


Part One

Essays Divine and Human


Section One (circa 1911)






The Siddhis

The Psychology of Yoga



Section Two (1910 ­ 1913)


Na Kinchidapi Chintayet

The Sources of Poetry

The Interpretation of Scripture

On Original Thinking

The Balance of Justice

Social Reform

Hinduism and the Mission of India

The Psychology of Yoga

The Claims of Theosophy

Science and Religion in Theosophy



The Silence behind Life



Section Three (circa 1913)


The Psychology of Yoga

Initial Definitions and Descriptions

The Object of Our Yoga


Purna Yoga

I. The Entire Purpose of Yoga

II. Parabrahman, Mukti and Human Thought-Systems

III. Parabrahman and Parapurusha


Natural and Supernatural Man

The Evolutionary Aim in Yoga

The Fullness of Yoga—In Condition





Section Four (1914 ­ 1919)


The Beginning and the End

The Hour of God

Beyond Good and Evil

The Divine Superman



Section Five (1927 and after)


The Law of the Way

Man and the Supermind

The Involved and Evolving Godhead

The Evolution of Consciousness

The Path




Part Two

From Man to Superman: Notes and Fragments on Philosophy, Psychology and Yoga


Section One. Philosophy: God, Nature and Man


God: The One Reality

Nature: The World-Manifestation

Man and Superman



Section Two. Psychology: The Science of Consciousness


The Problem of Consciousness

Consciousness and the Inconscient

The Science of Consciousness



Section Three. Yoga: Change of Consciousness and Transformation of Nature


The Way of Yoga

Partial Systems of Yoga

Integral Yoga



Part Three

Notes and Fragments on Various Subjects


Section One. The Human Being in Time


The Marbles of Time

A Theory of the Human Being

A Cyclical Theory of Evolution



Section Two. The East and the West


A Misunderstanding of Continents

Towards Unification

China, Japan and India



Section Three. India


Renascent India

Where We Stand in Literature



Section Four. Genius, Poetry, Beauty


The Origin of Genius

Poetic Genius

The Voices of the Poets


A Dream

The Beauty of a Crow's Wings



Section Five. Science, Religion, Reason, Justice




Reason and Society




Part Four

Thoughts and Aphorisms





Additional Aphorisms




The Psychology of Yoga


Yoga is not a modern invention of the human mind, but our ancient and prehistoric possession. The Veda is our oldest extant human document and the Veda, from one point of view, is a great compilation of practical hints about Yoga. All religion is a flower of which Yoga is the root; all philosophy, poetry & the works of genius use it, consciously or unconsciously, as an instrument. We believe that God created the world by Yoga and by Yoga He will draw it into Himself again. Yogah prabhavapyayau, Yoga is the birth and passing away of things. When Srikrishna reveals to Arjuna the greatness of His creation and the manner in which He has built it out of His being by a reconciliation of logical opposites, he says "Pasya me yogam aishwaram", Behold my divine Yoga. We usually attach a more limited sense to the word; when we use or hear it, we think of the details of Patanjali's system, of rhythmic breathing, of peculiar ways of sitting, of concentration of mind, of the trance of the adept. But these are merely details of particular systems. The systems are not the thing itself, any more than the water of an irrigation canal is the river Ganges. Yoga may be done without the least thought for the breathing, in any posture or no posture, without any insistence on concentration, in the full waking condition, while walking, working, eating, drinking, talking with others, in any occupation, in sleep, in dream, in states of unconsciousness, semi-consciousness, double-consciousness. It is no nostrum or system or fixed practice, but an eternal fact of process based on the very nature of the Universe.

Nevertheless in practice the name may be limited to certain applications of this general process for specific and definite ends. Yoga stands essentially on the fact that in this world we are everywhere one, yet divided; one yet divided in our being, one with yet divided from our fellow creatures of all kinds, one with


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yet divided from the infinite existence which we call God, Nature or Brahman. Yoga, generally, is the power which the soul in one body has of entering into effective relation with other souls, with parts of itself which are behind the waking consciousness, with forces of Nature and objects in Nature, with the Supreme Intelligence, Power & Bliss which governs the world either for the sake of that union in itself or for the purpose of increasing or modifying our manifest being, knowledge, faculty, force or delight. Any system which organises our inner being & our outer frame for these ends may be called a system of Yoga.  


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