 7:328

    of wymon 16:282

    overcoming 9 : 121-22

    pain and 10 :171

    panic: under pressure of  the light 4 :206

    perverse form of will 10:321

    progress, and 17:118

    protection  and 17 :110

    purity and 16:330

    reflexes and 6:43-45 .

    religion and 6:51,66,197

    remedy for eliminating 5: 118-20 ,316-17 ,319

    repulsion result of 3:100-02

    right attitude and 3:134-55

    trust and 16:l94-95

    unconciousness and 6:50-51

    the Divine 16:270; 17:95,103,133,144-45,151,167

    the Divine wil1 4:2,15

    a force 8:305

    joy 8:305

    need for Grace 6:322-23

    new force 9 :319

    of danger 16:42-43

    of owning material things 16:363

    of being tired and rest 16:79-80

    one's awn incapacity 16:320

    the supramental force 4:223-24
Feelings (emotions) 16:179

    action and, in Japan 2:149

    austerity of 12:64-71

    bad 7:81,90; 10:154-55; 11:132-38,227-29; 16:l35;  17:01,02

    effect of music on 16:235

    liberation of 12:71

    wrong 16 :63-64

    see also  Emotions

Felicity 16:264

     masculine and 6:113-195; 16:l77
Fighting 8:4;  10:358; 12:l56; 13:49; 17:170

     desire to see 16:278

      "Monsieur Vincent" 5:16

      the Mother' s; experience while watching 9:144-51

      way to watch 16:416

      "The lizard of Oz" , the Mother's comments on 12:247

     see also Cinema



      difficult to transform 7:30l
      in theAshram 13:154-58; 16:344-45

     inner 17:27-28

     lighting 17:106,127-28

     of aspiration and purification 16 :104 ,164 ,363 ; 17 :3127-28

     off ring and 17:127-28

     psychic 8:252

     purifying 17 : 105-06 ,143

     ravaging 17: 105

     revival of 17:122,127,143,151

     sacred, in the heart 17:106

     spirit of  5:l36-38

     symbol of 2:89;  9:222

     vibration of 10194

     see also  Agni F1ame

     Agni and 16:200

     inner 4 :100 ,105 ; 1:32 ,136-37 ,352 ,334;  9:352

     concentration on 17:127

     love is 1ike a white 10:73

     of aspiration 3:208-09;  5:142-43,350; 7:373; 17:127

     of purification 17:8l ,106,148

     psychic 17:81,148

     see also Agin fire
Flaubert, Gustave
12:330; 16:200

     "Aristocracy of beauty" 16:88

     "Aspiration in the Physical"  3:130-31; 17:193

      Champa , golden as symbolic expression in nature 8:159

      Champa, white: psychological perfection 8:36-42

      cherry blossom 17:186
      coconut 5:366

      "consciousness turned towards
      "The Creative Word" 7:347
      "Disiniteresited work " 17 : 147
      "Divine's Love" 7:370,378

      suprafiiental light  16:78

      force; stored in 6:229-31

      hibiscus 16:373-74

      "human passion turned into love for the divine" 16:177

      look at, to cure obsession 17:104-05

      lotus 13:32

     1ove in 5:243

     the mother's 13:32

     the 'Mother's use of 6:229,244-45,331-33

     "Now Birth" 17:193

     "Now Creation" 4:107

     of cosmic energy 8:115

     of human spiritual of fort 9:147,149

     offering of to the Mother!; the Mother's giving of 3:132

     "Organisation" 17:156

     pomegranate 7:378

     "power of Truth in the subconscient" 11:323

     "Protection" 17:148-49

     "Psychic flame" 17:148

     psychic presence in 4:166-67

     "Radha's consciousness" 137:32

     receptivity, and the mother's use of 6:229-33,244-45

     receptivity of 16:371

     rose, pure self giving 5:242-43


     rose , sense of beauty 4 : 166
     significance of 3:l30-31; 4:166-67; 5:232; 8:36

     SriAurobindo's .13: 16,32

     "successful future" 3:180

     "supramental I beauty in the physical " 16:78

     "supramental  Manifestation" 8 :264

     "transfarmation" 4 :393

     "Trust" 17:152

     see also P1ant(s)

