Vol. 12


  January 1, 1971
January 11, 1971
January 16, 1971
January 17, 1971
January 23, 1971
January 27, 1971
January 30, 1971

February 3, 1971
February 6, 1971
February 10, 1971
February 13, 1971
February 17, 1971
February 20, 1971
February 21, 1971
February 24, 1971
February 25, 1971
February 27, 1971

March 1, 1971
March 2, 1971
March 3, 1971
March 4, 1971
March 5, 1971
March 6, 1971
March 10, 1971
March 13, 1971
March 17, 1971
March 24, 1971
March 27, 1971
March 31, 1971

April 1, 1971
April 3, 1971
April 7, 1971
April 10, 1971
April 11, 1971
April 14, 1971
April 17, 1971
April 21, 1971
April 28, 1971
April 29, 1971


May 1, 1971
May 5, 1971
May 8, 1971
May 12, 1971
May 15, 1971
May 19, 1971
May 22, 1971
May 25, 1971
May 26, 1971
May 27, 1971
May 29, 1971
May 30, 1971

June 2, 1971
June 3, 1971
June 5, 1971
June 9, 1971
June 12, 1971
June 16, 1971
June 23, 1971
June 26, 1971
June 30, 1971

July 3, 1971
July 10, 1971
July 14, 1971
July 17, 1971
July 21, 1971
July 24, 1971
July 28, 1971
July 31, 1971

August 4, 1971
August 7, 1971
August 11, 1971
August 14, 1971
August 18, 1971
August 21, 1971
August 25, 1971
August 28, 1971


September 1, 1971
September 4, 1971
September 8, 1971
September 11, 1971
September 14, 1971
September 15, 1971
September 18, 1971
September 22, 1971
September 29, 1971

October 2, 1971
October 6, 1971
October 9, 1971
October 13, 1971
October 16, 1971
October 20, 1971
October 23, 1971
October 27, 1971
October 30, 1971

November 10, 1971
November 13, 1971
November 17, 1971
November 20, 1971
November 24, 1971
November 27, 1971

December 1, 1971
December 4, 1971
December 8, 1971
December 11, 1971
December 13, 1971
December 15, 1971
December 18, 1971
December 22, 1971
December 25, 1971
December 27, 1971
December 29, 1971
December 29, 1971



ISBN 2-902776-33-0

July 17, 1971

Day before yesterday I was almost cured, I thought it was over, but then yesterday there was an avalanche of things ... oh, bad will, quarrels and ... it was so dreadful that the cold started up again. That's why it won't go away. I see that when things quiet down here and I can get back into my normal atmosphere, it's as if everything vanished -- I don't have a cold anymore, I am not in pain anymore. But back it comes from outside like a ferocious attack: people quarreling, squabbling, circumstances going awry, everything. And all that is thrown on me, so....

So it started up again last evening. It was over, you know: my nose and throat were clear, it was all gone. It really isn't me, it comes from outside. It's relentless. And naturally they all hold me responsible! I tell them one thing, they do another; I write them one thing, they twist it and make it into something else, and then afterwards, they say it's my fault. That's how it is. (Mother starts to cough)

Thoroughly charming.

In a way, it was like a demonstration -- like a stage play, you know, showing how people behave with the Divine. It was really comical!

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You may get angry and say, "How shameful!" -- but it was comical. It was laughable: everything is the Divine's fault! That's how people are commonly: it's the Divine who ill-uses them, the Divine who does not spare them, the Divine who arranges circumstances wrongly.... That's how it is. They're all like that.

And it's a kind of half-conscious malice: you do this, they just do that (slight twist), they twist it a little, and everything becomes distorted; you say one thing, they add a word or take one out and it's all distorted. Even what is written they read in their own way. It's stunning.

And it's on a large scale, you see, almost a world scale, at least a national one, in this country, but ... it has repercussions in China, Russia, Europe, America. They've made ... such a mess, you know, with this whole [Bangladesh] affair, it's dreadful -- dreadful. Now, they've found a solution: the Americans are trying to come to an agreement with the Chinese -- that's the last straw! -- to help Pakistan massacre people.

Yes, one has the impression that America is doing the politics

 of the adverse forces. You'd say they're working for the

 adverse forces....


Do you know that the President of the United States [Nixon] is

going to China?

Yes, can you beat that!

And they're not trying to make a rapprochement with the Rus

sians, far from it.

No, of course not!

In other words, they're doing everything just the reverse.


then Mother raises her arms
in a gesture of helplessness)

Did you bring something?

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Yes, there's your April message, which has to be translated into

 French for the Bulletin:
We are at one of these "Hours of God," when the

 old bases get shaken ...

That's exactly it.

... and there is a great confusion; but it is a

wonderful opportunity for those who want to leap

 forward, the possibility of progress is exceptional.

Will you not be of those who take advantage of it?

April 1, 1971

* * *

Z wants to bring her children back here.[[A disciple who went to Europe with her children, then came back. ]]

Yes, she told me you had told her to stay.

Oh!... No, that's just appalling!... She said to me, "Could my children come back here?" That's typically her. (And there's also something she is not saying.) And so naturally at once I told her yes. I said, "If you like, you can stay." She said, "Oh, I really would like to stay."

