


Part One

Essays Divine and Human


Section One (circa 1911)






The Siddhis

The Psychology of Yoga



Section Two (1910 ­ 1913)


Na Kinchidapi Chintayet

The Sources of Poetry

The Interpretation of Scripture

On Original Thinking

The Balance of Justice

Social Reform

Hinduism and the Mission of India

The Psychology of Yoga

The Claims of Theosophy

Science and Religion in Theosophy



The Silence behind Life



Section Three (circa 1913)


The Psychology of Yoga

Initial Definitions and Descriptions

The Object of Our Yoga


Purna Yoga

I. The Entire Purpose of Yoga

II. Parabrahman, Mukti and Human Thought-Systems

III. Parabrahman and Parapurusha


Natural and Supernatural Man

The Evolutionary Aim in Yoga

The Fullness of Yoga—In Condition





Section Four (1914 ­ 1919)


The Beginning and the End

The Hour of God

Beyond Good and Evil

The Divine Superman



Section Five (1927 and after)


The Law of the Way

Man and the Supermind

The Involved and Evolving Godhead

The Evolution of Consciousness

The Path




Part Two

From Man to Superman: Notes and Fragments on Philosophy, Psychology and Yoga


Section One. Philosophy: God, Nature and Man


God: The One Reality

Nature: The World-Manifestation

Man and Superman



Section Two. Psychology: The Science of Consciousness


The Problem of Consciousness

Consciousness and the Inconscient

The Science of Consciousness



Section Three. Yoga: Change of Consciousness and Transformation of Nature


The Way of Yoga

Partial Systems of Yoga

Integral Yoga



Part Three

Notes and Fragments on Various Subjects


Section One. The Human Being in Time


The Marbles of Time

A Theory of the Human Being

A Cyclical Theory of Evolution



Section Two. The East and the West


A Misunderstanding of Continents

Towards Unification

China, Japan and India



Section Three. India


Renascent India

Where We Stand in Literature



Section Four. Genius, Poetry, Beauty


The Origin of Genius

Poetic Genius

The Voices of the Poets


A Dream

The Beauty of a Crow's Wings



Section Five. Science, Religion, Reason, Justice




Reason and Society




Part Four

Thoughts and Aphorisms





Additional Aphorisms




The Hour of God


There are moments when the Spirit moves among men and the breath of the Lord is abroad upon the waters of our being; there are others when it retires and men are left to act in the strength or the weakness of their own egoism. The first are periods when even a little effort produces great results and changes destiny; the second are spaces of time when much labour goes to the making of a little result. It is true that the latter may prepare the former, may be the little smoke of sacrifice going up to heaven which calls down the rain of God's bounty. Unhappy is the man or the nation which, when the divine moment arrives, is found sleeping or unprepared to use it, because the lamp has not been kept trimmed for the welcome and the ears are sealed to the call. But thrice woe to them who are strong and ready, yet waste the force or misuse the moment; for them is irreparable loss or a great destruction.

In the hour of God cleanse thy soul of all self-deceit and hypocrisy and vain self-flattering that thou mayst look straight into thy spirit and hear that which summons it. All insincerity of nature, once thy defence against the eye of the Master and the light of the ideal, becomes now a gap in thy armour and invites the blow. Even if thou conquer for the moment, it is the worse for thee, for the blow shall come afterwards and cast thee down in the midst of thy triumph. But being pure cast aside all fear; for the hour is often terrible, a fire and a whirlwind and a tempest, a treading of the winepress of the wrath of God; but he who can stand up in it on the truth of his purpose is he who shall stand; even though he fall, he shall rise again, even though he seem to pass on the wings of the wind, he shall return. Nor let worldly prudence whisper too closely in thy ear; for it is the hour of the unexpected, the incalculable, the immeasurable. Mete not the   


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power of the Breath by thy petty instruments, but trust and go forward.

But most keep thy soul clear, even if for a while, of the clamour of the ego. Then shall a fire march before thee in the night and the storm be thy helper and thy flag shall wave on the highest height of the greatness that was to be conquered.  


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