Vol. 13


  January 1, 1972
January 2, 1972
January 5, 1972
January 8, 1972
January 12, 1972
January 15, 1972
January 19, 1972
January 22, 1972
January 26, 1972
January 29, 1972
January 30, 1972

February 1, 1972
February 2, 1972
February 5, 1972
February 7, 1972
February 8, 1972
February 9, 1972
February 10, 1972
February 11, 1972
February 12, 1972
February 16, 1972
February 19, 1972
February 22, 1972
February 23, 1972
February 26, 1972

March 1, 1972
March 4, 1972
March 8, 1972
March 10, 1972
March 11, 1972
March 15, 1972
March 17, 1972
March 18, 1972
March 19, 1972
March 22, 1972
March 24, 1972
March 25, 1972
March 29, 1972
March 29, 1972
March 30, 1972

April 2, 1972
April 2, 1972
April 3, 1972
April 4, 1972
April 5, 1972
April 6, 1972
April 8, 1972
April 12, 1972
April 13, 1972
April 15, 1972
April 19, 1972
April 22, 1972
April 26, 1972
April 29, 1972

May 4, 1972
May 6, 1972
May 7, 1972
May 13, 1972
May 17, 1972
May 19, 1972
May 20, 1972
May 24, 1972
May 26, 1972
May 27, 1972
May 29, 1972
May 31, 1972


June 3, 1972
June 4, 1972
June 7, 1972
June 10, 1972
June 14, 1972
June 17, 1972
June 18, 1972
June 21, 1972
June 23, 1972
June 24, 1972
June 28, 1972

July 1, 1972
July 5, 1972
July 8, 1972
July 12, 1972
July 15, 1972
July 19, 1972
July 22, 1972
July 26, 1972
July 29, 1972

August 2, 1972
August 5, 1972
August 9, 1972
August 12, 1972
August 16, 1972
August 19, 1972
August 26, 1972
August 30, 1972

September 6, 1972
September 9, 1972
September 13, 1972
September 16, 1972
September 20, 1972
September 30, 1972

October 7, 1972
October 11, 1972
October 14, 1972
October 18, 1972
October 21, 1972
October 25, 1972
October 28, 1972
October 30, 1972


November 2, 1972
November 4, 1972
November 8, 1972
November 11, 1972
November 15, 1972
November 18, 1972
November 22, 1972
November 25, 1972
November 26, 1972

December 2, 1972
December 6, 1972
December 9, 1972
December 10, 1972
December 13, 1972
December 16, 1972
December 20, 1972
December 23, 1972
December 26, 1972
December 27, 1972
December 30, 1972


January 1, 1973
January 3, 1973
January 10, 1973
January 13, 1973
January 17, 1973
January 20, 1973
January 24, 1973
January 31, 1973

February 3, 1973
February 7, 1973
February 8, 1973
February 14, 1973
February 17, 1973
February 18, 1973
February 21, 1973
February 28, 1973

March 3, 1973
March 7, 1973
March 10, 1973
March 14, 1973
March 17, 1973
March 19, 1973
March 21, 1973
March 24, 1973
March 26, 1973
March 28, 1973
March 30, 1973
March 31, 1973

April 7, 1973
April 8, 1973
April 10, 1973
April 11, 1973
April 14, 1973
April 18, 1973
April 25, 1973
April 29, 1973
April 30, 1973

May 3, 1973
May 9, 1973
May 14, 1973
May 15, 1973
May 15, 1973
May 19, 1973
And Now



ISBN 2-902776-33-0

July 26, 1972

(In an attempt to bring the book distribution in line, Mother,

 on Satprem's suggestion, asked a young teacher from the

 school to be in charge of the copyright department. Mother

 first speaks of this young teacher.)

He's discovering skeletons! Poor M. [All India Press director], he was so upset!

Naturally, for he isn't the real culprit in all this, you know, it's

the other one behind, SABDA.

Oh, that's....

And that's why he is hurt - because he's more receptive. The

 other one is penned up in his falsehood...

The other one is a NO! (Mother makes the gesture of something compact.)



(Mother looks for something near her.)