Folly 10:98

     fatuity is gross 5:337-38,349

     human , and war 16:331
     Food 5:366; 12:34-52;  11:280-90

     amount of in conscience in 4:334

     animal s and taste of 17 :246

     body and 4:334-35; 6:36-37; 7:62-63; 16:131,195-96,302

     children and 12:13-14;  17:305

     doing without 16:195-96; 17:75

     eating see Eating

     energy and 7:60-6l

     equanimity towards 3:l23

     excessive importance of 16 :290

     exclusive receptivity to the Divine and 6:214

     fasting and 7:60-63

     feeling that it is the Divine eating through one 3:23-24

     For vital beings 6:194-77

     get enough 17:7,351,354

     greed and 3:123-25; 7:58-595;  14:269-71; 16:113

     hunger and 16: 196;  17 :40l-02

     " indispensable " ' thing 7 :93

     the Mother's complaints about  when young 3:131

     paying for at  the Dining Room 17:289

     personal 17:147

     place in 1ife 16:302

     preparing when unwel1 17:320

     the presence and 16:390

     receiving extra 17:15

     receptivity to the Divine and 6:214

     servants handling 17:254

     sleep and 8:381

     specific items ;

                 betel 17:64

                 bread 17:268,293

                 buttermilk 17:351-52

                 coconuts and oil 17:258,260

                 curds 17:262

                 eggs 17:353

                 milk 17:351-53

                 powdered milk: 17:243

                 rice 17:260-62

                 soda 17:247-48

                 sugar, honey , sugar-cane 17:299-300,305

                 tamarind 17:248

                 tea and coffee 17:47
                 source of vital energy 6 :82
     spiritual 1ife and 16:196
     transition from animalist and 11:28-29
vitamins 7 :49; 17:268
     wasting 17:271
     see also Cooking


Force, the 4:220; 6:284; 7:23; 8:220; 9:5; 10:207

        action of 8:l0-13,71; 10:231,234

        always present, 17 :371

        as Divine emotion

        bearing 17:50-51

        being conscious of 16:354

        collaborate with 17:391

        concentration of 17 :51 ,296 ,317 ,361 ,407
        drawing and using 16:399, 17:197

        never try to pull 3:11;  9:241-42
        passing upwards 17:395
        receive in silence and concentration 17 :55 ,107
        receptivity to 4:63,96-97,2105- 6; 403-04
        regeneration of 17 : 101

        single angina 6:273
        Sri Aurobindo surcharged with 4 : 222-24 passim; 9 :39
        to over come difficulties 16:l22
        trust in Great', Supreme 2 :62
        underneath material action 10:231
        wasting of 6 : 156
        the word and 6:198-99
        see a1so Divine Force

         action of 8:71; 10:234

         adverse see ''Adverse forces (Host tie, forces)

         appearance apical ours or images, in meditation. 6;375

         at core of matter 6:209-10

         awareness of  6:419-20 

         balance of 4:25; 11:1

         behind human will 61:203-04; 10:230; 16:10

         curing one self  of  negative 4 :266-67

         dissolve limits 10:174

         Divine see Divine Force; Force, the

         dynamic 8 :55-56

         exchange of 4 :32 ,35-36

         feeling joy and 8:303

         field of 2:98

         for and against the Divine' work   16:10

        from the body 6:339

        helpfu1  experienced in dreams 6 :147-48

        higher, work of 6:81-82; 16;148

        hostile see Adverse forces (Hostile -forces)

        illness is disequilibrium of 5 :122 ,173-80 ; 9 : 120-22,

        in meditation 3:97-98

        intellectual 2:27,98

       Kali's 16:370; 37:267,375

       manifestation of 4:294-95; 10:220

       mental 2:649;  6:310-12,314-15

       needed for transformation 10:261

       new  4:220; 6:285; 7:187; 8:l29-30;  9:5-6 ,39 ,314-15 ,319 ,325-26 ,

               337-38; 16:330-31
       of calm 8:329-30
       of evolution 10:77

       of God 10:315-16
       of growth 8:196

       of harmony 9:169
       of Ignorance  4:340-421
       of Lord 10:210
       of  love 2:101; 3:69-70;  5:230-31; 10:261
       of money 4:379;  5:357-58;  6:249-53; 6:249-53; 7:55-56





       of Nature 4:175; 5:136,150,153; 6:1-3; 7:386-90; 8:51-52,59-61;