It's like this (gesture of twisting), everyone is that way.

Yes, everything is twisted.

(then the conversation moves on

 to the disciple in the Vatican)

Z says that P.L. did not behave well at all, that he is caught up

 in a world of money, power, women and ... I don't know what

 -- that he is completely under Monsignor R.'s thumb, you

 know, the one who is handling millions.

Yes, he was supposed to come here.

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Yes, that's right. P.L. is managing his affairs, those vast

 millions. In any event, Z reproaches him for being part of that

 world and she's broken with him.

I must tell you that occultly I had seen that a lot of money could come here through P.L. So naturally I increased his rapport [with the Force]. And normally it should come.

Deep down his attitude has remained what it was.

Yes, Mother, that I'm sure of! Even if appearances are at present

 like that, I'm convinced that in fact he is doing your work, or

 he's going to do it, or the ground is being prepared.

Yes, that's it. Exactly. I feel he can do an enormous work.

I feel that too.

Only not openly.


There's an onslaught of Falsehood. And you feel that only what is really true has the power to resist -- a bit above the mind.

But that [Z's words] gives you an example of how things are -- it's really a sort of derailment. Did she really say, "Mother asked me"?

Yes: "Mother told me to stay."

She said "told" or....

She said, "Mother told me." Well, anyway the way it is said

 means ... "Yes, Mother told me to stay," as if it were an order

 or advice that you gave her.

Yes ... that's it.


Oh, if you knew the experiences.... Just this kind of things [Z's words], everywhere, everywhere, all the time, from everyone-everything, everything is like this (gesture of twisting) oh!... And so my body, the body, said, "But I am like that too!" It saw its.... Oh, my God ... (Mother clasps her hands together) I understood

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 that if for a single minute the Supreme Consciousness had the kind of consciousness men have, the world would be dissolved. Quite spontaneously, our reaction, our spontaneous reaction to conflicts, to what seems bad to us, is: let's dissolve the Falsehood. It's a spontaneous reaction. Not transform -- dissolve. You see, there's a gulf between the two.


And it's spontaneous, it's the idea of doing away -- doing away with the Falsehood. But if for a single second the Supreme Lord had that movement, there would be no more world!... And so I think the body has understood that. I think it understood, it was extraordinary.... What are we anyway! What are men! They think they're, my God (Mother makes a gesture of puffing herself up), they think they're ... oh!... For the slightest will, or a slight comprehension, or when they make a slight effort for perfection, oh! (same gesture) they think they're, they think they're just extraordinary! (Mother takes her head in her hands and laughs.)

Somewhere Sri Aurobindo wrote that when you touched the Divine Consciousness, it suddenly gave you the sense of ... how laughable the world is in its self-conceit -- men's self-conceit. But even (I've had contact with animals), even in animals it begins. Vanity, vanity, vanity, vanity....

Indeed, there's really nothing to brag about.

Oh, no!

That's for sure.

Oh, no! -- no, it's not so much that they brag, but they are SELFCONCEITED.


You know, almost everywhere deception and attempts at deception are taken for goodwill. As for those who don't seek to deceive anybody but only deceive themselves, they are already exceptional beings.

These aren't discoveries, they are things I used to see; but you see them only occasionally, by way of exception, in one instance or another, whereas there I had the vision of the whole world, of the

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 entire earth, of all human effort, of all peoples, all ... we live in a deception. It's frightful!

And what's more, we deceive ourselves more than we try to deceive others.


In short, we see NOTHING as it is.

Yes, yes.... Yes.


At night I go walking on dirt roads which collapse.


Yes, total collapse.

The old conceptions.

(long silence)

There's only one salvation: to cling to the Divine like this (gesture with two fists).

Not clinging to what one thinks of the Divine, not even to what one feels of the Divine ... to an aspiration ... an aspiration as sincere as possible. And cling to that.


I am going to tell you something, because it's interesting. Sometime ago, before Z came back, I suddenly saw that Z's relationship with P.L. was preventing him from doing what he had to do. And so I really aspired for her to cease having an influence on him. (I had forgotten that, it was sometime before she came back, a rather long time before.)

Yes, I remember, you even told me about it.

It's curious.

You know, something I would have told you already is that now the body -- the consciousness of the body -- knows in advance what's going to happen, it knows in advance what people are going to say. It doesn't know it ... (how shall I put it?) exactly as it happens in

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 reality, but rather the SPIRIT in which it's done ... constantly. It's perfectly strange. I am here immobile, trying to belong only to the Divine, and things come -- they come like this (gesture as though on a screen in front of Mother), they come like this, things, events, people talking.... At first I thought it was my material consciousness, which did not know how to keep quiet, but then I realized it was coming to me from outside and was taking shape materially. Which means that now, if I were to mentalize those things, I could foresee events, tell what is going to happen, what's going to come.... The story about America and China, and all sorts of similar things came in that way. In ordinary men, the mind takes advantage of it to make prophecies -- but fortunately there isn't any mind here, it's quiet, it's absent. Only, when I am told things, when I am informed of things, nothing surprises this body anymore, it seems to know. It's strange.

A kind of universalization.

And if you knew how stupid the body feels -- both things at the same time.

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