Vol. 3



January 9, 1962
January 12, 1962
January 12, 1962
January 15, 1962
January 21, 1962
January 24, 1962
January 27, 1962
February 3, 1962
February 6, 1962
February 9, 1962
February 13, 1962
February 17, 1962
February 24, 1962
February 27, 1962
March 3, 1962
March 6, 1962
Undated (March) 1962

March 11, 1962
March 13, 1962
April 3, 1962
April 13, 1962
April 20, 1962
April 28, 1962
May 8, 1962
May 13, 1962
May 15, 1962

May 18, 1962
May 22, 1962
Undated (end of May) 1962

 May 24, 1962
May 27, 1962


May 29, 1962
May 31, 1962

June 2, 1962
June 6, 1962
June 9, 1962
June 12, 1962
June 16, 1962
June 20, 1962
June 23, 1962
June 27, 1962
June 30, 1962
July 4, 1962
July 7, 1962
July 11, 1962
July 14, 1962
July 18, 1962
July 21, 1962
July 25, 1962
July 28, 1962

July 31, 1962
August 4, 1962
August 8, 1962
August 11, 1962
August 14, 1962
August 18, 1962
August 25, 1962
August 28, 1962
August 31, 1962

September 5, 1962
September 8, 1962


September 15, 1962
September 18, 1962
September 22, 1962
September 26, 1962
September 29, 1962
October 3, 1962
October 6, 1962
October 12, 1962
October 16, 1962
October 20, 1962
October 24, 1962
October 27, 1962
October 30, 1962
November 3, 1962
November 7, 1962
November 10, 1962
November 14, 1962
November 17, 1962
November 20, 1962
November 23, 1962
November 27, 1962
November 30, 1962
December 4, 1962
December 8, 1962
December 12, 1962
December 15, 1962
December 19, 1962
December 22, 1962
December 25, 1962
December 28, 1962



ISBN 2-902776-33-0


January 24, 1962

(In connection with the preceding conversation on antidivine forces.)

I read a passage in Savitri which seems to link up exactly with what you were saying....

Ah, read it to me!

I'd rather you read it yourself, because my English.... I found it really striking - these four lines here....

(Mother reads:)

"Not only is there hope for godheads pure;

The violent and darkened deities

Leaped down from the one breast in rage to find

What the white gods had missed: they too are safe;

A Mother's eyes are on them and her arms

Stretched out in love desire her rebel sons."[[Savitri, Book X, Canto 2 (Cent. Ed. XXIX.613). ]]

Yes, that's it.

"What the white gods had missed...."

I didn't remember it. But that's it exactly. It's strange; when I read I see only what's needed at the moment. The rest seems to go unnoticed. And then as soon as it's needed, it comes back - as happened with what you just showed me.

Page 53

Yes, that's it - that's what just happened.

It's exactly like pulling open a curtain: everything is waiting there behind.

It's difficult for me to speak during these experiences because French comes to me more spontaneously, and the experiences all happen in English - Sri Aurobindo's power is so much with them....

All right, mon petit - when do I see you again?

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