I had something I wanted to show you ... (Mother does not find it). I don't know, I thought I had kept some things for you, but I don't know where they are now.

You know, this (Mother sweeps a hand across her forehead) is almost emptiness itself. There's nothing here (forehead) - nothing. When I am perfectly quiet and still (Mother raises a finger upward), some things come (gesture above), some things get done or straightened out - it takes place above. When I am like that, after a while a whole world of things gets done, gets organized, but it's ... (what can I say?) it's another kind of reality, a more ... substantial reality. How is it more substantial? I don't know. Matter seems ... unsubstantial compared to that. Unsubstantial, opaque, unreceptive. Whereas that is....

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The funny part is that people think I am asleep! I don't at all sleep. That's how I spend my nights: a Force at work.

And I am conscious ... but it's hard to put in words. Words are ... words distort. Really a new kind of consciousness is developing - how will it express itself ? I have no idea.

So people are convinced that I am asleep, that I am deaf, that ... and on top of it all, I can barely speak (laughing) - so I must have become an old.... I hardly belong to the old world anymore, so the old world says: she's finished - I couldn't care less!

Yes, I should think so!

I am telling you because I can tell you things.

But it's probably better this way.

The trouble is, I am becoming an object of curiosity; that's a problem because.... A host of people come flocking here just for that: an object of curiosity.

But there's this odd thing: for EVERYTHING, for everything I do - for instance, I still take my bath, I try to eat (it's the most difficult - VERY difficult), for everything ... (Mother stops short).

I wanted to tell you something, but it's gone.

Maybe it was not meant to be said.

Yes, you are obviously impelled by something else.

Yes, yes, that's right. Exactly.

So much so that sometimes, just after doing something, I wonder.... I suddenly ask myself, "Did you do this?" - and I've just done it!

That's how it is.

Yes, I quite understand. But when you act in that other, more

substantial matter, how does it find its way into this old matter

 here? How is your organization up there communicated here?


I don't know, there's almost an interdiction to speak; because whenever I try to express something, I suddenly find myself before a blank.

Yes, I can understand why.

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Everything conspires to give the impression that I am falling apart.

Yes, but that doesn't matter!

Provided somebody knows it to be untrue is what counts - YOU know.

But still, a good number of people here, though not knowing,

 feel that way.


More than you think.

Ah, the Force is tremendous, mon petit!

Those physically nearest to you are not necessarily those who feel it.

Yes, I know - because they just see this appearance, which is not so.... I tell you: I do things, and I don't know how I do them. There's a kind of.... Oh, but the most fascinating field of experience is food 11 am not hungry, I don't feel like eating, food doesn't interest me by any means, yet they bring me my meal, and I "have" to eat - sometimes I eat (always in small quantity), but since I don't move and don't work, I don't need material energy, so I don't need to eat much, and I don't think I am losing weight (Mother touches her arms).

No, apparently not.

Apparently not, therefore....

But you aren't heavy! [laughter]

Oh, I've never been heavy!

But it's truly interesting, because I don't at all feel like eating, I am not interested in it, and yet something FORCES me to eat - not much, but it says, "Eat."

The same with speech. Things are so clear, there is such a clear vision! (gesture above the head) When I am silent and quiet for

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 hours, SO MUCH work is being done, and everywhere at the same time (universal gesture).... But I can't express it.


This incapacity to speak is also rather special....

(long silence)

There are so many things I would like to tell you. But a kind of will bars me from speaking. So I....

Yes, I understand the danger of mentalizing things. I really

 understand. It's dangerous.

Oh, but mon petit, the mind is gone.

No, I mean mentalizing by expressing things.

Yes, exactly. It distorts.

We must be patient.

This (Mother points to the garlands of "Patience" around her wrists) is symbolic. Repeatedly it's: patience, patience, patience.

But the others, too, must be patient. And you, you must be very patient.

Yes, Mother.

Very patient - do you want my patience? (Mother slips her

 garland around Satprem's wrist). And she too (to Sujata): tell me,

do you want my patience? (Mother gives another garland) Here.


So what do you think could help you? Would you like some silence ? ...

Oh, that's....

... or would you rather ask me questions?

(Mother plunges in)

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