               9: 321 ; 16:177,402

       of resistance 10:281 10:201

       of the soul 10:247

       projected by snake 6 :44-45

       rest of con centrated 17 :221,303

       spiritual see  Spiritual force's

       stored in flowers and stones 5:230-31;  6:229-31

       struggle of two 17:l86

       subtle 2 :52

       supramental  see Supramental  force(s)

       to conquer 17:62-63,364

       to drive away depression 17:59

       undesirable e , outside 17 :96

       universal 2:47; 6:419-20;  7:138-39 ,140-42 ; 16-276

       vital see Vital-forces

       world 6:82

       Mor'1 d of  living 2:107

       yogic 5:268

       c f. Formations; Mental formation's) constructions;  Vi brat ions

Forget one self 3:288; 17:l41,150

       remedy for all ills 16:178
Foresight 12:77-79
Forgiuene 6:16,216

       asking for 17:164,387

       Divine and 10:47-48

       nothing to Forgive 17 :356 ,387

       progress and 10:47
Form (s)  9:2,43,46

       asura assuming Sri Aurabindo's 15 :408-10

       attacks from  adverse farces in various 5 :l58

       beauty and 7: 182,279,382

       border's of , and rest 6 : 186

       capable  of manifesting the sprit9:214,218-19

       changing 9 :226-27

       creation of  6:277; 7:34,216-17; 9:226-28

       development of  9:106,218-22,237-38

       disintegrateion of 10 :90

       evolution of 7:331-332;  9:213-22,225,323,337-38

       first human 10 :91

       fixity of  5:260-61

       in apt ration and outer 5:70

       liberation from all 12:37

       Name and the  Reality 6:25-27

       of an cosmic existence 3:l65

       of  col1ective establishment  2 :59

       of consciousness 9:237-38;  10:99

       of the Divine 5:9;  10:73-74

       of energies 16:224-25

       of gods 6;275-76 ^

       of higher mind 3:61

       of Ignorance 4 :341-42

       of the Mother 6:274; 17:55

       of thought 3:50-51

       of the vital world 3:48-49

       of will 10:32

       perception of true Matter and 11:38

       rest on the borders of 6:186-S8

       seen in med it at ion 7:60-81

       sense of developing  6 :383-89

       space and , of al1 cosmic existence 3:165


       spirit of 4:l96-97; 5:136

       supramental 11:96

       ugly 7:81

       world of 8:216

Formateurs 3:18,102,173; 5 ;308-09
Forma tt on (s) 10:238-39

        adverse 6: 41-42 , 58 ,214-15

        brain 4 :140,198 ; 8:180-83, 385-87

        counter formations and 16 :49

        definition of  8: 90-91

        desire and 5:17-21; 16:30
        dissolving 6:368
        emanation and 16:375
        human 6:68,275,396;  5:131-32
        of the body see Body, formation of
        of Buddhism 3:77
        of children 8:391; 9:262-63
        of   first humans 9:236-38
        of material world 4:164 ,276 ,283
        of  new body 9:85-87,127-31; 10:119-20
        of past births 3:149
        of the psychic 4:535;  10:29
        perishable 3:148
        power of thought 2:85-86 ,108
        realisation of l0:l28

        rebound of 6:42-43; 7:81-82
        receiving 17:132

        terrestrial 4 :243

        vital 6:277-81

        wrong 17:230

        see also  Force (s); Mental formation; vibration
Four Noble Truths
Fourth dimension 10:140; 12:431-32
France 12:255; 13:387-88

        double pay for extra  hours of .work 16:37-38

         fleur-de-lis 16:88

         wymon in 2:1,44; 7:155

         work in 16:37-38
         France, Anatole  5:163; 17:67

         "Jerome Coignard"  8:68,70

         one idea of 4:158
Franck, Cesar 3:111;5:76,272

          better than being hypocritical 16:277

          with the Mother 16:100
Fraternity 10:307
Free Progress (System) 12:172

          "old system" and 12:176-77,182,406-10

          prices for  12:204

          selection for 12:173-74
Free will  4:l61 ,343
Freedom (Liberty) 10:307; 11:30-32, 12;155,305

          absolute 10:228

          basis of 10:257

          beauty, simplicity and 10:323

          born free 5:205-06

          chi1dren and see Sri AurobindoAshram, chi1orenin

          choice and 7:344

          compulsion and 8:297

          conditions for 10:303,264

          deliberate separation from Origin and 10 :92


         desire , ignorance , egoism and 10:15-16 ,261-62
         determinism and 3:29-30; 5:86-93; 56:283-85; 9:175,265-67

         see also destiny

         discipline and 8:184-86; 10:257; 16:286
         the divine and 14:202-03; 16:422
         education in the SriAurnbindoAshram and 6 :414-15 ,431

                  7:286 ; 8: 181-82 ,165-86 ,353 ,356-57
         ego and  8:71,114; 10:264, 16:422
         experienced in whole  of 1ife 10:196
         expression of 9 :49-50

         fatality and 3:29

         fear of true 9:28

         felt in the true inner being 6:374

         free choice

                before demand something 5 :288-89

                of each emanation 5:376 ,379-81

                principle of our universe 5 :310 ,374-75 ,379-82

                see also be1ow  of choice
         "the freedom I speak of 16:275-76

         from attachments 10:196
         from bonds of world 3 :201

         from col1ective suggestions 5:313-15

         from Karma 3:176

         from religion 10:317

         from responsibi1ity 3:256-57

         in working with the Mother 16:41-42

         independence and 1ove 9 :50-51

         individual's sense cf 5:90-91

         inner and outer action 7:292-93

         Krishna / s message of 10:60

         law and 10:16,257-58,261-62; 16:291-92

         license and true 4:90-91,177

         mastery of ego and true  9:409-10

         meaning of 12:392-9:3

         of choice.5:90-91; 7:344; 8:296; 10:88; 12:369-70; see also

                  above free choice
        of India, 5:190; 8:30-31
       omnipotence and 10:78
       order and 12:317; 16:292
       perfect 10 :78,257-53
       playful 10:322
       progress and 16 :335
       replaced by libertinism 10:200
       responsibility and 3:256-57
       slavery and 9:49-50

       so called 17:118-19

       social convention, purity and 6 :439-~40
       Sri Aurobindo champion of real 10:69
       surrender and 7:246,367
       teaching 12:286

       to conceive a new 1ife 9:145-46
       total 10:69

       true 4:90-91,177; 9:267; 10:l98; 13:221; l6:308
vital claims 17:ll9

       see a1so Liberation

                selections for library 12:329-31

                selections for teaching 12:324-26
        classical 17:l45
        examination in 12:201


         good exercise, in 16:75

         good style; 17:15
         how  to improve student's 12:327-29
         improving spel1ing 12:326
         in the Ashram and school 12:321-31
         language 7:372; 12:218-25
         learning 16:37; 17:144,152
         literature 12: 324-26; 17:144-45
         passages from 17 : 274-76
         read the Mother's works in 12:214-15

         reading 16:315; 17 :158 ,347

         Satprem's  book , "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of

                Consciousness" 17 :347

         speaking 12:218-22,225

         Sri Aurobindo loved 12:33l-22

         studying 17:144-45

         teaching children 12:324-29,331

         teaching with little knowledge 17:43
French Institute (pondicherry)

         inaugural messags12:255


         cause of 10:294
Friend (s)

         adverse forces in guise of 5:15,7-58

         discussion with , learing identification 5:219-21

         Divine 10:352

         in another world 2:70

         our  ideal 9 :54-57

         people to be avoided as 9 :355-57

         relation with others 5:202-03

         smiling  at an enemy 15:370

         true 9:57

         1ove and ,16:409

          withdrawal of' Divine 16:119

          divert the heart 16:172

          change and 16 :169
Fruits 5:364; 16:l33;  17:159
Future 12 : 113-15 , 120 ,122 , l52 ,165 ,203 ,213 ,314 ; 15:80-81

          decided , but not revealed to men, 7 :2-3

          Divine consciousness  not past present or 10: 178-79

          faith in g1orions 17:377

          hope  builds  happy 16:186

          humanity's 2:146,161-62

          knowledge of 10:125-26

          leave it to the Brace 17:253

          letting things happen 8 : 13

          occultism and 5 :88

          of art 7:190

          of the Ashram 17:72

          of India 16:l95 17:240

          past and 17:301-02

          past lives and the 10:285; 12:148,169,218, 404-66; 16:353

          past, present and 10:49; 15:76-81

          path of 16:427

          realizations of  2 : 159 ; 8 :83 ; 9:298-99

          receive the 1uminous 17 :363

          relation  between sexes in life of  the 2:155-56

          reversal, , promised by experience 8:71 ,172


         signs of new 7:322

         Sri Aurobindo and 16:422

         "successful" 3:180

         supramental 8:313-17; 17:72

         type 2:164

         unpredictable by science 10:208

Future world see new creation
